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running bitcoin

josie josibake

running bitcoin
View GitHub Profile
josibake /
Created May 20, 2024 11:03
CISA's impact on the economics of collaborative transactions
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sys import argv
BYTES_TX=10 # version: 4 bytes, n_inputs: 1 byte, n_outputs: 1 byte, locktime: 4 bytes
BYTES_WITNESS=2 # witness marker/flag: 2 bytes
BYTES_PER_INPUT=41 # prevout: 36 bytes, scriptlen: 1 byte, sequence: 4 bytes
BYTES_PER_OUTPUT=43 # amount: 8 bytes, scriptlen: 1 byte, script: 34 bytes
BYTES_PER_WITNESS_STACK=66 # stacklen: 1 byte, itemlen: 1 byte, bip40 sig: 64 bytes
VBYTES_SHARED=(BYTES_TX * 4 + BYTES_WITNESS) / 4 # fixed amount of vbytes, regardless of the number of participants
josibake /
Last active December 6, 2024 22:57
silent payments testing

Silent Payments (BIP352) Testing Guide

This guide assumes you have a basic knowledge of the command line and are familiar with the bitcoin-cli RPC client.

Setup (optional)

While not required, this guide was written using a bendir directory for easier testing. If you want to follow the guide without using bendir, it's recommended you alias bitcoin-cli to bitcoin-cli -named -signet -datadir=<your testing datadir> so you can copy-paste the commands directly from the guide. To use bendir for your testing environment:

git clone
"comment": "Simple send: two inputs",
"sending": [
"given": {
"outpoints": [
josibake /
Last active August 17, 2021 08:09
22 release test guide draft

Testing Guide: Bitcoin Core 22.0 Release Candidate

This document outlines some of the upcoming Bitcoin Core 22.0 release changes and provides steps to help. This is meant to get you started on testing, but is in no way comprehensive! After running through the steps in this guide, you are encouraged to do your own testing.

This can be as simple as testing the same features in this guide, but trying it a different way. Even better, think of features you use regularly and test that they still work as expected in the release candidate. You can also read the release notes to find something not covered in this guide. This is a great way to be involved with Bitcoin's development and helps keep Bitcoin running smoothly and bug free! Your help in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.


Changes covered in this testing guide include:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am josibake on github.
  • I am josibake ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASA1kbL1Cdmh5PzOIaJfqUEaJfI-3YyV8-ZGo1Wcb3902Ao

To claim this, I am signing this object:

josibake / nodes.json
Created August 18, 2018 05:02
d3 data
"nodes": [{
"name": "FC"
"name": "SC"
"name": "GW"
# set the env variables .. [email protected]:user/repo.git, etc
# Files is a small regex of all the files you want to move
# FILES='example.txt|/*.png' , etc
export OLDREPO
export FILES