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Created February 1, 2010 01:56
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xml to javascript
// Get leaf data
// or could iterate over leaf.attributes
function show(leaf,ind) { return [leaf.tagName, leaf.getAttribute ? leaf.getAttribute("data") : leaf.textContent]; }
function grab(node,indented) {
var ind=indented||"";
return function(item) {
var others = "";
if (item.childNodes && item.childNodes.length > 0) others = grab(item.childNodes, ind + " ");
return ind + show(item).join(": ") +"\n"+ others
// get XML
var x = document.childNodes;
// walk XML for data
var slice = Array.prototype.slice
/** parsexml: convert google weather xml to Javascript object */
function parsexml(xml) { return parsed(xml[0]) }
/** parsed(node): turn attributes and children into Objects or Arrays (if defined more than once) */
function parsed(node){ var here=getAttr(node); if (node.nodeValue) here.text = node.nodeValue; here.nodeName = node.nodeName; if (node && node.childNodes) { here.length = node.childNodes.length; slice.apply( node.childNodes ).forEach(function(subnode,ndx) { var p=parsed(subnode); if (typeof(p) != "string") here[ndx] = p; if (subnode.tagName) { setTo( here, subnode.tagName, p); } else { setTo(here, 'text', p.text); } } )}; return here; }
/** getAttr(node): return attributes of the node as an Object */
function getAttr(node) { var obj={}; if (!node) return obj; var list=node.attributes||[]; if(list.length===1&&list[0].name==="data") return list[0].value; for(var i=0; i<list.length; ++i) { obj[list[i].name] = list[i].value } ; return obj;}
/** setTo(obj, key, val): obj[key]=val, but if obj[key] already defined, make into an Array */
function setTo(obj, key, val,skip) { if( obj[key] !== skip) { if (!obj[key].push) obj[key] = [ obj[key] ]; obj[key].push(val); } else { obj[key]=val } }
/** Print a node */
function printNode(node) { var res=[]; for (x in node) { res.push( x + ': "' + node[x] + '"' ) }; return res; }
/** Print in an Object Like syntax */
function objPrint(c) { return "{\n"+printNode( c ).join(",\n")+"\n}" }
// Example Usage:
p = parsed ( document )
c =;
// output:
nodeName: "current_conditions",
length: "6",
condition: "Clear",
temp_f: "41",
temp_c: "5",
humidity: "Humidity: 33%",
icon: "/ig/images/weather/sunny.gif",
wind_condition: "Wind: N at 7 mph"
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