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Created May 20, 2011 09:38
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A way of implementing a Twitter-like streaming API without pubsub
Written May 17-20, 2011 by Josiah Carlson
Released under the GNU GPL v2
Other licenses may be available upon request.
Given a Redis server and a task queue implementation, this code implements the
equivalent of Twitter's streaming API as specified here:
with a few differences:
1. Usernames are followed instead of user ids when using the follow call.
2. The attributes used for various items (retweeted_by, author, created_at)
aren't necessarily the same names or the same types as what Twitter uses.
3. Client access restrictions, limitations, etc., are not handled here.
The primary goals of this implementation is to allow for workers to process as
fast as possible, but still "work" if they are unable to keep up, or if the
client they are working for is unable to receive data fast enough.
import itertools
import json
import os
import random
import time
ID_KEY = 'seq:id'
QUEUE = 'message:queue'
STATUS_MESSAGE = 'messsage:%s'
MAX_BACKLOG = 150000
def got_status(conn, status, id=None):
This will work until there are 2**53 ids generated, then we may get
duplicate messages sent to the workers. There are some work-arounds, but
they confuse the clean flow of the existing code.
This function takes a Redis connection object, a status message, and an
optional id. If the id is not None, the status message is assumed to be
pre-dumped to json. If the id is None, the status will have a new id
assigned to it, along with the current timestamp in seconds since the
standard unix epoch.
dumped = status
if id is None:
id = conn.incr(ID_KEY)
status['id'] = id
status['created_at'] = time.time()
dumped = json.dumps(status)
pipeline = conn.pipeline(True) # a pipeline returns itself
pipeline.zadd(QUEUE, id, id)
pipeline.set(STATUS_MESSAGE%(id,), dumped)
return id
def spawn_worker_and_subscribe(which, content=None, backlog=0):
This would be called by a web server to connect to some Redis server that
is holding all of the status messages and data, yielding results as they
become available.
This function requires two utility functions be present:
This will create or reuse a connection to some Redis server that is
hosting the status messages.
This will spawn the worker() function above on some worker box
somewhere, pushing matched status messages to the client via a list
named sub:...
conn = get_new_redis_connection(which)
channel = 'sub:' + os.urandom(16).encode('hex')
spawn_worker(conn.hostinfo, backlog, which, content, channel)
while True:
result = conn.blpop(channel, timeout=60)
if result in (None, '<close>'):
yield result
def worker(hostinfo, backlog, which, content, subscriber):
This worker handles the scanning of status message content against the
user-requested filters.
criteria = None
if which == 'track':
# should be a comma separated list of word strings
# Given: 'streamapi,streaming api'
# The first will match any status with 'streamapi' as an individual
# word. The second will match any status with 'streaming' and 'api'
# both in the status as individual words.
criteria = TrackCriteria(content)
elif which == 'follow':
# should be a list of @names without the @
criteria = FollowCriteria(content)
elif which == 'location':
# should be a list of boxes: [{'minlat':..., 'maxlat':..., ...}, ...]
criteria = LocationCriteria(content)
elif which == 'firehose':
criteria = lambda status: True
elif which == 'gardenhose':
criteria = lambda status: not random.randrange(10)
elif which == 'spritzer':
criteria = lambda status: not random.randrange(100)
elif which == 'links':
criteria = lambda status: status['has_link']
conn = get_new_redis_connection(hostinfo)
if criteria is None:
conn.rpush(subscriber, '<close>')
# set up the backlog stuff
end = 'inf'
now = int(conn.get(ID_KEY) or 0)
if backlog < 0:
end = now
now -= abs(backlog)
pipeline = conn.pipeline(False)
sent = 1
tossed = tossed_notified = 0
keepalive = time.time() + KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT
last_sent_keepalive = False
# In Python 2.x, all ints/longs compare smaller than strings.
while sent and now < end:
found_match = False
# get the next set of messages to check
ids = conn.zrangebyscore(QUEUE, now, end, start=0, num=CHUNKSIZE)
if ids:
# actually pull the data
for id in ids:
statuses = pipeline.execute()
outgoing_backlog = statuses.pop()
for data in statuses:
if not data:
# We weren't fast enough, someone implemented delete and
# the message is gone, etc.
result = json.loads(data)
# check the criteria
if criteria(result):
if outgoing_backlog >= MAX_OUTGOING_BACKLOG:
tossed += 1
# send the result to the subscriber
last_sent_keepalive = False
if tossed_notified != tossed:
pipeline.rpush(subscriber, json.dumps({"limit":{which:tossed}}))
tossed_notified = tossed
outgoing_backlog += 1
found_match = True
pipeline.rpush(subscriber, data)
if found_match:
keepalive = time.time() + KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT
sent = any(pipeline.execute())
# update the current position in the zset
now = int(ids[-1])
elif end == 'inf':
# we have exhausted the backlog stream
curtime = time.time()
if not found_match and curtime > keepalive:
keepalive = curtime + KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT
should_quit = last_sent_keepalive and conn.llen(subscriber)
should_quit = should_quit or conn.rpush(subscriber, '{}') >= MAX_OUTGOING_BACKLOG
if should_quit:
# Can't keep up even though it's been 30 seconds since we saw
# a match. We'll kill the queue here, and the client will time
# out on a blpop() call if it retries.
last_sent_keepalive = True
def replicator(source_conn, dest_conn):
This is to perform zero-slave replication for when a single Redis server
is not fast enough to handle clients pulling the tweets.
pipeline = source_conn.pipeline(False)
sleep = .001
then = int(source_conn.get(ID_KEY) or '0')
while True:
now = int(source_conn.get(ID_KEY) or '0')
if now == then:
sleep = min(.1, 2 * sleep)
sleep = .001
# We use a non-transactional pipeline so that this request doesn't
# overload the Redis server when we are syndicating out a large volume
# of status messages.
for id in xrange(then+1, now+1):
for id, status in itertools.izip(xrange(then+1, now+1), pipeline.execute()):
got_status(dest_conn, status, id)
then = now
def cleaner(conn):
At least one of these should be run on any given Redis server that is
hosting the streaming data.
pipeline = conn.pipeline(False)
while True:
to_delete = conn.zrange(0, -MAX_BACKLOG)
for item in to_delete:
pipeline.zrem(QUEUE, item)
class TrackCriteria:
def __init__(self, list_of_ors):
self.words = [set(words.lower().split()) for words in list_of_ors.split(',')]
def __call__(self, status):
content = set(status['text'].lower().split())
for setx in self.words:
if len(content & setx) == len(setx):
return True
return False
class FollowCriteria:
def __init__(self, people):
# This differs from the twitter-based version in that it follows
# names and not user ids.
self.people = set(user.lower() for user in people.split(','))
def __call__(self, status):
matched = (status['author'].lower() in self.people or
status.get('retweeted_by', '').lower() in self.people)
return matched
class LocationCriteria:
def __init__(self, boxes):
boxes = boxes.split(',')
self.boxes = []
for i in xrange(0, len(boxes)-3, 4):
self.boxes.append(map(float, boxes[i:i+4]))
def __call__(self, status):
if status['geo']:
for box in self.boxes:
if (box[0] <= status['geo']['lon'] <= box[1] and
box[2] <= status['geo']['lat'] <= box[3]):
return True
return False
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