- [???] [zarr-python] Default compression settings (mrocklin)
- [???] [numcodecs] BitGroom (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] RunLength (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Add dask_tokenize methods to Zarr objects (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Consider support for storing chunks in z-order (shoyer)
- [???] [zarr-python] Filter for space-filling-curves (mrocklin)
- [???] [zarr-python] Group.put() (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Parallel append (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Tables/DataFrames - requirements (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] C/F ordering in naming (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Shortening edge chunks (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Storing Dask Arrays directly to Zarr Group fails (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Itemsize cannot be zero in type (tjcrone)
- [???] [numcodecs] BSON (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] Encode array of string arrays (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] XOR delta (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] ZigZag encoding (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Future of open...() functions (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Dimension scales (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Support legacy zero fill value for arrays with structured dtype (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] unlistable stores (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-python] Empty array & chunk definition (thomascoquet)
- [???] [zarr-python] Links between groups (mrocklin)
- [???] [zarr-python] Optimisation for the contains method of storage.LRUStoreCache (shikharsg)
- [???] [zarr-python] Scalar arrays and oindex (thomascoquet)
- [???] [numcodecs] Continuous benchmarking with ASV (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] Enabling fast-finish on CIs (jakirkham)
- [???] [numcodecs] Refactor decode implementation in vlen codecs (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] Supporting Zopfli (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Concurrent writes to the same chunk using DirectoryStore (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] jsonpickle (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Better handling of typed values in JSON (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-paper] Benchmarking (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-paper] Public datasets (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Binary encoding of JSON? (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [zarr-python] Defining the data size of chunks (damienwojtowicz)
- [???] [zarr-python] File object cache for DirectoryStore (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Follow symbolic links in DirectoryStore (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Handle change in dbm missing key deletion behavior (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Layered data caching (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Optional extensions to the storage API for batch operations and transactions (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Potential synchronization optimization (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] memmap reads from directory store (artttt)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Clarify status and semantics of object ('O') data type in storage spec (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Migrate storage spec (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Scope? (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Zarr N5 spec diff (constantinpape)
- [???] [zarr-python] chunking algorithms (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [governance] Spec development process (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] Base64 Codec (jakirkham)
- [???] [numcodecs] CI on big-endian architecture (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Continuous benchmarking with ASV (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Implement N5Store as a transformation layer over other stores (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] bug: inserting a list into a two-dimensional array does not work as in numpy (ombschervister)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Define system architecture (alimanfoo)
- [???] [governance] Name of this repo (jakirkham)
- [???] [numcodecs] Test data/fixtures are not installed (QuLogic)
- [???] [zarr-python] Refactoring stores into a separate library (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Docs file structure (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] Detect AVX2 support at runtime (jakirkham)
- [???] [numcodecs] LZMA custom filter error (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-python] Database sources where each array element is a separate database row (ryan-williams)
- [???] [zarr-python] LZMA custom filter pipeline ValueError: Cannot specify filters except with FORMAT_RAW (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Proposal: .zgroup to list it's children (tam203)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Proposal: Object versioning... (tam203)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Extension slicing: or what to do when things go wrong (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Handling arrays with non-uniform chunking (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Making chained compression an extension (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Negative chunk indexes, offset chunk origin (chairmank)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Proposal: open ended zarrs (jacobtomlinson)
- [???] [community] Cloud Storage (jakirkham)
- [???] [community] Collaborating with NWB (jakirkham)
- [???] [community] Community Engagement (Presentations, Workshops, etc.) (jakirkham)
- [???] [community] Connecting with the Julia Community (jakirkham)
- [???] [community] Discussion with Darr developers (jakirkham)
- [???] [community] Organizing the Community (jakirkham)
- [???] [community] Zarr Survey (jakirkham)
- [???] [community] Zarr at Scipy 2019 (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Enhancement Proposal Model (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Add reproducible example to LRUStoreCache docstring (notmatthancock)
- [???] [zarr-python] Storage to S3, LIST operations (Cedric-LG)
- [???] [zarr-python] Zarr use case: problems in multi threaded access to in memory cache (shikharsg)
- [???] [zarr-python] can zarr support irregularity chunk size ? (cheery550)
- [???] [zarr-python] adding existing group to a newly created group (sofroniewn)
- [???] [zarr-python] custom icons for zarr files (sofroniewn)
- [???] [zarr-python] windows lmdb storage open error (kaonick)
- [???] [governance] Notebooks in zarr-python (mzjp2)
- [???] [zarr-python] Accessing existing array with new shape and compressor using zarr.open (d-v-b)
- [???] [zarr-python] Adding Memcached Store (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Codec does not support buffers of > 2147483647 bytes - reason for this error message (mrava87)
- [???] [zarr-python] Zarr not cleaning up after MetadataError (ivirshup)
- [???] [zarr-python] Can't use
to reassign into object arrays in a group (hyanwong) - [???] [zarr-python] Document Group.setitem or remove it (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Recipes for loading Zarr arrays onto Spark RDD (dokooh)
- [???] [community] Zarr.js - Zarr in the browser (and Node) (gzuidhof)
- [???] [numcodecs] build bindings for blosc, lz4, and zstd are apparently not functional (failing the test suite) (mcepl)
- [???] [community] Best practices when reading zarr arrays in languages with limited support for data types. (gdkrmr)
- [???] [community] Collaborating with ASDF (joshmoore)
- [???] [community] Zarr in the News (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Chunk Spec (constantinpape)
- [???] [zarr-specs] zgdal (benbovy)
- [???] [community] Announcing Xpublish: A Zarr compatible REST API (jhamman)
- [???] [community] NumPy doc cross links (joshmoore)
- [???] [community] Tensor Developer Summit 2020 (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] can VLenArray support 2D arrays (sofroniewn)
- [???] [zarr-developers.github.io] Blog post ideas (jrbourbeau)
- [???] [zarr-paper] Target journal (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] API for direct block access (clbarnes)
- [???] [zarr-python] Allow stores to be smarter when accessing multiple chunks (bilts)
- [???] [zarr-python] Question: Streaming Data (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Utility to turn block-ID into equivalent slice (jhamman)
- [???] [zarr-specs] WIP: Multiscale use-case (joshmoore)
- [???] [community] Connecting with IRIS-HEP (alimanfoo)
- [???] [community] DataFrames & Zarr (tbenst)
- [???] [numcodecs] Add Apache Arrow codec (vdwees)
- [???] [numcodecs] Poor handling of corrupted input by blosc decoder (risicle)
- [???] [zarr-python] Google cloud storage generation numbers and preconditions (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Relocatable store support (gsakkis)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Protocol extensions (hammer)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Sparse chunk memory layout (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Storing arrays with unknown chunk sizes (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Terminology comparison with TensorStore (alimanfoo)
- [???] [community] User surveys (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] numcodecs.blosc mutex leaked semaphore warning (rc-conway)
- [???] [zarr-python] Directly allow zarr arrays as "out" parameter of ufuncs (if possible) (s-m-e)
- [???] [zarr-python] DirectoryStore
optimisation. (Carreau) - [???] [zarr-python] Indexing behaviour comparison with TensorStore (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Supporting links and references (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Misc. Minor Comments from Dennis Heimbigner (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Questions regarding the DirectoryStore design and expected functionality. (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Store type of store in top level medata ? (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Support zero-padding chunk indices when generating chunk keys (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Use Arrow C data interface format strings? (alimanfoo)
- [???] [community] Connecting with Awkward Array (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] Add CI to build docs (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] ZFP Compression (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-python] Documenting the difference between
(stefanv) - [???] [zarr-python] Provide offset for memory mapping / contiguous layout (maartenbreddels)
- [???] [zarr-python] attrs as kwarg (d-v-b)
- [???] [zarr-python] data of array with dtype set to bytes is truncated (wrobell)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Core metadata and user attributes: together or separate documents? (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] The Amazon S3 limit on the length of keys (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Versioned arrays (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] spec v3: progressive encoding (davidbrochart)
- [???] [zarr-specs] stdlib json not up to json spec. (Carreau)
- [???] [numcodecs] [Enhancement Proposal] Logarithmic Filter (GibbonJojo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Conversion from .h5 file to zarr using copy_all when .h5 file consists of objects of type bytes (prkprime)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Supporting UTF-8 data type (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-specs] v3 implementation experiment (zarrita) (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] v3 spec development process & milestones (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] Blosc compressor slower when running in a thread (TomAugspurger)
- [???] [zarr-python] Best practices for metadata conventions (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Dtype shape deprecation (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-python] S3 anonymous Zarr data examples... (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [zarr-python] Zarr Array append method performance (lucabergamini)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Native metadata storage (alimanfoo)
- [???] [community] Zarr jokes (alimanfoo)
- [???] [governance] Planify Python version support. (Carreau)
- [???] [governance] Repo setting review (joshmoore)
- [???] [numcodecs] Blosc fails to import using PyPy (willsthompson)
- [???] [numcodecs] Install error: AVX2 not defined on AVX2-supporting system (flying-sheep)
- [???] [zarr-python] Best practices for zarr and GCS streaming applications (skgbanga)
- [???] [zarr-python] How to detect missing chunks in a zarr array. (royerloic)
- [???] [zarr-python] Raise a better error when an array/store already exists (eric-czech)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Dimension names as core array metadata (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Node name character set (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Non-JSON metadata and attributes (axtimwalde)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Publish Zarr spec with OGC (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Support suffix for metadata files (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] V3 TBD: re-discuss "must understand". (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-specs] v3 Spect TBD: Chunk encoding (Carreau)
- [???] [community] New paper comparing Zarr and HDF5 performance on HPC (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-python] Clarify Store Interface (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-python] Interest in a zarr.sparse module? (daletovar)
- [???] [zarr-python] Multi-threading meta-data lookups (nbren12)
- [???] [zarr-python] Storing very large image datasets on S3 (AndreiBarsan)
- [???] [zarr-python] empty_like for object array raises warning (jeromekelleher)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Node name case sensitivity (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Preparation for core protocol v3 first public working draft and RFC (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] TBD: Extensions to develop with v3 spec. (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-specs] spec v3: codec and data type (davidbrochart)
- [???] [zarr-python] 'FSMap' object has no attribute 'missing_exceptions' (v2thegreat)
- [???] [zarr-python] Implement Exponential back of for deletion retry (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-python] Special treatment of NaN in JSON user attributes (meggart)
- [???] [zarr-python] Syncrhonization issue when creating groups in parallel (jgkatz)
- [???] [zarr-python] cleanup clobber/mode (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Non-deletable stores. (Carreau)
- [???] [numcodecs] Disable pthread in blosc (oeway)
- [???] [numcodecs] Installation failed in windows 10 python 3.9 (sparkingdark)
- [???] [zarr-python] #456 breaks chunking with np.int64 (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-python] Downstream repositories, on which we should test zarr/master (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-python] File Chunk Store (ajelenak)
- [???] [zarr-python] Question/possible enhancement: Relationship to N5 + Arrow/Parquet? (wsphillips)
- [???] [zarr-python] Support for memoryview-safe variable length arrays? (shz9)
- [???] [zarr-python] zarr.tree() on h5py File in notebook renders with wrong icon for root node and datasets (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] Address known Pickle + Windows + Numpy ser-des bug (JacksonMaxfield)
- [???] [numcodecs] Use blosc wheels (hammer)
- [???] [zarr-python] Feature request: One array available in more than one group, or under several names. (adrianloy)
- [???] [zarr-python] Memory usage while using zarr (skgbanga)
- [???] [zarr-python] Remove and investigate xfail added in #680 (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-python] Timeout when writing data to zarr.storage.DBMStore multiple times which makes the whole zarr store unreadable (QINQINKONG)
- [???] [community] CZI Essential OSS Cycle 1 (alimanfoo)
- [???] [community] Contributing Golang and Rust implementations (rw)
- [???] [community] JVM Zarr implementation? (ryan-williams)
- [???] [numcodecs] Add support for byte shuffle as a codec so that it can be used as a Zarr filter (pbranson)
- [???] [zarr-python] Bug writing to raw N5 (no compression) (adamkglaser)
- [???] [zarr-python] Multiprocess write fails with lost data - ignoring ProcessSynchronizer? (choosehappy)
- [???] [zarr-python] PermissionError when writing to larger zarr array (JoeWise)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Encode the specs into Kaitai Struct (KOLANICH)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] (Additional) Better reference data (constantinpape)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] tensorstore implementation (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-python] Attributes are not updated when using a dictionary (luator)
- [???] [zarr-python] Compact JSON in .zarray (andreasg123)
- [???] [zarr-python] Place to list all zarr implementations in the docs. (Carreau)
- [???] [zarr-python] Support for bfloat16 data type (jbms)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Core protocol v3.0 status (jrbourbeau)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Handling of leap seconds (d70-t)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] update zarrita install in environment.yml once codec support has been merged upstream (grlee77)
- [???] [community] Collaborating with Exdir (jakirkham)
- [???] [community] WebAssembly implementation of Zarr (jakirkham)
- [???] [numcodecs] Installation problem in mipsel and mips64el (caused by cpuinfo) (avalentino)
- [???] [zarr-python] .zmetadata clarification (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [zarr-python] Convert numpy matrix stored in Zarr directorystore to a CSR matrix (sanjaysrikakulam)
- [???] [zarr-python] How to prevent Zarr from returning NaN for missing chunks? (willirath)
- [???] [zarr-python] Implement
in wrappers (joshmoore) - [???] [zarr-python] can't have numpy datatypes in attributes (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-python] zarr pointer to existing files (dschneiderch)
- [???] [zarr-python] zarr.copy() doesn't seem to skip attributes when setting without_attrs=True (ricardog)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] Implement read tests for non python implementations (constantinpape)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] Include nested/flat tests (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] nczarr-c (v2) (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] netcdf-java (v2) (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] update jzarr generate_data.sh after dtype fix (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] zarr-python (v3 branch) implementation (joshmoore)
- [???] [community] Pure C implementation (jakirkham)
- [???] [numcodecs] Define Registry (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-python] Join or view over the same chunk across multiple sub-groups in DirectoryStore (sanjaysrikakulam)
- [???] [zarr-python] LMDBstore using multiprocessing with vindex fails (sanjaysrikakulam)
- [???] [zarr-python] Storing arbitrary objects in a zarr directory (chrism0dwk)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Name conventions for zarr (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [numcodecs] Add optional aliases field to JSON for a codec (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [numcodecs] Allow building numcodecs against system blosc (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-python] Implement
in convenience methods (joshmoore) - [???] [zarr-python] Problems faced while storing onto Zarr store using ABSStore (dokooh)
- [???] [zarr-python] Proof of concept: CloudFilesStore (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-python] Provide a more informative error when using
(andersy005) - [???] [zarr-python] Using the Zarr library to read HDF5 (rsignell-usgs)
- [???] [zarr-python] Zarr DirectoryStore with temporary directory-based transaction (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-specs] v3: https://purl.org/zarr/spec/codec/XXX/1.0: codec singular or codecs plural ? (rouault)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] Review signedness of jzarr (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Partial chunk reads (jrbourbeau)
- [???] [numcodecs] Readd Snappy (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Bug: Using GCS or S3, FSStore doesn't pass
kwargs to FSSPEC's get_mapper() (tasansal) - [???] [zarr-python] LRU cache for decoded chunks (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Store refactor (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] zarr slower than npy, hdf5 etc? (nschloe)
- [???] [zarr-specs] FYI: file with large amount of metadata (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [zarr-specs] NCZarr - Netcdf Support for Zarr (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Standardizing .zmetadata (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Where in the spec does it specify how structured values are serialized? (DennisHeimbigner)
- [???] [zarr-specs] v2: interpretation of files outside of the spec (joshmoore)
- [???] [community] Connecting with numpytiles (jhamman)
- [???] [community] MATLAB implementation of Zarr (jakirkham)
- [???] [numcodecs] How to unbundle blosc, zstd, lz4 (bnavigator)
- [???] [numcodecs] LZ4 in N5 vs Zarr (jakirkham)
- [???] [numcodecs] Using JPEG2000 for chunk compression (jmswaney)
- [???] [zarr-python] Accessing zarr group inside jupyter yields zero values and len(group) = 0 (AdemFr)
- [???] [zarr-python] Add a close method to the DirectoryStore and N5Store (hmaarrfk)
- [???] [zarr-python] Adding
method to Stores (jakirkham) - [???] [zarr-python] Caterva inside Zarr (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-python] Dispatch on uri protocol (mrocklin)
- [???] [zarr-python] Further relax dim_sep mismatch check (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-python] Generate changelogs from fragements (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-python] Group list members optimization when scanning keys (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Implementing
via overwrite (jakirkham) - [???] [zarr-python] Object array fill value (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Parent property (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Poor performance when slicing with steps (cgohlke)
- [???] [zarr-python] Re-activate bench/compress_normal.py (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-python] Refactor storage around abstract file system? (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-python] Reserved n5 attributes cannot be set in groups (constantinpape)
- [???] [zarr-python] Tree option to omit array metadata (shape, dtype) (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-python] Update (or automate) acknowledgements (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-python] Update fsspec minimal version? (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-python] Zarr DirectoryStore: getsize is wrong (Kriechi)
- [???] [zarr-python] ZipStore fails to handle scalar string arrays (hmaarrfk)
- [???] [zarr-python] dimension_separator and n5 key reversal (d-v-b)
- [???] [zarr-python] structured arrays don't support datetime (untoreh)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] Define license in repository (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] xarray/dask read methods (joshmoore)
- [???] [numcodecs] Add support to release Linux aarch64 wheels (odidev)
- [???] [zarr-paper] Thank you (millerm)
- [???] [zarr-python] Consider moving the tutorial to a Jupyter notebook (jrbourbeau)
- [???] [zarr-python] Enhancement: Chunk level access api / indexing by chunk rather than voxel (David-Baddeley)
- [???] [zarr-python] FutureWarning from zarr.open (abergou)
- [???] [zarr-python] behavior of
for boundary chunks (d-v-b) - [???] [zarr-python] find, findall (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Content-addressable storage transformer (v3 protocol extension) (alimanfoo)
- [???] [community] Usage from R (alimanfoo)
- [???] [numcodecs] Pyinstaller failing on numcodecs blosc import (timdnewman)
- [???] [zarr-python] Fail to synchronize (SangkyunLee)
- [???] [zarr-python] NumPy integers not accepted in
argument tozarr.zeros
(mdickinson) - [???] [zarr-python] Requirements of store data (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] Surprising N5FSStore test failure (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-python] copy string arrays (vladpopovici)
- [???] [zarr-python] test_format_compatibility fails on big-endian systems (QuLogic)
- [???] [community] AGU 2021: Zarr in the netCDF ecosystem poster (haileyajohnson)
- [???] [community] Creating a logo for Zarr (jakirkham)
- [???] [community] Projects using Zarr (alimanfoo)
- [???] [community] Regular zarr/n5 community conference calls (Open to all) (jakirkham)
- [???] [numcodecs] Support new "bitinformation" codec in numcodecs (rabernat)
- [???] [numcodecs] Unit test failure on s389x (avalentino)
- [???] [zarr-developers.github.io] Generate favicon from new logo (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-logo] Add hex form of Zarr colors to README? (rabernat)
- [???] [zarr-python] Add Sharding Support (jstriebel)
- [???] [zarr-python] Big data support (christophenoel)
- [???] [zarr-python] Blogpost for Zarr 2.11 (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-python] DOC: make Creating a development environment doc copy-pastable (raybellwaves)
- [???] [zarr-python] Feature Request: Advanced indexing without oindex and vindex (Ha5hBr0wn)
- [???] [zarr-python] Inconsistent
method signature across class hierarchy (DimitriPapadopoulos) - [???] [zarr-python] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numcodecs' when creating dev env (raybellwaves)
- [???] [zarr-python] ProcessSynchronizer not write safe (oftfrfbf)
- [???] [zarr-python] Read only array default upon opening (camFoltz)
- [???] [zarr-python] Support discarding chunks (sbalmer)
- [???] [zarr-python] Unable to save object arrays (imilas)
- [???] [zarr-python] Use litterals to create data structures? (DimitriPapadopoulos)
- [???] [zarr-python] Zarrr inconsitantly returns Nans (taras-sereda)
- [???] [zarr-python] bsddb3 is deprecated (QuLogic)
- [???] [zarr-python] numba njit support (aero-108)
- [???] [zarr-python] zarr validation and consistency checking (satra)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Protocol extensions for awkward arrays (alimanfoo)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Sharding array chunks across hashed sub-directories (shoyer)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Support for non-zero origin (jbms)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] jzarr build failing due to jblosc (joshmoore)
- [???] [community] How widely is column-major supported? (tbenst)
- [???] [governance] Community feedback process (e.g. ZEP) (joshmoore)
- [???] [numcodecs] [DOC] Entrypoint support for codecs (jakirkham)
- [???] [zarr-developers.github.io] zarr.dev content suggestions (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-python] Bug: zarr.open behaves different than zarr.open_group with mode
URIs (adrianloy) - [???] [zarr-python] Rechunking zarr file on S3 becomes very slow as number of initialized chunks increase (mpu-creare)
- [???] [zarr-python] When I repeatedly append data to a zarr array in s3, appending takes longer and longer and longer (christine-e-smit)
- [???] [zarr-python] checksums for chunks (ttung)
- [???] [zarr-specs] GeoZarr Extension (christophenoel)
- [???] [zarr-specs] Multiscale convention (joshmoore)
- [???] [zarr-specs] mime type / encoding format conventions (satra)
- [???] [zarr-specs] v2: clarify that unicode uses utf-32 encoding (constantinpape)
- [???] [zarr_implementations] Zarr.jl (joshmoore)