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Last active January 3, 2016 19:49
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Restricting values
module Image.Types
( Image (Image)
, Stroke (Line, Arc, Spot)
, Point (Point)
, Pen (Circle, Rectangle, ArbitraryPen)
, pen
, arcCircle
, lineRectangle
, lineCircle
) where
data Point = Point Float Float
data Image = Image [Stroke]
data Stroke = Line Point Point LinePen
| Arc Point Point Point ArcPen
| Spot Point Pen
data Pen = Circle Float
| Rectangle Float Float
| ArbitraryPen deriving (Show)
class Penable a where
pen :: a -> Pen
instance Penable Pen where
pen = id
data ArcPen = ArcCircle Pen
instance Penable ArcPen where
pen (ArcCircle x) = x
data LinePen = LineRectangle Pen
| LineCircle Pen
instance Penable LinePen where
pen (LineRectangle p) = p
pen (LineCircle p) = p
arcCircle :: Float -> ArcPen
arcCircle r = ArcCircle (Circle r)
lineRectangle :: Float -> Float -> LinePen
lineRectangle w h = LineRectangle (Rectangle w h)
lineCircle :: Float -> LinePen
lineCircle r = LineCircle (Circle r)
import Image.Types
myPoint :: Point
myPoint = Point 0 0
myLine :: Stroke
myLine = Line myPoint myPoint (lineRectangle 0 0)
myArc :: Stroke
myArc = Arc myPoint myPoint myPoint (arcCircle 0)
mySpot :: Stroke
mySpot = Spot myPoint ArbitraryPen
handleStroke :: Stroke -> String
handleStroke (Line _ _ pn) = "hi " ++ (show . pen $ pn)
handleStroke (Arc _ _ _ pn) = "hi " ++ (show . pen $ pn)
handleStroke (Spot _ pn) = "hi " ++ (show . pen $ pn)
handlePen :: Stroke -> String
handlePen (Line _ _ pn) = describePen . pen $ pn
handlePen _ = ""
describePen :: Pen -> String
describePen (Circle r) = "Circling " ++ show r
describePen (Rectangle w h) = "Angling " ++ show w ++ "x" ++ show h
describePen _ = "Weird pen"
-- These won't type check:
{-badStroke :: Stroke -> Stroke-}
{-badStroke (Line p1 p2 p) = Line p1 p2 ArbitraryPen-}
{-badStroke2 :: Stroke-}
{-badStroke2 = Line (Point 0 0) (Point 0 0) (ArbitraryPen)-}
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