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Forked from jaygooby/
Last active September 1, 2015 03:23
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Call via crontab on whatever schedule suits you; keep n full mysql Percona xtrabackups of your mysql database, with binary logs applied. Also does a full mysqldump that can then have the binary logs applied to restore to a point-in-time backup via the binlogs. Copy all of this (backup, mysqldump, binlogs) to S3.
# Carries out a full mysqldump, calls percona-xtrabackup and then
# copies the sql dump, the percona backup and your mysql bin logs
# to S3 using s3cmd
# TODO: extract out the S3 backup stuff to make it optional, and so
# other s3 programs can replace the s3cmd call.
# TODO: the if [ $? == 0 ] alert blocks should be a function
# TODO: make the if [ $? == 0 ] if [ $? != 0 ] more consistent - test
# for failure first in all cases
# Put me in cron.daily, cron.hourly or cron.d for your own custom schedule
# Running daily? You'll keep 3 daily backups
# Running hourly? You'll keep 3 hourly backups
# Who wants to know when the backup failed
[email protected]
# Your mysql bucket, where the backups and dumps will get
# copied to
# Where you keep your backups
# The folder in $BACKUPDIR where you'll keep your mysqldumps
# How you'll do a mysqldump
# the --master-data=2 means we're able to do point-in-time recovery
# using the binlogs that we'll also backup
MYSQLDUMP_OPTIONS="-u root -h --all-databases --single-transaction --default-character-set=latin1 --skip-set-charset --master-data=2"
# Where your mysql binary logs live
# path to innobackupex
# Add any other files you never want to remove
# The mysql user able to access all the databases
# Shouldn't need to change these...
# The dumps and percona backups we'll be removing
PREV=$(ls $BACKUPDIR | sort | grep -v "$(ls $BACKUPDIR | tail -n $NUM_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP)" | grep -v $DUMPDIR)
PREVDUMP=$(ls $DUMPDIR | sort | grep -v "$(ls $DUMPDIR | tail -n $NUM_DUMPS_TO_KEEP)")
# do a mysqldump
$DUMP | /bin/gzip -9 > $DUMPDIR/$(date +%Y%m%d_%H:%M).sql.gz
# we got a full dump
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
# only remove if $PREVDUMP is set
if [ -n "$PREVDUMP" ]; then
# remove dumps you don't want to keep
cd $DUMPDIR && rm -rf $PREVDUMP
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Looks like there was a problem deleting $PREVDUMP in $DUMPDIR" | mail $EMAIL -s "Couldn't remove $PREVDUMP in $DUMPDIR"
echo "Couldn't do the mysqldump to $DUMPDIR" | mail $EMAIL -s "mysqldump to $DUMPDIR failed"
# run a backup
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
# we got a backup, now we need to apply the binary logs
MOST_RECENT=$(ls $BACKUPDIR | grep -v $DUMPS | sort | tail -n1)
# ensure the generated cnf file used by xtrabackup has innodb_file_per_table set
# otherwise using the --export switch will fail
echo "innodb_file_per_table" >> $BACKUPDIR/$MOST_RECENT/backup-my.cnf
# binary logs were applied OK, so we have a brand new percona backup
# so remove older backups we don't need
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
# only remove if $PREV is set
if [ -n "$PREV" ]; then
# remove backups you don't want to keep
cd $BACKUPDIR && rm -rf $PREV
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Looks like there was a problem deleting $PREV in $BACKUPDIR"
# Sync the percona backups to S3
# ionice the s3 sync, so we don't block the mysql server
/usr/bin/ionice -c 2 -n 6 /usr/bin/s3cmd sync --delete-removed $BACKUPDIR/* s3://$S3_BUCKET/backups/
# alert if the s3 sync failed
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Looks like there was a problem with the mysql backup syncing to S3" | mail $EMAIL -s "Couldn't copy mysql backup to S3"
# now back up the latest binlogs too, we'll need these if we want to do a point-in-time restore (which the mysqldump is prepped for)
/usr/bin/ionice -c 2 -n 6 /usr/bin/s3cmd sync --delete-removed $MYSQL_BIN_LOG_DIR/mysql-bin* s3://$S3_BUCKET/binlogs/
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Couldn't sync the SQL binlogs to S3 - you won't be able do a point-in-time recovery" | mail $EMAIL -s "Mysql binlogs not copied to S3"
echo "Couldn't apply the binary logs to the backup $BACKUPDIR/$MOST_RECENT" | mail $EMAIL -s "Mysql binary log didn't get applied to backup"
# problem with initial backup :(
echo "Couldn't do a mysql backup" | mail $ALERT -s "Mysql backup failed"
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