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Last active February 19, 2025 22:42
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Create HTML table from JSON using node-json2html
const json2html = require('node-json2html');
const fs = require('fs-extra')
let template_table_header = {
"<>": "tr", "html": [
{"<>": "th", "html": "App Name"},
{"<>": "th", "html": "Accessibility"},
{"<>": "th", "html": "Best Practices"},
{"<>": "th", "html": "SEO"},
{"<>": "th", "html": "Performance"}
let template_table_body = {
"<>": "tr", "html": [
{"<>": "td", "html": "${App Name}"},
{"<>": "td", "html": "${Accessibility}"},
{"<>": "td", "html": "${Best Practices}"},
{"<>": "td", "html": "${SEO}"},
{"<>": "td", "html": "${Performance}"}
let myJSON = [
"App Name": "Yahoo",
"Accessibility": 94,
"Best Practices": 93,
"SEO": 90,
"Performance": 54
"App Name": "Google",
"Accessibility": 89,
"Best Practices": 86,
"SEO": 80,
"Performance": 41
"App Name": "Guardian UK",
"Accessibility": 89,
"Best Practices": 86,
"SEO": 80,
"Performance": 41
writeHtmlFromScoresJson(myJSON, 'outfile.html')
function writeHtmlFromScoresJson(jsonFile, htmlTableFile) {
// let data = fs.readJsonSync(jsonFile);
let data = jsonFile;
let table_header = json2html.transform(data[0], template_table_header);
let table_body = json2html.transform(data, template_table_body);
let header = '<!DOCTYPE html>' + '<html lang="en">\n' + '<head><title>Lighthouse Report</title></head>'
let body = '<h1>My Report</h1><br><table id="my_table">\n<thead>' + table_header + '\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n' + table_body + '\n</tbody>\n</table>'
body = '<body>' + body + '</body>'
let html = header + body + '</html>';
fs.writeFile(htmlTableFile, html, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
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Very helpful code. This code saved me because I couldn't find the official documentation to convert JSON to html document

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