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standalone linuxbrew setup script for CentOS 7
# Non-root account is recommended for this process
# centos-specific prepration
sudo yum -y update && sudo yum -y groupinstall 'Development Tools' && sudo yum -y install curl irb m4 ruby
# Sanitize the environment
# install linuxbrew
git clone ~/.linuxbrew
ln -s $(which gcc) `brew --prefix`/bin/gcc-$(gcc -dumpversion |cut -d. -f1,2)
ln -s $(which g++) `brew --prefix`/bin/g++-$(g++ -dumpversion |cut -d. -f1,2)
ln -s $(which gfortran) `brew --prefix`/bin/gfortran-$(gfortran -dumpversion |cut -d. -f1,2)
brew doctor
mkdir `brew --prefix`/lib
#ln -s ~/.linuxbrew/lib ~/.linuxbrew/lib64
#ln -s /usr/lib64/ /lib64/ ~/.linuxbrew/lib/
# install glibc
brew install glibc
brew remove binutils
brew unlink glibc
#ln -s lib `brew --prefix`/lib64
ln -s `brew --prefix`/lib `brew --prefix`/lib64
# install zlib
brew install
# install binutils
brew install binutils
# install gcc
brew link glibc
brew install patchelf
ln -s /usr/lib64/ /lib64/ `brew --prefix`/lib/
brew install gcc --with-glibc -v
rm -f ~/.linuxbrew/lib/{,}
brew unlink gcc && brew link gcc
export HOMEBREW_CC=gcc
# Install core libraries and utilities
brew install bzip2 curl expat
brew install git --with-brewed-curl --with-brewed-openssl --without-tcl-tk
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install coreutils findutils gawk gnu-sed gnu-which grep libpng libxml2 libxslt make ncurses readline
PATH=`brew --prefix`/bin:`brew --prefix`/sbin
# create symbol links
ln -s ncursesw/curses.h ncursesw/form.h ncursesw/ncurses.h ncursesw/term.h ncursesw/termcap.h `brew --prefix`/include
ln -s libncurses.a `brew --prefix`/lib/libcurses.a
ln -s `brew --prefix`/lib/
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