I hereby claim:
- I am andjosh on github.
- I am jbckmn (https://keybase.io/jbckmn) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCqc2nZ1MIOYr3iys0lhzIORv0-z_vq-zEsdnWK52W4rQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
var fs = require('fs'); | |
var child_process = require('child_process'); | |
var main = () => { | |
var excludedFileNames = /\| Hacker News/; | |
var journal = 'worklog'; | |
fs.readdirSync('.') | |
.filter(f => f.match(/\.md$/)) | |
.map(f => { | |
return Object.assign(fs.statSync(f), { |
var readline = require('readline'); | |
var jumpEmpty = '▖▘▝'.split(''); | |
var block = '\x1b[31m▖\x1b[0m'; | |
var space = ' '; | |
var Game = function(options){ | |
if(!(this instanceof Game)) return new Game(options) | |
options = options || {}; | |
this.width = options.width || 50; |
# Let's output to a jpeg file | |
set terminal jpeg size 500,500 | |
# This sets the aspect ratio of the graph | |
set size 1, 1 | |
# The file we'll write to | |
set output "timeseries-narro-10.jpg" | |
# The graph title | |
set title "Benchmark testing 1000(10c)" | |
# Where to place the legend/key | |
set key left top |
import perf from '../lib/perf.js'; | |
const THRESHOLD = 83; // ~ 5 animation frames | |
const slowLog = (action, duration) => { | |
(requestAnimationFrame || setTimeout)(() => { | |
console.warn(`[perf] action ${action.type} took ${duration.toFixed(2)}ms`, { | |
mean: perf.mean(action.type), | |
sdev: perf.sdev(action.type), | |
samples: perf.getEntriesByName(action.type).length, | |
}); |
import perf from '../lib/perf.js'; | |
const THRESHOLD = 83; // ~ 5 animation frames | |
const perfMiddleware = store => next => action => { | |
perf.start(action.type); | |
let result = next(action); | |
perf.end(action.type); | |
if (perf.duration(action.type) > THRESHOLD) { | |
console.warn(`[perf] action ${action.type} took ${perf.duration(action.type).toFixed(2)}ms`, { |
import log from './log.js'; | |
import __ from './console.sparkline.js'; | |
const debug = log('[perf]'); | |
export const hasPerf = typeof self !== 'undefined' && self.performance; | |
export const hasPerfNow = hasPerf && self.performance.now; | |
export const hasPerfMark = hasPerf && self.performance.mark; | |
let marks = {}; | |
let measures = {}; |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
https://jvns.ca/atom.xml | |
http://sonniesedge.co.uk/feed.xml | |
https://eev.ee/feeds/blog.atom.xml | |
http://feeds.feedburner.com/turkeltaub | |
https://marco.org/rss2 | |
https://daringfireball.net/feeds/main | |
http://www.evanmiller.org/news.xml | |
http://feeds.feedburner.com/codinghorror | |
http://feeds.feedburner.com/HighScalability | |
http://www.overcomingbias.com/feed |
#!/bin/bash | |
# | |
# A command to run a heroku CLI command for multiple apps | |
# | |
# USAGE | |
# $ heroku_multi config:set FOO=bar -a app-1 two-app three-apps | |
# | |
i=0 | |
position=0 |
var assert = require('chai').assert | |
var request = require('supertest') | |
var async = require('async') | |
var defaults = require('../defaults') | |
require('../example/app.js') | |
describe('Mongo-Throttle', function () { | |
// app.use('/api/', throttle()) | |
describe('With no configs,', function () { | |
it('should set headers', function (done) { |