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Created July 18, 2014 15:34
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* User: jconley
* Date: 7/14/2014
trait Db {
def name: String
class MySQLDb extends Db {
val name = "MySQL"
class PostgresDb extends Db {
val name = "Postgres"
trait WeatherWS {
def currentTemp: Double
class ForecastIOWeatherWS extends WeatherWS {
def currentTemp = 101.5
class WeatherDotComWeatherWS extends WeatherWS {
def currentTemp = 99.7
trait DbConfig {
val db: Db
trait WeatherWSConfig {
val weather: WeatherWS
trait GlobalConfig extends DbConfig with WeatherWSConfig {
def ping = println(s"Db is ${} Weather is ${weather.currentTemp}")
object Parfait extends App {
val config = new GlobalConfig{
val db = new PostgresDb
val weather = new WeatherDotComWeatherWS
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