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Created September 25, 2024 21:03
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Adds a key handler to PSReadLine that when pressed, asks the user what they're trying to do, then uses Meta Llama 3 405B (via NVIDIA) to get a short PowerShell snippet (other CLIs work as well) and injects it into the input buffer WITHOUT executing it, so that the user can review and make edits as needed.
# To use:
# - Add an environment variable called NV_LLAMA_API_KEY and set it to a valid API key
# - Add the following script somewhere to your profile
# - At a *blank* PowerShell prompt, press Ctrl+` (backtick)
# - Type what you want to do at the prompt in plain english
# - The code generated by the LLM will be inserted into the input buffer without executing it
# - Make whatever changes are necessary to the generated command(s) and proceed as normal
# > Ask AI: recursively get all files in the current directory with the archive bit set
# > Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File | Where-Object { $_.Attributes -match 'Archive' }
# > Ask AI: use pandoc to convert myfile.docx to markdown
# > pandoc myfile.docx -f docx -t markdown -o
# > Ask AI: pull the latest git commit without losing my pending changes!
# > git pull --autostash
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key 'Ctrl+`' -ScriptBlock {
[String]$API_URL = ''
[String]$API_MODEL = 'meta/llama-3.1-405b-instruct'
# Probably should switch this to PowerShell's secret management module.
# For now this needs to be set as a system or user environment variable.
# Get an API key at
[String]$InputText = ''
[Int32]$Cursor = 0
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$InputText, [ref]$Cursor)
# Abort if there's anything in the input buffer because I haven't really
# thought about how to handle asking what to do mid-command yet.
if ($InputText.Length) { return }
if (!$API_KEY) {
Write-Warning 'API_KEY not set.'
if ($InputText = Read-Host -Prompt 'Ask AI') {
$Headers = @{
'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
'Authorization' = "Bearer $($API_KEY)"
$RequestBody = @{
model = $API_MODEL
max_tokens = 200
temperature = 0.1
messages = @(
'You will provide assistance to a user with PowerShell or command line tasks. ' +
'Your response should consist of ONLY the short command line to carry out the desired task. ' +
'If you dont know, or the user asked a truly stupid or unrelated question, just return a snarky/dismissive reply in a PowerShell comment block.' +
'Your input will be injected directly into the input buffer, so do not include any markdown or commentary. ' +
'Your output *must* be able to be interpreted by PowerShell. ' +
'It is perfectly acceptable (and preferable even) to use well-known, default aliases like ? for Where-Object or % for ForEach-Object. ' +
'Prefer concise output where possible. For example, `? LinkType -eq SymbolicLink` over `Where-Object { $_.LinkType -eq "SymbolicLink" }`. ' +
'You may use CLI tools, but be sure to use PowerShell syntax if chaining commands.' +
# This synthetic chat history acts as few-shot training examples.
# Seems to guide the model better by making it think it provided these
# responses instead of jamming them into the system prompt.
@{role='user';content='How do I create a symbolic link?'}
@{role='assistant';content='New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path $LinkPath -Target $TargetPath'}
@{role='user';content='pull the latest git commit without losing my pending changes'}
@{role='assistant';content='git pull --autostash'}
@{role='user';content='perform a long running task on each line in a file with concurrency'}
@{role='assistant';content="cat input.txt | % -Parallel -ThrottleLimit 4 {`n # do long-running task`n}"}
# User input
# Absolutely no error handling here
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $API_URL -Headers $Headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $RequestBody)
$OutputText = $Response.choices[0].message.content
# No matter how hard I try to guide it, occasionally it will still wrap a multi-line
# response in a markdown code fence. This completely un-optimized and fragile regex
# will attempt to strip off that markdown wrapper.
$OutputText = $OutputText -replace '(?s)^(\s|\r|\n)*```powershell(\s|\r|\n)+(.*)(\s|\r|\n)+```(\s|\r|\n)*$','$3'
# Goes back to PSReadLine prompt editing mode with the generated code sitting in the
# input buffer waiting to be edited or executed. Afterwards, it will be in your command
# history just as if you had typed it yourself.
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