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unbug / Middleware.js
Last active January 6, 2024 04:17
Powerful Javascript Middleware Pattern Implementation, apply middleweares to any object.
'use strict';
/* eslint-disable consistent-this */
let middlewareManagerHash = [];
* Composes single-argument functions from right to left. The rightmost
* function can take multiple arguments as it provides the signature for
* the resulting composite function.
gbaman /
Last active February 13, 2025 09:12
Simple guide for setting up OTG modes on the Raspberry Pi Zero, the fast way!

Setting up Pi Zero OTG - The quick way (No USB keyboard, mouse, HDMI monitor needed)

More details -

For this method, alongside your Pi Zero, MicroUSB cable and MicroSD card, only an additional computer is required, which can be running Windows (with Bonjour, iTunes or Quicktime installed), Mac OS or Linux (with Avahi Daemon installed, for example Ubuntu has it built in).
1. Flash Raspbian Jessie full or Raspbian Jessie Lite onto the SD card.
2. Once Raspbian is flashed, open up the boot partition (in Windows Explorer, Finder etc) and add to the bottom of the config.txt file dtoverlay=dwc2 on a new line, then save the file.
3. If using a recent release of Jessie (Dec 2016 onwards), then create a new file simply called ssh in the SD card as well. By default SSH i

aslakhellesoy /
Last active November 23, 2016 09:57
Compile and show GFM docs in your browser.
# Compile and show [GFM]( docs in your browser.
# Before this works you need to `gem install bcat`
# Usage:
curl --silent --data-binary @- -H "Content-Type: text/plain" | bcat
justincormack / nginx.conf
Created April 29, 2011 14:57
Using Lua and Nginx to proxy Amazon web services example
# example location parts of nginx.conf
# add your own AWS keys, server lines etc, and set your aws domains, paths
http {
# you will need the luacrypto in the cpath, download from
lua_package_cpath "/home/justin/lua/luacrypto-0.2.0/src/l?.so.0.2.0;;";
server {
listen 80;
torus / yc.lua
Created October 23, 2010 04:42
Y Combinator in Lua
local tests = {
function ()
local function fib(n)
if n < 2 then return n end
return fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
return fib (10)