Citations and Media Mentions for my work.
- Aaron Swartz
- Guy Fawkes mask
- International Telecommunication Union (See code comments via source)
Geoffrey A. Manne and William Rinehart. The Market Realities that Undermined the FTC's Antitrust Case Against Google. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology Occasional Paper Series - July 2013. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology. Online. Retrieved Nov. 28, 2013.
Lifschitz, Daniel. The ACTA Boondoggle: When IP Harmonization Bites Off More Than It Can Chew. Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review. Digital Commons at Loyola Marymount University and Loyola Law School. Online. Retrieved Jul. 17, 2014.
Henry H. Perritt Jr., The Internet at 20: Evolution of a Constitution for Cyberspace, 20 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 1115 (2012), Online. Retrieved Nov. 22, 2014.
IPSHITA AHUJA, V YEAR, BA LLB HONS, NALSAR UNIVERSITY OF LAW, SUPERVISED AND GUIDED BY DR KVK SANTHY. Perspectives on the Internet Neutrality Debate: India and Beyond. Online. Retrieved Nov. 22, 2014.
Noteware, Rachel. When Silence Isn’t Golden: Analogizing the FCC’s Discontinuance Regulations to Prevent Retransmission Consent Blackouts. Federal Communications Law Journal. Vol. 67. Online. Retrieved Feb. 23, 2016.
Betsy Rothstein. Interview. "The FishbowlDC Interview With Daily Caller’s Resident Daredevil Josh Peterson." June 8, 2013. Retrieved Dec. 1, 2013. Online.
David Vranicar. Interview. "When Two Visions of the Internet Collide." TechNewsWorld. Podcast. December 22, 2013. Retrieved Nov. 26. 2013. Online.
Josh Peterson. Interview. "Cyber Hacking: Internet Terrorism or an Invisible Force for Good?" Let Your Voice Be Heard! Radio. June 3, 2013. Retrieved Nov. 28, 2013. Online.
Seaman, David. David Seaman Hour! Interview. Episode #125. July 26, 2013. Retrieved Nov. 26, 2013. Online.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
[08.25.2017]: Adapted from an 11.28.2013 Tumblr post I've now archived on the Wayback Machine. Given the timespan between the original post and now, I'll need to go back and update this entry for deadlinks, etc. In the interest of transparency, I'm posting this as a Github Gist so that my revisions are public.
[11.28.2013]: While the open nature of Wikipedia allows for anyone to edit articles, I feel it should be said that I attest that I neither petitioned for my articles to be cited, nor did I add them myself.
[11.28.2013]: This list is by no means exhaustive.