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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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  • Save josephpconley/e5b559baef9a4ba54c7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save josephpconley/e5b559baef9a4ba54c7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DIY Continuous Integration - Save this script in DataCombinator and create a repo webhook in Github pointing to that script's POST url (populate variables based on your host info)
api(post,{{repository.full_name}}/statuses/{{after}}, 4,
{"state": "pending"}
ssh(<host>, <user>, <pass>,
"cd {{}} && git fetch origin && git checkout {{after}} && sbt test"
if(this.exitCode == 0,
api(post,{{_.0.repository.full_name}}/statuses/{{_.0.after}}, 4,
{"state": "success"}
api(post,{{_.0.repository.full_name}}/statuses/{{_.0.after}}, 4,
{"state": "failure"}
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