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SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance, force
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
#include Gdip_All.ahk
pToken := Gdip_Startup()
; Originally from
if (!FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\Bin"))
# Pathfinder 3857737651
any: Void Ascension
gambit: Arc Gamble
crucible: Free-For-All Matches
any: Energy Culmination
any: Gravity Assist
any: Super Culmination
strikes: Pride Before Destruction
<h3 id="3857737651"><a href="#3857737651">Pathfinder 3857737651</a></h3>
<div class='grid'>
<div class=row>
<div class='cell'><img loading="lazy" class='any' src="" /> Void Ascension</div>
<div class='cell'><img loading="lazy" class='gambit' src="" /> Arc Gamble</div>
<div class='cell'><img loading="lazy" class='crucible' src="" /> Free-For-All Matches</div>
<div class='cell'><img loading="lazy" class='any' src="" /> Energy Culmination</div>
<div class='cell'><img loading="lazy" class='any' src="" /> Gravity Assist</div>
<div class='cell'><img loa
import readline from "node:readline";
import chalk from "chalk";
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
rl.on("line", (line) => {
const parsed = maybeJSON(line);
joshhunt / Dockerfile
Created February 14, 2024 14:08
Subsetting fonts
FROM python:3.7-alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache bash
RUN pip install fonttools brotli zopfli
ADD ./ /
ENTRYPOINT [ "bash", "/", "/fonts", "#{$font-file-path}/" ]
joshhunt /
Created August 25, 2023 19:52 — forked from yonta/
Spawn Rules of Minecraft in Bedrock Edition

Spawn cycle

Bedrock Edition

Natural spawning in Bedrock Edition shares only a few similarities to natural spawning in Java Edition. In Bedrock Edition, there are two main types of natural spawns: pack spawns and structure mob spawns. Structure mob spawns are mobs spawned as part of a structure, such as nether fortresses, witch huts, etc. Pack spawns account for all other types of natural spawns, including mobs that spawn individually (i.e. not in a pack of 2 or more). Both types of natural spawns follow the same rules for spawn conditions and the mob cap.

"content_type": {
"title": "Nebula Product Page",
"description": "",
"options": {
"is_page": false,
"singleton": true,
"sub_title": [],
"title": "title"
"title": "Destiny 2 Hotfix",
"patchNotesURL": "/en/News/Article/51623",
"patchNotesDate": "2022-08-02T18:08:40Z",
"version": "",
"depots": [
"depotId": 1085661,
"depotName": "base",
joshhunt / Grafana issue
Last active July 13, 2022 14:14
Grafana docker troubleshooting

Test upgrading versions

You can create a docker volume to hold the data directory to persist it through multiple upgrades:

# If you've already created a volume, delete it if you want to start fresh
docker volume create grafana

# Create a new volume
docker volume create grafana
"__inputs": [
"label": "grafanacloud-joshhunt-prom",
"description": "",
"type": "datasource",
"pluginId": "prometheus",
"pluginName": "Prometheus"