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Created April 29, 2016 22:40
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OO Math Game
# Player Class
# You will have a Player class, where you will put all of your Player-specific logic and properties.
# Your program will still have to keep track of whose turn it is, and check players' scores and lives.
# Methods
# Your Player class should have instance methods for the following tasks:
# gain a point
# lose a life
# You can use attr_accessor for things like Player names.
# Continue to use the enhancements from the previous exercise.
# If you didn't get a chance to code them then, do so now. This includes Better Math, and Colourization.
puts "Let's play a two player math game!"
puts "Player 1, what is your name"
player1Name = gets.chomp
puts "Player 2, what is your name"
player2Name = gets.chomp
class Question
attr_accessor :answer, :print
# def answer
# @answer
# end
# def print
# @print
# end
def initialize
@operator = rand(0..3)
@number1 = rand(20) + 1
@number2 = rand(20) + 1
when 1
@answer = @number1 + @number2
@print = "What does #{@number1} + #{@number2} equal?"
when 2
@answer = @number1 - @number2
@print = "What does #{@number1} - #{@number2} equal?"
when 3
@answer= @number1 * @number2
@print = "What does #{@number1} * #{@number2} equal?"
class Player
attr_accessor :lives, :name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
@lives = 3
def alive
@lives > 0
players = [,]
current_player = 0
loop do
break unless (players[0].alive && players[1].alive)
question =
current_player = (current_player+1) % players.length
player = players[current_player]
puts "#{}, you have #{player.lives} lives, what does #{question.print}"
ans = gets.chomp.to_i
if ans == question.answer
puts "Wow So Good Maths!"
player.lives -= 1
puts "Maths Are No Good, #{} has #{player1.lives} lives and #{} has #{player2.lives} lives"
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