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Forked from jlgrall/i18n-jqueryui-dialogtitle.js
Created November 30, 2012 10:11
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i18next: Adds support for data-i18n and data-i18n-options to jQuery UI Dialog's title
// Adds support for data-i18n and data-i18n-options to jQuery UI Dialog's title:
if( $.fn.dialog ) { // Checks the presence of the dialog component of jQuery UI
var rTitleKey = /\[title\]([^;]*);?/,
// Keep a reference to the original _create function:
dialog_create_orig = $.ui.dialog.prototype._create;
$.ui.dialog.prototype._create = function( ) {
var data_i18n,
if(!this.options.title) { // Because as defined in Dialog, the options.title should override the title attribute
var old_data_i18n = this.element.attr( "data-i18n" );
if( old_data_i18n ) {
old_data_i18n = old_data_i18n.replace( rTitleKey, function( match, p1 ) {
data_i18n = p1;
return "";
} );
if( data_i18n ) this.element.attr( "data-i18n", old_data_i18n );
i18n_options = "i18n-options" );
dialog_create_orig.apply( this, arguments );
if( data_i18n || i18n_options ) {
var elementTitle = $( ".ui-dialog-title", this.uiDialogTitlebar );
if( data_i18n ) elementTitle.attr( "data-i18n", data_i18n );
if( i18n_options ) "i18n-options", i18n_options );
// Keep a reference to the original destroy function:
var dialog_destroy_orig = $.ui.dialog.prototype.destroy;
$.ui.dialog.prototype.destroy = function( ) {
var elementTitle = $( ".ui-dialog-title", this.uiDialogTitlebar ),
data_i18n = elementTitle.attr( "data-i18n" ),
i18n_options = "i18n-options" );
if( data_i18n ) {
var old_data_i18n = this.element.attr( "data-i18n" );
data_i18n = ( old_data_i18n ? old_data_i18n + ";" : "" ) + "[title]" + data_i18n;
this.element.attr( "data-i18n", data_i18n );
if( i18n_options ) {
var old_i18n_options = "i18n-options" );
if( old_i18n_options ) i18n_options = $.extend( old_i18n_options, i18n_options); "i18n-options", i18n_options );
dialog_destroy_orig.apply( this, arguments );
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