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Created May 25, 2015 19:39
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Starting with a word, change one letter at a time to get to the target word.
$words_attempted = { } # global list of words already attempted
$word_dictionary = { } # global dictionary of valid words
# Returns the indicies for current_word as an array. Setting
# optimized to true will place non-matching characters between
# the current and target words at the beginning of the array.
def get_letter_indicies(optimized, current_word, target_word)
[].tap do |letter_indicies|
(0...current_word.length).each do |i|
if optimized && (current_word[i] != target_word[i])
# If optimizations are enabled, work on the non-matching letter indicies first
# by placing them at the beginning of the array
letter_indicies.insert(0, i)
# Otherwise append it
letter_indicies << i
# Returns the possible letter replacements for the current_word in the
# letter_index position as an array. Setting optimized to true will
# place direct match letters (i.e. matching target_word) at the start
# of the array.
def get_letters(optimized, current_word, target_word, letter_index)
[].tap do |letters|
('a'..'z').each do |new_letter|
# Skip this letter if it is already present at the current index (i.e. changing
# the letter would result in the same word)
next if new_letter == current_word[letter_index]
# Build the resulting word by replacing the letter
new_word = current_word.dup
new_word[letter_index] = new_letter
# Only attempt valid words
next unless valid_word?(new_word)
# Don't evaluate the same word more than once
next if word_already_attempted?(new_word)
if optimized && (target_word[letter_index] == new_letter)
# If optimizations are enabled then try the letter that matches
# the target first by placing at the beginning of the array
letters.insert(0, new_letter)
# Otherwise append it
letters << new_letter
# Searches for a solution starting with current_word and attempting to change
# one letter at-a-time in order to match target_word. Each step of the way
# must result in a valid word. This function is written recursively so that
# if any particular path results in a dead-end, we can back out to the previous
# iteration and carry on with the search. Setting optimized to true will attempt
# to find a shorter solution but may also result in dead-ends.
def search_for_word_solution(optimized, current_word, target_word, solution=[])
solution << current_word
$words_attempted[current_word] ||= true
puts "Current iteration: #{ solution.join(' => ') }"
if (current_word == target_word)
# We've found a solution!
return solution
elsif solution.length > 100
# Place a limit on our recursion depth
return []
get_letter_indicies(optimized, current_word, target_word).each do |letter_index|
# Skip this letter index if optimizations are enabled and the
# current letter matches the target letter
next if optimized && (current_word[letter_index] == target_word[letter_index])
get_letters(optimized, current_word, target_word, letter_index).each do |new_letter|
new_word = current_word.dup
new_word[letter_index] = new_letter
new_solution = search_for_word_solution(optimized, new_word, target_word, solution)
return new_solution unless new_solution.empty?
return []
# Returns true if the word is in our dictionary
def valid_word?(word)
# Returns true if we have already attempted this word
def word_already_attempted?(word)
# Read in our dictionary of valid words
# Tested with this dictionary:'en.txt').each_line do |line|
$word_dictionary[line.chomp] = true
start_word = 'code'
target_word = 'ruby'
puts "Attempting to find a solution for '#{ start_word }' => '#{ target_word }'\n"
# First try finding a solution with optimizations enabled
solution = search_for_word_solution(true, start_word, target_word)
# If we failed to find a solution using optimizations, then try the
# brute force approach
if solution.empty?
puts "\nFailed to find a solution using optimizations. Falling back to brute force...\n"
$words_attempted = { }
solution = search_for_word_solution(false, start_word, target_word)
if solution.empty?
puts "\nCould not find a solution!\n"
puts "\nSolution has been found! #{ solution.join(' => ') }\n"
# Attempting to find a solution for 'code' => 'ruby'
# Current iteration: code
# Current iteration: code => coda
# Current iteration: code => coda => cods
# Current iteration: code => coda => cods => cobs
# Current iteration: code => coda => cods => cobs => cobb
# Current iteration: code => coda => cods => cobs => cobb => cubs
# Current iteration: code => coda => cods => cobs => cobb => cubs => cube
# Current iteration: code => coda => cods => cobs => cobb => cubs => cube => rube
# Current iteration: code => coda => cods => cobs => cobb => cubs => cube => rube => ruby
# Solution has been found! code => coda => cods => cobs => cobb => cubs => cube => rube => ruby
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