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Forked from frgomes/
Created October 8, 2017 20:41
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Debian - Install Jupyter and Scala kernel on Debian Stretch
# Requirements: python3, pip3 and curl
# You may be probably interested on creating an isolated Python3 environment.
# A quick recipe would be:
# $ sudo apt-get install python3-minimal curl virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
# $ mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 myenv
# $ workon myenv
# $ ./
# $ jupyter notebook
function install_jupyter_core {
pip3 install --upgrade jupyter
function install_jupyter_coursier {
pushd /usr/local/bin
[[ ! -e coursier ]] && \
sudo curl -L -o coursier && \
sudo chmod 755 coursier && pwd && ./coursier --help
function install_jupyter_kernel_scala {
pushd /tmp
curl -L -o jupyter-scala \
&& chmod +x jupyter-scala \
&& ./jupyter-scala --force
install_jupyter_core \
&& install_jupyter_coursier \
&& install_jupyter_kernel_scala \
&& hash -r; jupyter kernelspec list
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