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Last active May 26, 2017 21:48
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waitFor port for `phantomjs-node`
var async = require('async');
module.exports = waitFor;
* waitFor port used with
* @see {@link}
* @see {@link}
* @callback testFx - Test function, will repeat until true or timeout limit is reached
* @callback onReady - Fires if/when `testFx` passes.
* @param {(number|boolean|string)} [timeOut=false] - If defined and falsey or string value of`forever`
* then `waitFor` will run until `testFx` passes without
* timing out, otherwise pass a number in miliseconds.
function waitFor(testFx, onReady, timeOut) {
var maxtimeOutMillis = typeof timeOut !== 'undefined' ? timeOut : 5000 // Default Max Timout is 5s if not defined
, start = new Date().getTime()
, isAsync = testFx.length > 0
, passing = undefined
function Test() {
return typeof passing !== 'undefined';
function Action(cb) {
if (!maxtimeOutMillis || maxtimeOutMillis == 'forever' || new Date().getTime() - start < maxtimeOutMillis) {
// If a callback is passed to `testFx` we'll handle that.
function useCallback(){
passing = arguments[0]
return cb();
passing = (function(){
return (typeof(testFx) === "string" ? eval(testFx) : testFx).apply(this, arguments);
})(isAsync ? useCallback : undefined);
if(!isAsync) cb();
} else {
return cb(new Error('`waitFor` timeout'));
}, 250);
function Done(err) {
return (function(){
return (typeof(onReady) === "string" ? eval(onReady) : onReady).apply(this, arguments);
})(err, passing);
var PhantomJS = require('phantom');
var waitFor = require('./phantomjs-waitFor');
var util = require('util');
PhantomJS.create(function phantom(ph){
ph.createPage(function(page){'', function(status){
if(status !== 'fail'){
// required for an example below
page.set('onUrlChanged', function(url){
page.url = url;
* As a simple example lets say we want to render an image of the google home page
* only after the logo has loaded ... (not the best example, but you should get the idea)
* @callback cb - waitFor's testFx callback can pass the results to a callback
* or return the value directly, heres the callback example
waitFor(function Test(cb){
return document.getElementById("hplogo").outerHTML;
}, function(logo){
}, function(err, pass){
page.render('./google.jpg', function(){
console.log("render complete");
} else {
}, 3000)
* And heres an example with a basic return
* ***
* *** Note that lack of a `cb` argument, if you include a `cb` arg
* *** and don't provide it then the `testFx` never passes
* ***
* Here we'll render a screenshot for every results page
waitFor(function Test(){
return /google\.com\/webhp.+q=/g.test(page.url);
}, function(err, pass){
var match = page.url.match(/^http[s]?:\/\/www\.google\.com\/webhp\?.*start=(\d+)/i);
var badImageFileName = util.format("./results_page_%d.jpg", match ? (parseInt(match[1]) + 10)/10 : 1);
page.render(badImageFileName, function(){
console.log("render complete");
} else {
}, 3000)
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murilozilli commented May 26, 2017

this example didn't work for me using:
"phantom": "^4.0.3",
on a node controller normal get endpoint

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