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Created May 26, 2020 19:33
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Write a function that: 1. Takes 2 parameters - an array of #'s and a target # 2. Return all index pairs that equal the target #
Write a function that:
1. Takes 2 parameters - an array of #'s and a target #
2. Return all index pairs that equal the target #
3. Based on the values below the output should be
[[3, 5]],[1, 6]] (e.g. 2 & 7 and 5 & 4)
const nums = [1, 5, 12, 2, 3, 7, 4, 11, 15];
const target = 9
const getIndexPairsV2 = (list, target) => {
const numbersMap = {}
return, index) => {
numbersMap[number] = index
const diff = numbersMap[target - number]
if (diff !== undefined) return [index, diff]
return false
}).filter(e => e !== false)
const result2 = getIndexPairsV2(nums, target)
const getIndexPairsV1 = (list, target) => {
const pairs = []
const len = list.length
for(let count = 0; count <= len; count ++){
let num1 = list[count]
for(let count2 = count + 1; count2 <= len; count2 ++){
let num2 = list[count2]
if (num1 + num2 === target) {
pairs.push([count, count2])
return pairs
const result = getIndexPairsV1(nums, target)
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