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Last active March 9, 2021 20:07
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Import Millions of Features Into Mapbox

Import Millions of Features Into Mapbox

This tutorial assumes you have either a SHP file or GeoJSON file with your data ready to go and project at WGS1984 (i.e., 4326). It also assumes you are operating under a Unix environment.


  1. OGR
  2. Brew
  3. Tippecanoe
  4. Account
  5. Mapbox Studio

Convert your Shapefile (SHP) to GeoJSON

Unzip and change into the Shapefile directory into terminal

ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" my_file.geojson my_file.shp

Convert your GeoJSON to MBTILES

tippecanoe -r 1.1 -o my_file.mbtiles my_file.geojson

Finally, you'll want to login to your account, visit the Data page, and upload your newly created my_file.mbtiles file.


Work in Progress:

Alternative: CSV to GeoJSON

Alternatively, you can accomplish the same results by converting a CSV to GeoJSON if you do not have a Shapefile.

You will need to install Mapbox's csv2geojson tool

Once installed you will be able to run the folowing command:

csv2geojson --lat='Latitude' --lon='Longitude'  data.csv > data.geojson

For files larger than a few thousand lines, you will need to convert the CSV into a Shapefile with ogr2ogr

ogr2ogr -f "Esri Shapefile" ./ ./data.csv

This will generate a .dbf file. You will then need to create a new VRT file to convert the .dbf into the final Shapefile.

Create a file called dataSource.vrt with the following content:

  <OGRVRTLayer name="mylayer1">
    <SrcDataSource relativeToVRT="1">/my_dir</SrcDataSource>
    <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="long" y="lat"/>

After you have the .dbf and .vrt file available, you can convert the results into your final Shapefile.

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