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Last active January 8, 2019 20:32
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Test if two json dicts are equal.
def _get_json_iterator(json):
if isinstance(json, dict):
return json.keys()
elif isinstance(json, list):
return range(len(json))
raise Exception()
def is_json_equal(json_a, json_b):
if json_a is json_b:
return True
if json_a is None or json_b is None:
return False
b_contains_a = False
for key in _get_json_iterator(json_a):
if key not in json_b:
value_a = json_a[key]
value_b = json_b[key]
if type(value_a) is not type(value_b):
if isinstance(value_a, (dict, list)) and not is_json_equal(value_a, value_b):
elif value_a != value_b:
# only executes if break is not executed
b_contains_a = True
# we recurrsivly checked if all keys in json_a are in json_b
# as well as recurrsivly check the values of those keys.
# we need to check that json_b doesn't have extra keys
a_contains_b = False
if b_contains_a: # be lazy
for key in _get_json_iterator(json_b):
if key not in json_a:
# only executes if break is not executed
a_contains_b = True
return b_contains_a and a_contains_b
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