You're going to spend all day looking at your terminal. Make it be kind to you.
Here's a video walk-through of part 1 of this guide:
stands for "too long; didn't read". It's a great tool, too.
to install, just do
$ brew install tldr
Then try the following commands:
$ tldr cd
$ tldr ls
$ tldr git
$ tldr git add
$ tldr git clone
... you get the idea
We'll follow the git tab completion instructions from Learn Enough Git
In your terminal, enter the following commands:
$ curl -o ~/ -OL
$ curl -o ~/.git-completion.bash -OL
Next, chmod
the permissions on them, using the following:
$ chmod +x ~/
$ chmod +x ~/.git-completion.bash
OK. You've got what you need. We're now going to edit one more file:
The following should be in your ~/.bash_profile
If you don't know where or what that file is, no problem.
To find it (or create it), cd
to your root directory ($ cd ~
and type ls -la
. look through the files that start with .
If a file called .bash_profile
is there, great. Open it in atom. If it's not, great, create it and open it in atom.
# if you have other stuff in this file, leave it. Just _add_ the following to the file.
source ~/
PS1='[\W$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")]\$ '
export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${PWD/#$HOME/~}\007"'
# Tab completion for branch names
source ~/.git-completion.bash
after making these changes (or any changes) to see them take effect, either quit and restart your terminal, or run
$ source ~/.bash_profile
from the command line.
If you want your prompt to have an off-set color than the rest of your terminal, you can do so.
Here's a video walk-through of the next piece:
Open up your ~/.bashrc
, comment out any exisint references to your PS1
, and paste in the following:
# the following is random instructiosn from Josh Thompson. Here be dragons
# josh's non-default terminal settings
export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${PWD/#$HOME/~}\007"'
# from
export LSCOLORS=GxBxhxDxfxhxhxhxhxcxcx
PS1="\[\e[32;40m\][\W$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")]\$\[\e[m\] "
# do you wonder what the heck these crazy characters do? check it out:
And that's it. Run source ~/.bashrc
, and you should see the color offsets.
Don't forget to set your terminal background to black, and your text color to white, like so:
If you do it right, it'll all look like so: