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Last active August 26, 2024 17:28
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import time
from import Client
import requests
from dateutil import parser
# Create client
account_sid = 'xxx' # Grab from Twilio
auth_token = 'xxx' # Grab from Twilio
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
def notify(message):
message = client.messages.create(
from_='+1xxxxxxxxx', # Grab from Twilio (e.g. +12061231231)
to='+1xxxxxxxxx' # Insert your own phone number (e.g. +12067897897)
# The last appointment that we've notified about, to prevent duplicate notifications
prev_start = None
def check():
global prev_start
# Check if any appointments are available, and if so, notify
# use Blaine
resp = requests.get('')
if not resp.ok:
notify(f'Failed with status code {resp.status_code}')
return True
appts = resp.json()
if len(appts) > 0:
appt = appts[0]
# start in the future, look backwards
start = appt.get('startTimestamp', '2099-01-01T00:00')
# Prevent duplicates
if start != prev_start:
print(f'Found appt on {start}')
prev_start = start
date = parser.parse(start)
if date.year == 2024:
notify(f'Found appointment on {start}')
return False
while True:
if check():
# Wait for 15 mins after error
# Wait 1 min otherwise, better to keep this fast b/c all the other scraping services do too
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