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Last active January 9, 2023 21:35
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Macros for LiveScript version 0.0.1
global or= this;
safereg$ = (it) -> RegExp " " + it.replace(/([\.\*\?\\])/g, "\\$1") + " ", "g"
MACRO = (op, _options, cmd, cmdName) ~>
MACRO.S or= {}
if typeof _options isnt "object"
cmdName = cmd
cmd = _options
_options = {}
if typeof cmd is "string"
cmdName = cmd
cmd = global[cmd]
options =
unary : cmd?.length == 1
cmdName : cmdName or or op
inline : cmd?.toString().length < 120
leftAssoc : true
weight : op[op.length-1]
options <<< _options
MACRO.S[op] = {op,options,cmd, safeop : safereg$ op}
MACRO.pre = (str) ->
for k,v of MACRO.S
delim = if v.options.unary then '' else ' ` '
str=str.replace(v.safeop, delim + v.options.cmdName + ' ' + delim)
## should be moved to test/
@ror = ror = (ra, b) -> ra? and if ra.length then ra else b
res = MACRO '??', 'ror'
@dotproduct$ = (a,b) -> sum = 0; (for v,i in a then sum += v * b[i]; void;); sum
MACRO '.*', {'inline':false}, 'dotproduct$'
teststr = 'null ?? [] ?? ["a"] ?? ["fail"]'
testEql = (expected, actual) ->
console.assert actual == expected, actual, " !== ", expected
actual == expected
testEql 'null ` ror ` [] ` ror ` ["a"] ` ror ` ["fail"]', MACRO.pre teststr
a = [1,2,3]
b = a.slice!.reverse!
testdot = 'a .* b'
testEql 'a ` dotproduct$ ` b', MACRO.pre testdot
testEql 10, eval LiveScript.compile MACRO.pre('return ' + testdot), {-bare}
testEql 'a', (eval LiveScript.compile 'return ' + MACRO.pre(teststr), {-bare})[0]
testEql 'dotproduct$ : function : ror : function', do ->
typeof MACRO.S['.*'].cmd
typeof MACRO.S['??'].cmd
].join(' : ')
# export module
module?.exports = MACRO
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