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Last active January 3, 2016 20:19
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Weather classification module using Fuzzy Logic. Default is Celsius. Ask whether the weather is very or somewhat hot, warm, cool, cold, or freezing.

Weather classification module using Fuzzy Logic. Default is Celsius.

npm install fuzzylogic node

> weather = require('./weather')
> weather("is 30 very hot?")
[0.36, 'maybe', 'hot']  # 36% correct -- maybe 30C is very hot
> weather("is 30 somewhat hot?")
[0.7746, 'yes', 'hot']  # 77.46% correct -- yes 30C is somewhat hot
> weather("is 30F very hot?")
[0, 'definitely not', 'hot'] # 0% correct -- 30F is definitely not hot
var fuzzylogic, temps, very, somewhat, propositions, truthiness, answer, domain, slice$ = [].slice;
fuzzylogic = require('fuzzylogic/lib/fuzzylogic');
temps = {
"freezing": ['reverseGrade', 0, 5],
"cold": ["triangle", 0, 15],
"cool": ["triangle", 10, 20],
"roomTemp": ["triangle", 16, 26],
"warm": ["triangle", 21, 32],
"hot": ["grade", 27, 32]
}; = function(temp, description, verbose){
var ref$, fuzfcn, args, fcn;
ref$ = this[description], fuzfcn = ref$[0], args = slice$.call(ref$, 1);
fcn = fuzzylogic[fuzfcn] || fuzzylogic.triangle;
if (args.length === 3 && fcn && fcn.length === 4) {
args = [temp, args[1], (args[1] + args[2]) / 2, args[2]];
if (verbose) {
return [fcn.apply(fuzzylogic, args), fuzfcn, args, fcn === fuzzylogic.triangle];
} else {
return fcn.apply(fuzzylogic, args);
temps.toF = function(c){
return c * 9 / 5 + 32;
temps.toC = function(f){
return (f - 32) * 5 / 9;
temps.ofList = function(d){
var temp;
return [["Fahrenheit", this.toF(d)]].concat((function(){
var results$ = [];
for (temp in this) {
if (typeof this[temp] !== "function") {
results$.push([temp,, temp)]);
return results$;
temps.of = function(d){
var res, temp, own$ = {}.hasOwnProperty;
res = {};
for (temp in this) if (own$.call(this, temp)) {
if (typeof this[temp] !== "function") {
res[temp] =, temp);
return res;
very = function(x){
return x * x;
somewhat = function(x){
return Math.pow(x, 0.5);
propositions = {
very: very,
somewhat: somewhat
truthiness = function(prop){
switch (false) {
case !(prop >= 1):
return "definitely";
case !(prop <= 0):
return "definitely not";
case !(prop >= 0.75):
return "yes";
case !(prop <= 0.25):
return "no";
case !(prop >= 0.67):
return "probably";
case !(prop <= 0.33):
return "probably not";
return "maybe";
temps.ask = function(msg){
return msg.match(/\s*(\w+)\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)(\s+degrees\s*)?\s*(F\s*|C\s+|celsius\s+)?(somewhat|very)?\s*(\w+)?/i);
answer = function(msg, dom){
var wtype, ref$, message, q, deg, degrees, ForC, prep, weather, prob, mod;
dom == null && (dom = temps);
wtype = [];
try {
ref$ = dom.ask(msg), message = ref$[0], q = ref$[1], deg = ref$[2], degrees = ref$[3], ForC = ref$[4], prep = ref$[5], weather = ref$[6];
} catch (e$) {}
if (weather != null) {
wtype = [weather];
if (dom.toC && ForC && ForC.charAt(0).toUpperCase() === "F") {
deg = dom.toC(deg);
prob = typeof dom[q] === 'function' ? dom[q](deg, weather) : void 8;
if (prob != null && prob.shift) {
wtype = prob;
prob = wtype.shift();
mod = propositions[prep];
if (typeof mod === "function") {
prob = mod(prob);
return [prob, truthiness(prob)].concat(wtype);
temps.highest = function(choices){
var max, weatherType, temp, deg, own$ = {}.hasOwnProperty;
max = -Infinity;
weatherType = null;
for (temp in choices) if (own$.call(choices, temp)) {
deg = choices[temp];
if (deg > max) {
max = deg;
weatherType = temp;
return [max, weatherType];
temps.find = function(deg, weather){
var choices;
choices = this.of(deg);
return choices[weather] || this.highest(choices);
domain = function(low, hi, desc, width){
var range, res$, here, chunks, dom, i, i$, len$, d;
range = hi - low;
width = width || range / (desc.length - 1);
res$ = [];
for (here = low; width < 0 ? here >= hi : here <= hi; here += width) {
res$.push(['triangle', here - width, here, here + width]);
chunks = res$;
chunks[0] = ['reverseGrade', low, low + width];
chunks[chunks.length - 1] = ['grade', hi - width, hi];
dom = Object.create(temps) || {};
i = 0;
for (i$ = 0, len$ = desc.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
d = desc[i$];
dom[d] = chunks[i++];
return dom;
livescript> answer "is 31 degrees hot?"
[ 0.7999999999999998,
'hot' ]
livescript> answer "is 32 degrees hot?"
[ 1, 'definitely', 'hot' ]
livescript> answer "is 31 F hot?"
[ 0, 'definitely not', 'hot' ]
livescript> answer "is 31 F cold?"
[ 0, 'definitely not', 'cold' ]
livescript> answer "find 31 F ?"
[ 1, 'definitely', 'freezing' ]
livescript> answer "find 32?"
[ 1, 'definitely', 'hot' ]
livescript> d = domain(0,42,["freezing","cold","cool","roomTemp","warm","hot","blazing"])
{ freezing: [ 'reverseGrade', 0, 7 ],
cold: [ 'triangle', 0, 7, 14 ],
cool: [ 'triangle', 7, 14, 21 ],
roomTemp: [ 'triangle', 14, 21, 28 ],
warm: [ 'triangle', 21, 28, 35 ],
hot: [ 'triangle', 28, 35, 42 ],
blazing: [ 'grade', 35, 42 ] }
livescript>, "blazing")
livescript> answer "is 40 blazing", d
[ 0.7142857142857144,
'blazing' ]
if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module !== null) {
module.exports = answer;
} =;
answer.find = temps.find.bind(temps);
answer.temperatures = temps;
answer.domain = domain;
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