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Last active February 3, 2023 18:35
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Music Player Notification: add desktop tracks transitions notifications for Spotify and Youtube Music web player.
# Music Player Notification
Notifications for tracks transitions
- Author: Jorge Feldmann (
- Last update: see the gist update date
- Feel free to manipulate and add more music players notifications
## Instructions:
1. Go to the sources URL (check the code)
2. Then paste the following code in the console
3. Finally, play any playlist or song and watch notifications about the music
## Development
- Using `let` so you can change the code and just paste it again
- No plans for any browser plugin: lots of trouble, for this dummy stuff
- Use and change this code by your own
- No guarantees
let MusicSourceFactory = ({
} = {}) => ({
[url]: {
let musicSourcesConfig = {
... MusicSourceFactory({
url: '',
domNodeClassNameToObserve: '',
getTrackName: () => document.querySelector('').textContent,
getArtistName: () => document.querySelector('').textContent,
getAlbumCoverUrl: () => document.querySelector('').src
... MusicSourceFactory({
url: '',
domNodeClassNameToObserve: 'div[data-testid="now-playing-widget"]',
getTrackName: () => document.querySelector('div[data-testid="now-playing-widget"]').innerText.split('\n')[0],
getArtistName: () => document.querySelector('div[data-testid="now-playing-widget"]').innerText.split('\n')[1],
getAlbumCoverUrl: () => document.querySelector('div[data-testid="now-playing-widget"]').children[0].querySelector('img').src,
let MusicPlayerNotification = (() => {
const observerNodeConfig = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true }
let domNodeClassNameToObserve, getTrackName, getArtistName, getAlbumCoverUrl, observer
const bounceError = fn => {
try {
return fn()
} catch (err) {
return ''
const emitTrackChanges = () => (new Notification(bounceError(getTrackName), {
body: bounceError(getArtistName),
icon: bounceError(getAlbumCoverUrl),
silent: true
})).onclick = () => window.focus()
const stopObserver = () => observer.disconnect()
const testNotifications = async () => Notification
.then(() => new Notification('Testing notification, if you can see this, its ready'))
.catch(err => { console.error (err); throw new Error(err) })
const initMusicNotifications = () => {
const domNodeToObserve = document.querySelector(domNodeClassNameToObserve)
observer = new MutationObserver(emitTrackChanges)
observer.observe(domNodeToObserve, observerNodeConfig)
const start = async (config) => {
await testNotifications()
domNodeClassNameToObserve = config.domNodeClassNameToObserve
getTrackName = config.getTrackName
getArtistName = config.getArtistName
getAlbumCoverUrl = config.getAlbumCoverUrl
return {
stop: () => stopObserver()
let init = () => {
let extraTimeForDOMLoad = 2000
let getMusicSource = (currentUrl = '', urlSources = ['']) => urlSources.filter(s => currentUrl.indexOf(s) > -1)[0]
let source = getMusicSource(document.URL, Object.keys(musicSourcesConfig))
let config = musicSourcesConfig[source]
if (!config) { let msg = 'Cant detect music source'; alert(msg); throw new Error(msg)}
let checkAndPlay = () => (document.readyState === 'complete' ? setTimeout(() => MusicPlayerNotification.start(config), extraTimeForDOMLoad) : null)
checkAndPlay() || document.addEventListener('readystatechange', checkAndPlay)
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danidr7 commented Jul 13, 2021

Nice trick, dude!

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