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Created July 13, 2020 16:58
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Programming Exercise from 2018 with Hart
* Created by: Angel Ortega
* Date: 7/23/18
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{count, max, sum}
object CityOfNewYorkChallenge extends App {
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
.appName("City of New York")
val sc = spark.sparkContext
import spark.sqlContext.implicits._
val newYorkDataSetDF =
.option("header", "true")
.option("mode", "FAILFAST")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
// Answer to Question 1
val targetDemographic = newYorkDataSetDF
.where($"Sex".equalTo("F") &&
$"`Race Ethnicity`".equalTo("White Non-Hispanic") && (
$"`Leading Cause`".equalTo("Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18)") ||
$"`Leading Cause`".equalTo("Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69)") ||
$"`Leading Cause`".equalTo("Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47)"))
// Answer to Question 2
val topThreeDeadlyYears = newYorkDataSetDF
// Question 3
val leadingCauseIntermediate ="ny")
.join("deadly_years"), $"ny.Year" === $"deadly_years.Year")
val topCauses = leadingCauseIntermediate
.groupBy("Leading Cause")
.agg(count($"Leading Cause").alias("top_causes"))
// Answer to Question 3
val mostSusceptibleRace ="top_3_causes").join("deadly_years"),
$"top_3_causes.`Leading Cause`" === $"deadly_years.`Leading Cause`")
.select($"deadly_years.Year", $"deadly_years.*", $"deadly_years.`Race Ethnicity`")
.groupBy($"Year", $"`Leading Cause`")
max($"Race Ethnicity").alias("most_susceptible_race")
.option("path", "./output/results1.csv")
.option("path", "./output/results2.csv")
.option("path", "./output/results3.csv")
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession}
object CommonFriendsChallenge extends App {
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
.appName("Common Friends")
val sc = spark.sparkContext
val friendsSmall = sc.textFile("./src/main/resources/friends_small_data.txt")
.flatMap(line => {
val arr = line.split("->")
val person = arr(0).trim()
val friends = arr(1).trim().split(",")
for (friend <- friends) yield (friend, person)
val commonFriendsSmall = friendsSmall.groupByKey().map {
case (k, v) => v.mkString("(", ",", ")") + "-> " + k.mkString(",")
val friendsLarge = sc.textFile("./src/main/resources/friends_data.txt")
.flatMap(line => {
val arr = line.split("->")
val person = arr(0).trim()
val friends = arr(1).trim().split(",")
for (friend <- friends) yield (friend, person)
val commonFriendsLarge = friendsLarge.groupByKey().map {
case (k, v) => v.mkString("(", ",", ")") + "-> " + k.mkString(",")
C -> P,M,U,H,R
F -> Q,G,N,E,U
G -> J,D,L,Z,T
M -> X,Y,O,R,H
S -> A,Q,E,L,D
T -> Q,D,F,T,W
I -> X,H,R,V,B
B -> Q,F,K,Y,S
E -> R,C,P,B,N
N -> C,M,K,W,O
Year Leading Cause Sex Race Ethnicity Deaths Death Rate Age Adjusted Death Rate
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 11 . .
2011 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M White Non-Hispanic 290 21.7 18.2
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Not Stated/Unknown 60 . .
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Hispanic 1045 85.9 98.5
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Black Non-Hispanic 170 19.9 23.3
2007 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Use of Alcohol (F10) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2011 All Other Causes F Not Stated/Unknown 14 . .
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Black Non-Hispanic 163 15.5 14.8
2012 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Hispanic 101 8.2 9.5
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Hispanic 1382 123.1 227.9
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Not Stated/Unknown 13 . .
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Black Non-Hispanic 2365 226.4 187.3
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Asian and Pacific Islander 402 68.8 81.2
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Black Non-Hispanic 1563 182.7 215.3
2011 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Asian and Pacific Islander 98 17.2 20.6
2014 Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities (Q00-Q99) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2009 All Other Causes F Asian and Pacific Islander 220 40.1 48.9
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Asian and Pacific Islander 71 12.4 14.2
2014 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Black Non-Hispanic 148 17.1 17.7
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Black Non-Hispanic 271 25.9 22.1
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Asian and Pacific Islander 448 81.6 108.7
2014 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F White Non-Hispanic 180 12.7 6.7
2008 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2012 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Hispanic 173 14.8 15.5
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 66 . .
2011 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F White Non-Hispanic 88 6.2 6.1
2014 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F White Non-Hispanic 169 11.9 7.4
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M White Non-Hispanic 245 18.3 15.4
2012 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Black Non-Hispanic 214 20.5 17.4
2012 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2007 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Black Non-Hispanic 295 28 26.9
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Hispanic 191 16.3 19.7
2011 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2012 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F White Non-Hispanic 210 14.6 8.8
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 7 . .
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Not Stated/Unknown 45 . .
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Black Non-Hispanic 300 35 41.1
2013 All Other Causes F Black Non-Hispanic 1557 149.1 129.5
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Hispanic 1201 104.2 180.8
2007 Septicemia (A40-A41) F Hispanic 49 4.2 5.5
2012 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Hispanic 158 12.8 14.6
2010 All Other Causes M Not Stated/Unknown 32 . .
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Asian and Pacific Islander 91 15.9 19.3
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Black Non-Hispanic 137 16.1 22.7
2007 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Black Non-Hispanic 163 19.1 19
2012 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M White Non-Hispanic 153 11.4 9.3
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Asian and Pacific Islander 95 16.6 22.9
2007 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Black Non-Hispanic 267 31.3 31.1
2011 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Hispanic 162 14.1 16.2
2014 All Other Causes M Asian and Pacific Islander 424 73.9 90.4
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Not Stated/Unknown 10 . .
2010 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Black Non-Hispanic 88 8.4 7.3
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Black Non-Hispanic 169 19.9 26.4
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 34 . .
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Black Non-Hispanic 1918 183.2 163.3
2014 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Hispanic 176 14.7 16.9
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M White Non-Hispanic 3408 254.1 216.6
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Hispanic 126 11.6 20
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Black Non-Hispanic 267 25.5 23.6
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Black Non-Hispanic 2121 248.9 340.2
2010 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2008 Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection (I71) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Septicemia (A40-A41) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2013 All Other Causes F Not Stated/Unknown 79 . .
2014 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 10 . .
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M White Non-Hispanic 345 25.8 21.7
2010 All Other Causes M Asian and Pacific Islander 308 59.2 77.2
2013 All Other Causes F Other Race/ Ethnicity 39 . .
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Black Non-Hispanic 146 17.2 18.1
2008 All Other Causes M Other Race/ Ethnicity 8 . .
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2011 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Asian and Pacific Islander 19 3.6 4.2
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Black Non-Hispanic 242 28.3 37.4
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M White Non-Hispanic 3356 250.9 213.7
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Hispanic 1126 96.4 151
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Hispanic 191 17.3 31.3
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 8 . .
2009 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Asian and Pacific Islander 26 5.1 7.2
2010 All Other Causes F Other Race/ Ethnicity 27 . .
2011 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Black Non-Hispanic 154 18.1 21.7
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Asian and Pacific Islander 83 14.5 17.8
2008 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Hispanic 104 8.8 11.4
2009 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M White Non-Hispanic 148 11 9.1
2012 All Other Causes M Black Non-Hispanic 1320 154.3 175
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Black Non-Hispanic 380 36.3 34.3
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M White Non-Hispanic 285 21.3 17.6
2009 All Other Causes F Other Race/ Ethnicity 11 . .
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Black Non-Hispanic 384 36.6 33
2014 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Asian and Pacific Islander 506 99.1 127
2008 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Asian and Pacific Islander 70 13.6 17.6
2009 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M White Non-Hispanic 290 21.6 18.2
2009 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Asian and Pacific Islander 17 3.3 3.5
2007 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Black Non-Hispanic 248 23.6 22.1
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Asian and Pacific Islander 105 18.3 25
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Asian and Pacific Islander 467 77.8 79.6
2013 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F White Non-Hispanic 263 18.5 8.4
2010 All Other Causes F Asian and Pacific Islander 238 42.3 51.6
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Hispanic 1330 120.3 228
2008 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Asian and Pacific Islander 13 2.4 3.3
2009 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Black Non-Hispanic 79 7.5 6.8
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Asian and Pacific Islander 71 12.8 16.1
2009 All Other Causes M White Non-Hispanic 1818 135.1 118.5
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Hispanic 209 16.9 19.6
2009 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Hispanic 215 18 22.2
2008 All Other Causes M Not Stated/Unknown 67 . .
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Not Stated/Unknown 29 . .
2012 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F White Non-Hispanic 199 14 7.2
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2012 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Black Non-Hispanic 204 19.5 16.9
2013 All Other Causes M Not Stated/Unknown 139 . .
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F White Non-Hispanic 5351 374.2 189.2
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Black Non-Hispanic 1840 215.7 268.3
2007 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Asian and Pacific Islander 61 11.7 17.8
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Black Non-Hispanic 158 18.5 20.6
2007 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Not Stated/Unknown 12 . .
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 8 . .
2014 All Other Causes M Not Stated/Unknown 96 . .
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Asian and Pacific Islander 72 13 18.5
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F White Non-Hispanic 563 39.7 20.4
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Asian and Pacific Islander 461 78.9 83.8
2008 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Black Non-Hispanic 134 15.8 20.9
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Asian and Pacific Islander 402 70.5 86.1
2010 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F White Non-Hispanic 219 15.3 7.7
2011 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Not Stated/Unknown 10 . .
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Not Stated/Unknown 14 . .
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Hispanic 143 12.7 21.1
2011 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Hispanic 205 17.5 31.5
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2013 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Black Non-Hispanic 204 23.8 23.2
2010 Viral Hepatitis (B15-B19) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2010 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Hispanic 189 16.5 18.4
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Not Stated/Unknown 18 . .
2011 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2011 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Black Non-Hispanic 147 17.3 18.3
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F White Non-Hispanic 622 43.7 22.1
2008 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 9 . .
2010 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Hispanic 190 16.3 22.3
2011 Viral Hepatitis (B15-B19) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2011 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Hispanic 180 15.6 18.9
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Asian and Pacific Islander 622 115.1 138.4
2011 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 All Other Causes F Not Stated/Unknown 48 . .
2012 All Other Causes M Other Race/ Ethnicity 24 . .
2009 All Other Causes M Not Stated/Unknown 55 . .
2014 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Hispanic 149 13 23.9
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 7 . .
2014 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 10 . .
2011 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F White Non-Hispanic 199 14 6.8
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Hispanic 219 18 21.5
2011 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Hispanic 167 14.5 18.8
2014 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Black Non-Hispanic 90 8.6 7.1
2012 All Other Causes M Not Stated/Unknown 78 . .
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M White Non-Hispanic 297 22.2 19.8
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Asian and Pacific Islander 550 104.1 130.4
2011 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2011 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Black Non-Hispanic 266 31.2 31.5
2011 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Hispanic 70 5.7 5.7
2011 Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities (Q00-Q99) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Not Stated/Unknown 10 . .
2010 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Hispanic 138 12.1 12.9
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Asian and Pacific Islander 53 11 13
2013 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Hispanic 120 9.6 11
2012 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Hispanic 126 10.2 12.2
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F White Non-Hispanic 162 11.3 7.3
2007 Septicemia (A40-A41) F Black Non-Hispanic 89 8.5 8.1
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Asian and Pacific Islander 61 11.1 14.1
2014 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 12 . .
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Hispanic 1180 105.1 172.2
2009 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Hispanic 205 17.6 22.6
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Not Stated/Unknown 9 . .
2009 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F White Non-Hispanic 3346 232.9 159
2009 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Hispanic 96 8 8.1
2013 Viral Hepatitis (B15-B19) F Asian and Pacific Islander 15 2.5 2.5
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2013 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Not Stated/Unknown 25 . .
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F White Non-Hispanic 3371 238 161.1
2012 All Other Causes M Asian and Pacific Islander 333 61.6 79.7
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Hispanic 1097 91.6 107.2
2014 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2013 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M White Non-Hispanic 204 15.2 13.6
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Hispanic 1263 102 118.4
2010 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Black Non-Hispanic 2015 236.7 307.7
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Black Non-Hispanic 2243 214.3 186.7
2009 All Other Causes F Black Non-Hispanic 1305 124.6 117.3
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Not Stated/Unknown 36 . .
2011 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M White Non-Hispanic 142 10.6 8.8
2010 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Black Non-Hispanic 299 35.1 35.5
2014 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) M Asian and Pacific Islander 28 4.9 5.8
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Asian and Pacific Islander 657 114.5 129.5
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Not Stated/Unknown 43 . .
2010 All Other Causes M White Non-Hispanic 2034 151.6 130.9
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M White Non-Hispanic 502 37.4 29.7
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Hispanic 196 16 18.5
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Black Non-Hispanic 279 26.5 25.3
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M White Non-Hispanic 292 21.7 18.1
2014 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Not Stated/Unknown 10 . .
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F White Non-Hispanic 4535 319 160.6
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Asian and Pacific Islander 28 5 6.7
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Hispanic 209 16.5 17.9
2008 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Hispanic 113 9.6 9.6
2011 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Asian and Pacific Islander 61 11.5 14.8
2014 Septicemia (A40-A41) F White Non-Hispanic 118 8.3 4.7
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F White Non-Hispanic 501 35 20.7
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F White Non-Hispanic 240 16.9 10.3
2011 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Hispanic 179 14.6 17.3
2011 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2011 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Asian and Pacific Islander 37 7 10.5
2008 All Other Causes F White Non-Hispanic 1706 118.9 78.6
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Black Non-Hispanic 1852 176.5 148.4
2011 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Black Non-Hispanic 90 8.6 7.4
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Black Non-Hispanic 410 39.3 33.1
2007 All Other Causes F White Non-Hispanic 1680 117.1 81.5
2007 All Other Causes M Hispanic 988 90.6 142.6
2009 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Not Stated/Unknown 7 . .
2010 Septicemia (A40-A41) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2014 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Asian and Pacific Islander 29 4.6 5.1
2013 All Other Causes F White Non-Hispanic 2595 182.5 111.1
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Black Non-Hispanic 409 39.1 33.8
2012 Septicemia (A40-A41) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 6 . .
2009 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Not Stated/Unknown 7 . .
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F White Non-Hispanic 427 30 16.4
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Asian and Pacific Islander 54 10.4 13.7
2009 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Hispanic 119 10.6 14.1
2010 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Asian and Pacific Islander 17 3 2.9
2009 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Hispanic 56 4.7 5.3
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Asian and Pacific Islander 84 16.5 26.1
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Not Stated/Unknown 17 . .
2014 All Other Causes F Other Race/ Ethnicity 59 . .
2012 All Other Causes M Hispanic 1199 102.6 150.5
2007 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) F Hispanic 54 4.4 4.6
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 22 . .
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Asian and Pacific Islander 83 15.1 20.3
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Black Non-Hispanic 2077 244.6 330.2
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M White Non-Hispanic 246 18.3 15.6
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Hispanic 218 17.8 21.5
2013 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Not Stated/Unknown 21 . .
2011 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Hispanic 147 12.8 20.9
2009 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Not Stated/Unknown 10 . .
2012 Septicemia (A40-A41) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 All Other Causes M Other Race/ Ethnicity 74 . .
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Black Non-Hispanic 265 31.2 40.2
2008 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2011 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Black Non-Hispanic 144 13.8 12.4
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Asian and Pacific Islander 57 9.8 11.4
2007 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M White Non-Hispanic 187 14 12.7
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 40 . .
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Hispanic 1146 96 143.5
2007 All Other Causes M White Non-Hispanic 1749 130.7 115.9
2014 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Black Non-Hispanic 155 18 21.6
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Asian and Pacific Islander 478 91.8 130
2008 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Hispanic 222 20.1 22.7
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Not Stated/Unknown 115 . .
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Black Non-Hispanic 1532 177.5 199.6
2009 All Other Causes M Asian and Pacific Islander 220 43.1 56.1
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Asian and Pacific Islander 74 12.7 15.1
2008 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) F Hispanic 63 5.3 6.2
2013 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F White Non-Hispanic 166 11.7 8.1
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Asian and Pacific Islander 30 5.3 6.6
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F White Non-Hispanic 177 12.5 8.5
2009 All Other Causes M Other Race/ Ethnicity 18 . .
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Hispanic 1149 92.1 99.9
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Black Non-Hispanic 246 28.9 38.1
2010 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Hispanic 95 7.8 9.5
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M White Non-Hispanic 388 28.9 24.2
2013 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Asian and Pacific Islander 41 7.4 7.2
2008 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M White Non-Hispanic 195 14.5 13.1
2012 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Not Stated/Unknown 11 . .
2011 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 10 . .
2011 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M White Non-Hispanic 272 20.4 18.1
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Hispanic 123 10.7 19.2
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Asian and Pacific Islander 47 9.7 13.6
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M White Non-Hispanic 258 19.3 16.3
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Hispanic 192 16.3 24.9
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Hispanic 193 15.2 16.8
2012 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Black Non-Hispanic 184 21.5 27.3
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Black Non-Hispanic 1958 226.8 264.7
2014 All Other Causes M Hispanic 1195 100.1 143.3
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M White Non-Hispanic 530 39.6 32.9
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Hispanic 169 13.6 15.7
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Black Non-Hispanic 1592 185.5 212.8
2013 All Other Causes M Hispanic 1193 101 146.4
2011 All Other Causes F Hispanic 1025 83.7 94.8
2012 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Hispanic 103 8.8 10.1
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Asian and Pacific Islander 633 114.2 130.9
2012 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2011 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Black Non-Hispanic 225 21.5 18.7
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Not Stated/Unknown 50 . .
2014 Septicemia (A40-A41) M Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Hispanic 142 12 20
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Black Non-Hispanic 275 26.2 23.6
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Not Stated/Unknown 17 . .
2011 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F White Non-Hispanic 466 32.9 17.6
2012 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Asian and Pacific Islander 39 7.2 10.8
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Asian and Pacific Islander 394 70.1 89.7
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Black Non-Hispanic 259 24.7 22.2
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Hispanic 1307 110.7 183.3
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Black Non-Hispanic 1912 182.9 159.1
2007 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Asian and Pacific Islander 22 4.3 3.9
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Black Non-Hispanic 274 31.9 40
2013 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2013 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Not Stated/Unknown 11 . .
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 9 . .
2011 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F White Non-Hispanic 231 16.3 7.2
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Black Non-Hispanic 243 28.5 38
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Asian and Pacific Islander 65 12.2 15.4
2011 All Other Causes M White Non-Hispanic 2165 162.3 139.5
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Hispanic 170 15.1 17.9
2007 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2007 All Other Causes M Black Non-Hispanic 1163 136.5 162.4
2009 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Asian and Pacific Islander 26 4.2 4.7
2007 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Asian and Pacific Islander 502 80.2 80.6
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Asian and Pacific Islander 51 9.1 11.3
2012 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Asian and Pacific Islander 39 6.7 8
2008 All Other Causes F Black Non-Hispanic 1268 121 116.1
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 38 . .
2010 All Other Causes F Not Stated/Unknown 18 . .
2010 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Hispanic 156 12.7 15
2012 All Other Causes F Asian and Pacific Islander 327 56 65
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2012 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Black Non-Hispanic 152 17.8 18.6
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Not Stated/Unknown 73 . .
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Hispanic 1418 121.5 164.3
2014 All Other Causes F Hispanic 1135 89.6 96
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M White Non-Hispanic 5503 410 342.3
2014 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M White Non-Hispanic 175 13 10.5
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 31 . .
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Hispanic 132 11.6 13.9
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Black Non-Hispanic 279 32.8 41
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Black Non-Hispanic 222 26.1 37.6
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Asian and Pacific Islander 496 102.5 157.8
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Asian and Pacific Islander 83 15.9 21.3
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Hispanic 969 83 100.7
2012 Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities (Q00-Q99) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Black Non-Hispanic 240 23 18.9
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M White Non-Hispanic 3236 240.5 205.6
2011 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M White Non-Hispanic 254 19 17.3
2008 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Hispanic 149 13.5 16.8
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F White Non-Hispanic 193 13.4 9.4
2007 Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities (Q00-Q99) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Asian and Pacific Islander 108 20.7 31.7
2011 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Asian and Pacific Islander 43 7.5 8.5
2012 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F White Non-Hispanic 507 35.7 21.4
2012 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M White Non-Hispanic 199 14.9 13.6
2013 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Asian and Pacific Islander 35 5.8 6.3
2007 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Hispanic 183 16.8 17.9
2008 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M White Non-Hispanic 165 12.3 10.3
2010 All Other Causes F White Non-Hispanic 2140 149.7 93.9
2010 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2009 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M White Non-Hispanic 191 14.2 13
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Asian and Pacific Islander 64 12.3 15.5
2014 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 6 . .
2007 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Hispanic 107 9.8 12.8
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Asian and Pacific Islander 102 18.4 26.8
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Asian and Pacific Islander 437 72.8 81.8
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 50 . .
2008 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Black Non-Hispanic 1540 180.9 224.1
2009 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Black Non-Hispanic 227 21.7 19.6
2008 Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities (Q00-Q99) M Asian and Pacific Islander 14 2.8 3
2007 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Asian and Pacific Islander 36 7.4 7.7
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Hispanic 124 11.2 18.8
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M White Non-Hispanic 614 45.8 37.6
2009 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Black Non-Hispanic 329 38.7 38.5
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Hispanic 164 14 18.3
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Asian and Pacific Islander 53 10.6 12.2
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F White Non-Hispanic 6836 476.2 245.5
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Asian and Pacific Islander 428 83.1 115.2
2007 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 36 . .
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Black Non-Hispanic 285 27.3 22.5
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F White Non-Hispanic 382 26.7 14.1
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2011 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Hispanic 145 12.6 13
2014 All Other Causes F Asian and Pacific Islander 339 54.2 59
2012 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Asian and Pacific Islander 56 10.4 12
2011 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Black Non-Hispanic 135 15.8 14.8
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Asian and Pacific Islander 473 95 123.5
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F White Non-Hispanic 472 32.9 19.6
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Hispanic 58 4.8 5.2
2007 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Black Non-Hispanic 137 16.1 22
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Not Stated/Unknown 7 . .
2007 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F White Non-Hispanic 155 10.8 5.9
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Not Stated/Unknown 94 . .
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Black Non-Hispanic 213 25 33
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Asian and Pacific Islander 48 9.6 14.1
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M White Non-Hispanic 3222 241.6 206.1
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Black Non-Hispanic 274 26.1 21.4
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Asian and Pacific Islander 50 8 8.5
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Hispanic 200 16.1 18.4
2012 Septicemia (A40-A41) F White Non-Hispanic 113 8 4.2
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Black Non-Hispanic 2725 260.1 243.6
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2009 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M White Non-Hispanic 221 16.4 14.8
2010 Atherosclerosis (I70) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Black Non-Hispanic 258 24.7 20.8
2009 Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities (Q00-Q99) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2010 All Other Causes M Other Race/ Ethnicity 25 . .
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M White Non-Hispanic 371 27.6 23.3
2011 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Not Stated/Unknown 14 . .
2012 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Hispanic 154 12.9 16
2013 Septicemia (A40-A41) F Asian and Pacific Islander 16 2.7 2.9
2009 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Hispanic 56 4.7 6.2
2011 All Other Causes M Not Stated/Unknown 38 . .
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Asian and Pacific Islander 96 17.3 21.1
2010 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Black Non-Hispanic 152 14.5 12.9
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Black Non-Hispanic 206 24.3 31
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2008 All Other Causes F Other Race/ Ethnicity 19 . .
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Black Non-Hispanic 2722 258.6 247.3
2009 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Black Non-Hispanic 384 36.7 33.7
2008 All Other Causes M White Non-Hispanic 1824 135.9 119.9
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Black Non-Hispanic 188 18 16.4
2012 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Asian and Pacific Islander 40 7.4 7.3
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Black Non-Hispanic 1557 183.4 228.8
2013 All Other Causes M White Non-Hispanic 2293 170.3 143.3
2010 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 43 . .
2009 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Hispanic 145 12.9 13.5
2014 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Not Stated/Unknown 7 . .
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Hispanic 168 13.8 16.7
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Black Non-Hispanic 1800 171 161.7
2012 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Asian and Pacific Islander 33 5.6 5.8
2010 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Black Non-Hispanic 178 20.9 27.7
2011 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M White Non-Hispanic 272 20.3 18.4
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Hispanic 1251 107.1 182.5
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Black Non-Hispanic 1868 217.7 258.5
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Black Non-Hispanic 191 18.2 17.1
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M White Non-Hispanic 347 25.9 21.8
2014 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 12 . .
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Not Stated/Unknown 10 . .
2010 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Use of Alcohol (F10) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 7 . .
2008 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) M Asian and Pacific Islander 14 2.8 4.9
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F White Non-Hispanic 3518 245.2 167.4
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Asian and Pacific Islander 51 8.9 10.7
2009 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Black Non-Hispanic 307 36 43.9
2011 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Asian and Pacific Islander 24 4.2 5.4
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Hispanic 155 12.9 16
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F White Non-Hispanic 521 36.6 21.6
2007 All Other Causes M Asian and Pacific Islander 221 45.7 61.2
2014 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Hispanic 191 16 16.6
2009 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Black Non-Hispanic 131 15.4 19
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Hispanic 183 16.3 30.9
2010 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Asian and Pacific Islander 30 5.8 8.7
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 41 . .
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Black Non-Hispanic 171 20.1 23.9
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 42 . .
2013 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Black Non-Hispanic 174 20.3 20.6
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Black Non-Hispanic 308 36 42.9
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Hispanic 1046 88.5 104.7
2012 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2009 Atherosclerosis (I70) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2010 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 19 . .
2009 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Asian and Pacific Islander 55 10.8 12.3
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Hispanic 228 18.7 23.1
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Not Stated/Unknown 12 . .
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Not Stated/Unknown 9 . .
2014 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Asian and Pacific Islander 50 8.7 8.7
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Asian and Pacific Islander 451 79.1 86.1
2011 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Black Non-Hispanic 281 26.8 23.6
2009 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M White Non-Hispanic 540 40.3 32.3
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Hispanic 1125 90.8 100.5
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Asian and Pacific Islander 25 4.4 5.1
2009 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Hispanic 1316 108.1 133.2
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Not Stated/Unknown 11 . .
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Asian and Pacific Islander 30 5.5 7.4
2007 Insitu or Benign / Uncertain Neoplasms (D00-D48) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Not Stated/Unknown 19 . .
2012 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Black Non-Hispanic 235 27.5 27.6
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Hispanic 1281 107.3 170.5
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Black Non-Hispanic 295 28.2 24.1
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Asian and Pacific Islander 89 15.8 19.2
2013 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Asian and Pacific Islander 29 5.2 5.4
2011 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F White Non-Hispanic 510 36 21
2008 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Not Stated/Unknown 13 . .
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Not Stated/Unknown 94 . .
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Asian and Pacific Islander 398 72.5 83.5
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Hispanic 1154 91.1 97.4
2013 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Black Non-Hispanic 107 10.2 8.7
2008 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Not Stated/Unknown 76 . .
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Black Non-Hispanic 318 36.8 42.2
2010 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M White Non-Hispanic 211 15.7 14.5
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 7 . .
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Not Stated/Unknown 106 . .
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Asian and Pacific Islander 29 5.6 7.9
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Not Stated/Unknown 15 . .
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Asian and Pacific Islander 74 13.2 16.9
2008 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2011 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Not Stated/Unknown 10 . .
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 7 . .
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 39 . .
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F White Non-Hispanic 390 27.1 15.2
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 14 . .
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Asian and Pacific Islander 554 108.5 158.8
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Asian and Pacific Islander 36 6.8 8.5
2007 Atherosclerosis (I70) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 All Other Causes F Not Stated/Unknown 42 . .
2007 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M White Non-Hispanic 123 9.2 7.6
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M White Non-Hispanic 4220 316.4 260.2
2009 All Other Causes M Hispanic 1067 95 138.1
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Not Stated/Unknown 99 . .
2013 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Not Stated/Unknown 41 . .
2014 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Asian and Pacific Islander 42 6.7 6.9
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Asian and Pacific Islander 80 12.8 14.1
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Hispanic 71 6.1 7.1
2009 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M White Non-Hispanic 279 20.7 18.7
2007 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2007 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Asian and Pacific Islander 18 3.7 3.6
2008 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Black Non-Hispanic 192 18.3 17.1
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Not Stated/Unknown 9 . .
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Black Non-Hispanic 266 25.3 20.6
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Asian and Pacific Islander 70 13 17.5
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Asian and Pacific Islander 462 73.8 81.1
2007 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M White Non-Hispanic 5168 384.2 319.8
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Not Stated/Unknown 7 . .
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Black Non-Hispanic 2282 217.7 194.2
2014 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Hispanic 142 11.2 12.5
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Hispanic 218 17.2 18.8
2010 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2012 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Not Stated/Unknown 9 . .
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Asian and Pacific Islander 456 85.6 117.7
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Not Stated/Unknown 14 . .
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M White Non-Hispanic 646 48.4 39.3
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Asian and Pacific Islander 60 10 10.9
2011 All Other Causes F Other Race/ Ethnicity 38 . .
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 33 . .
2011 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Asian and Pacific Islander 79 15 18.5
2007 All Other Causes F Asian and Pacific Islander 182 35.3 44.6
2010 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2014 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) F Hispanic 66 5.2 5.4
2013 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Hispanic 60 4.8 5.1
2009 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Black Non-Hispanic 75 7.2 6.7
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 6 . .
2008 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Black Non-Hispanic 227 21.7 20
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Asian and Pacific Islander 51 10 16.9
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Asian and Pacific Islander 546 109.6 166.3
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Hispanic 209 18.1 34.4
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F White Non-Hispanic 3438 240.4 163
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Black Non-Hispanic 1756 167.6 156.3
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Not Stated/Unknown 15 . .
2009 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 34 . .
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Hispanic 1085 88.6 99.6
2009 All Other Causes F Not Stated/Unknown 26 . .
2011 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 72 . .
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Not Stated/Unknown 95 . .
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Not Stated/Unknown 12 . .
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 18 . .
2012 Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities (Q00-Q99) F Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M White Non-Hispanic 3142 234 195.1
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M White Non-Hispanic 3361 250.4 214.3
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Asian and Pacific Islander 94 17.8 28.7
2012 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Black Non-Hispanic 143 16.7 21.3
2014 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 68 . .
2013 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Black Non-Hispanic 159 18.5 19.1
2013 Septicemia (A40-A41) F White Non-Hispanic 135 9.5 5
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Not Stated/Unknown 53 . .
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F White Non-Hispanic 4719 332.7 167.7
2014 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Black Non-Hispanic 186 21.5 21.5
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Not Stated/Unknown 86 . .
2013 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Asian and Pacific Islander 63 11.4 12.8
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F White Non-Hispanic 4507 318 161
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Hispanic 233 19.7 33.1
2010 Septicemia (A40-A41) F White Non-Hispanic 107 7.5 4.3
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F White Non-Hispanic 3256 229.6 157.3
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Asian and Pacific Islander 531 95.8 123.7
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M White Non-Hispanic 276 20.6 17.2
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Black Non-Hispanic 245 23.4 21.3
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Asian and Pacific Islander 58 11.4 15.5
2013 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F Hispanic 63 5 4.9
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Not Stated/Unknown 99 . .
2009 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F White Non-Hispanic 215 15 7.8
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M White Non-Hispanic 3990 297.1 238.4
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F White Non-Hispanic 659 45.9 23.2
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Black Non-Hispanic 206 19.6 17.7
2009 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 43 . .
2007 Insitu or Benign / Uncertain Neoplasms (D00-D48) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2009 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2007 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Black Non-Hispanic 377 44.2 44.2
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 12 . .
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M White Non-Hispanic 529 39.4 32.7
2008 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2009 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2009 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Black Non-Hispanic 134 15.8 16.8
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Asian and Pacific Islander 344 64.6 73.8
2013 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M White Non-Hispanic 286 21.2 19.5
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F White Non-Hispanic 228 16.1 10
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Hispanic 220 17.4 19
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 21 . .
2013 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F White Non-Hispanic 518 36.1 21.4
2009 All Other Causes F White Non-Hispanic 1684 117.2 77.2
2010 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Asian and Pacific Islander 18 3.5 3.1
2014 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Black Non-Hispanic 123 11.7 9.2
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Black Non-Hispanic 358 34 32.5
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M White Non-Hispanic 5632 421 350.7
2010 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Not Stated/Unknown 13 . .
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M White Non-Hispanic 249 18.5 15.1
2009 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Black Non-Hispanic 281 26.8 24.5
2013 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M White Non-Hispanic 271 20.1 17.9
2013 All Other Causes M Asian and Pacific Islander 395 71.3 89.8
2013 All Other Causes F Hispanic 1082 86.7 94
2011 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Black Non-Hispanic 200 23.4 28.1
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Black Non-Hispanic 87 8.3 8.1
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Asian and Pacific Islander 58 11.3 15.8
2010 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Black Non-Hispanic 86 8.2 7.4
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Asian and Pacific Islander 469 86.8 116.9
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F White Non-Hispanic 3187 224.2 153.3
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Hispanic 168 13.5 14.8
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Hispanic 165 13.8 20.4
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 10 . .
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Hispanic 140 12.3 21.4
2009 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Hispanic 196 17.5 20
2009 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F White Non-Hispanic 229 15.9 9.5
2009 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Not Stated/Unknown 16 . .
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2011 All Other Causes M Other Race/ Ethnicity 27 . .
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M White Non-Hispanic 265 19.7 16.4
2008 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Black Non-Hispanic 201 23.6 31.8
2007 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 29 . .
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Black Non-Hispanic 202 23.7 30.9
2012 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Not Stated/Unknown 11 . .
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Asian and Pacific Islander 30 5.6 7.9
2014 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Asian and Pacific Islander 28 4.5 4.2
2011 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2014 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Black Non-Hispanic 207 19.7 15.9
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Black Non-Hispanic 1768 168.6 151.8
2007 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Not Stated/Unknown 10 . .
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 39 . .
2012 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Asian and Pacific Islander 34 5.8 6.4
2014 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Not Stated/Unknown 9 . .
2013 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Not Stated/Unknown 9 . .
2014 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Not Stated/Unknown 7 . .
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M White Non-Hispanic 272 20.3 18.7
2011 Septicemia (A40-A41) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2007 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F White Non-Hispanic 89 6.2 3.5
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Asian and Pacific Islander 32 6.2 7.6
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Not Stated/Unknown 14 . .
2012 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Asian and Pacific Islander 55 10.2 15.1
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M White Non-Hispanic 267 20 16.7
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Black Non-Hispanic 398 37.9 31.6
2011 Tuberculosis (A16-A19) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2012 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Hispanic 132 11.3 19.2
2012 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Not Stated/Unknown 11 . .
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Black Non-Hispanic 229 26.9 40.1
2007 All Other Causes F Black Non-Hispanic 1230 116.8 113.4
2007 All Other Causes M Not Stated/Unknown 43 . .
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Hispanic 1080 97.7 165.9
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Black Non-Hispanic 148 17.2 20.9
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Asian and Pacific Islander 73 13.7 19.1
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Not Stated/Unknown 92 . .
2011 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Hispanic 90 7.3 9.1
2008 All Other Causes F Asian and Pacific Islander 214 40.2 50.3
2010 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2010 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Not Stated/Unknown 15 . .
2014 All Other Causes F White Non-Hispanic 2578 181.9 110.7
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Black Non-Hispanic 186 21.5 25.4
2010 All Other Causes F Hispanic 1007 82.7 94.6
2013 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 6 . .
2007 All Other Causes F Not Stated/Unknown 27 . .
2011 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2011 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Asian and Pacific Islander 49 9.3 9.4
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Black Non-Hispanic 273 26.1 22.8
2007 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F Black Non-Hispanic 87 8.3 7.4
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F White Non-Hispanic 515 36.3 21
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Asian and Pacific Islander 52 10.4 14.9
2011 All Other Causes F White Non-Hispanic 2445 172.6 105.4
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M White Non-Hispanic 555 41.3 34.3
2009 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Asian and Pacific Islander 37 6.7 8
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 48 . .
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Asian and Pacific Islander 395 76.7 88.4
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Asian and Pacific Islander 102 17.5 20.7
2007 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Hispanic 109 9.3 9.5
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M White Non-Hispanic 4495 335.1 277
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Hispanic 154 14.1 17.4
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Hispanic 1057 92.5 150
2008 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Black Non-Hispanic 286 33.7 33.8
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Hispanic 1348 110 131.8
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F White Non-Hispanic 696 49.1 25.4
2012 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2010 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Hispanic 150 13.1 17.6
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Hispanic 1354 118.5 215.5
2008 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Not Stated/Unknown 15 . .
2014 All Other Causes M Black Non-Hispanic 1375 159.3 177.8
2014 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Black Non-Hispanic 196 22.7 21.7
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F White Non-Hispanic 576 40.6 20.2
2013 All Other Causes M Black Non-Hispanic 1341 156.3 175.7
2007 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Black Non-Hispanic 223 26.1 25.8
2007 All Other Causes F Hispanic 820 70.2 85.6
2010 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M White Non-Hispanic 182 13.6 12.3
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Black Non-Hispanic 154 18.1 22.8
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 29 . .
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Hispanic 103 8.3 9.3
2008 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Not Stated/Unknown 70 . .
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Not Stated/Unknown 51 . .
2012 All Other Causes F White Non-Hispanic 2444 172.3 105.1
2012 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F White Non-Hispanic 222 15.7 7.2
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Asian and Pacific Islander 526 101 124.5
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 25 . .
2013 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Hispanic 122 10.3 11.3
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Asian and Pacific Islander 60 11.4 14.3
2011 All Other Causes F Asian and Pacific Islander 278 48.7 57.4
2010 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Hispanic 79 6.5 6.5
2014 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M White Non-Hispanic 314 23.4 21.4
2011 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Asian and Pacific Islander 46 8.1 10.2
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Not Stated/Unknown 62 . .
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Asian and Pacific Islander 528 109.1 145.9
2011 All Other Causes M Black Non-Hispanic 1337 156.7 181.7
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Not Stated/Unknown 111 . .
2008 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F White Non-Hispanic 151 10.5 5.9
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Not Stated/Unknown 10 . .
2008 All Other Causes M Hispanic 1069 96.7 139.5
2012 Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection (I71) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Not Stated/Unknown 11 . .
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Hispanic 189 17.3 36.7
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Asian and Pacific Islander 80 13.3 14.4
2010 Insitu or Benign / Uncertain Neoplasms (D00-D48) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F White Non-Hispanic 621 43.3 22.2
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Black Non-Hispanic 207 24.4 33.3
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Hispanic 194 16.6 26.1
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F White Non-Hispanic 707 49.4 24.8
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Black Non-Hispanic 242 28 33.9
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Black Non-Hispanic 1464 172.4 220.4
2009 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F Hispanic 57 4.8 4.7
2013 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2007 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F White Non-Hispanic 178 12.4 8.3
2007 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Asian and Pacific Islander 25 5.2 8.3
2012 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Asian and Pacific Islander 90 18.1 30.2
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M White Non-Hispanic 277 20.6 16.8
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M White Non-Hispanic 227 16.9 14.2
2011 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Asian and Pacific Islander 21 3.7 3.7
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 All Other Causes F Black Non-Hispanic 1536 146.4 126.4
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Black Non-Hispanic 1523 178.7 229.4
2014 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Not Stated/Unknown 10 . .
2007 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M White Non-Hispanic 261 19.5 17.6
2012 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Asian and Pacific Islander 39 6.7 7.8
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Asian and Pacific Islander 78 13 14.6
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 6 . .
2009 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Asian and Pacific Islander 18 3.3 4.6
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Asian and Pacific Islander 66 13.6 25.7
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Black Non-Hispanic 2194 209.1 169.1
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Hispanic 158 13.4 20.8
2008 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F White Non-Hispanic 3366 234.5 160.5
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Black Non-Hispanic 318 30.4 28.6
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2014 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M White Non-Hispanic 204 15.2 13.4
2009 All Other Causes M Black Non-Hispanic 1246 146.7 167.7
2008 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2013 All Other Causes M Other Race/ Ethnicity 42 . .
2011 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Hispanic 83 6.8 8.1
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Hispanic 111 9.9 18.3
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 36 . .
2012 All Other Causes F Not Stated/Unknown 53 . .
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Black Non-Hispanic 1784 170.8 145.5
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F White Non-Hispanic 7050 491.4 250.7
2009 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Black Non-Hispanic 255 30 30
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 11 . .
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Hispanic 1327 121.7 238.4
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F White Non-Hispanic 238 16.7 10.4
2013 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2008 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Asian and Pacific Islander 31 6.2 9.8
2010 Viral Hepatitis (B15-B19) M Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2010 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M White Non-Hispanic 618 45.9 36.7
2007 All Other Causes F Other Race/ Ethnicity 15 . .
2011 All Other Causes M Hispanic 1207 104.7 151.1
2008 Insitu or Benign / Uncertain Neoplasms (D00-D48) F Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2012 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M White Non-Hispanic 286 21.4 18.8
2008 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F White Non-Hispanic 86 6 5.5
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 10 . .
2007 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Hispanic 204 16.3 18.5
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Black Non-Hispanic 147 17.3 22.6
2008 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Asian and Pacific Islander 26 4.9 4.5
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Asian and Pacific Islander 76 14.1 18
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 6 . .
2012 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Not Stated/Unknown 7 . .
2014 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Hispanic 199 16.7 26.6
2009 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Asian and Pacific Islander 55 10 12.7
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Asian and Pacific Islander 31 5.4 5.3
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Hispanic 187 16.4 27.3
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Black Non-Hispanic 70 6.7 6.4
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Black Non-Hispanic 1940 226.8 280.7
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M White Non-Hispanic 3132 232.7 194.5
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 8 . .
2007 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Asian and Pacific Islander 13 2.5 3.2
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M White Non-Hispanic 156 11.6 9.3
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Not Stated/Unknown 7 . .
2008 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 7 . .
2008 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2012 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Black Non-Hispanic 136 13 11.6
2009 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F White Non-Hispanic 75 5.2 5.1
2014 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Black Non-Hispanic 102 9.7 8.5
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 11 . .
2010 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Asian and Pacific Islander 33 5.9 7.1
2007 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Not Stated/Unknown 82 . .
2008 Viral Hepatitis (B15-B19) M Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2009 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Hispanic 84 7 8.8
2011 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Hispanic 228 19.3 24.1
2009 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2007 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Black Non-Hispanic 166 15.8 15
2009 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Asian and Pacific Islander 14 2.5 3.6
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 8 . .
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Hispanic 156 13.2 16.8
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Not Stated/Unknown 46 . .
2009 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) F Asian and Pacific Islander 17 3.1 3.1
2008 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Hispanic 172 15.6 16.3
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Not Stated/Unknown 36 . .
2012 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Hispanic 143 12.2 15
2014 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 8 . .
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F White Non-Hispanic 206 14.5 7.5
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Black Non-Hispanic 2535 242.1 220.9
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M White Non-Hispanic 4085 303.5 244.3
2010 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F White Non-Hispanic 247 17.3 7.5
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 63 . .
2010 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Black Non-Hispanic 252 24 21.4
2010 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Hispanic 71 5.8 7.5
2011 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F Hispanic 56 4.6 4.5
2011 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Black Non-Hispanic 271 25.9 21.7
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F White Non-Hispanic 372 25.9 14.4
2009 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2011 All Other Causes M Asian and Pacific Islander 340 64.3 85.1
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Hispanic 152 12.9 16.4
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Hispanic 1230 97.1 106.7
2013 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Hispanic 189 16 19
2014 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Hispanic 164 13.7 16.7
2009 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2010 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Black Non-Hispanic 297 34.9 34
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M White Non-Hispanic 4156 310.3 252.4
2013 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Asian and Pacific Islander 47 8.8 11.3
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Asian and Pacific Islander 452 85.5 117.8
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Hispanic 1349 112.7 143.8
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Hispanic 222 17.8 19.8
2012 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Not Stated/Unknown 9 . .
2012 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M White Non-Hispanic 258 19.2 16.4
2012 All Other Causes F Other Race/ Ethnicity 22 . .
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 8 . .
2007 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Asian and Pacific Islander 22 4.3 6.3
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Asian and Pacific Islander 43 8.9 16.7
2010 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Hispanic 235 20.6 38.9
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Asian and Pacific Islander 34 6.6 8.3
2009 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Asian and Pacific Islander 35 6.9 6.7
2008 All Other Causes F Hispanic 885 74.9 90.2
2008 All Other Causes M Black Non-Hispanic 1216 143.2 163.5
2008 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Asian and Pacific Islander 30 6 6.3
2009 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities (Q00-Q99) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Black Non-Hispanic 184 21.4 26.1
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Hispanic 177 16.2 27.6
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Black Non-Hispanic 2068 243.5 318.9
2010 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Hispanic 156 12.8 15.4
2014 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F White Non-Hispanic 276 19.5 8.6
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Hispanic 132 11.9 22.8
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F White Non-Hispanic 253 17.9 11.1
2011 All Other Causes F Black Non-Hispanic 1473 140.7 128.8
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Asian and Pacific Islander 112 17.9 19.1
2008 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M White Non-Hispanic 227 16.9 15.5
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Hispanic 1144 99.2 157.7
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F White Non-Hispanic 418 29.5 15.6
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Not Stated/Unknown 11 . .
2008 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F White Non-Hispanic 151 10.5 5.1
2013 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Hispanic 149 12.6 15.7
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F White Non-Hispanic 258 18 11.1
2007 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2014 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F White Non-Hispanic 3153 222.5 150.2
2012 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M White Non-Hispanic 292 21.8 18.1
2010 Insitu or Benign / Uncertain Neoplasms (D00-D48) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F White Non-Hispanic 6297 438.3 226.2
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 33 . .
2014 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2012 All Other Causes F Hispanic 1109 89.5 98.8
2010 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Asian and Pacific Islander 18 3.2 4
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Not Stated/Unknown 14 . .
2012 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M White Non-Hispanic 3184 237.7 200.7
2007 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F White Non-Hispanic 107 7.5 3.5
2012 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Asian and Pacific Islander 76 14.1 20.9
2011 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Asian and Pacific Islander 73 13.8 22
2008 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Asian and Pacific Islander 46 9.2 16.1
2009 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) F Black Non-Hispanic 208 19.9 17.9
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 17 . .
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M White Non-Hispanic 237 17.7 15
2012 All Other Causes M White Non-Hispanic 2316 172.9 145.7
2007 Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection (I71) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Black Non-Hispanic 1735 165.7 151.1
2011 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F White Non-Hispanic 416 29.3 15.4
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 50 . .
2009 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Black Non-Hispanic 285 33.6 41.4
2013 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Black Non-Hispanic 191 22.3 25
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Black Non-Hispanic 220 21 17.9
2014 All Other Causes M White Non-Hispanic 2275 169.4 141.3
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Hispanic 216 18 22.8
2010 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M White Non-Hispanic 153 11.4 9.4
2008 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F White Non-Hispanic 379 26.4 14.9
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2013 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Black Non-Hispanic 93 8.9 7.6
2009 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F White Non-Hispanic 629 43.8 23.1
2014 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Asian and Pacific Islander 554 96.5 118.5
2013 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Hispanic 221 17.7 19.6
2007 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Asian and Pacific Islander 56 11.6 16.2
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M White Non-Hispanic 245 18.3 15.6
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Not Stated/Unknown 13 . .
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Black Non-Hispanic 197 22.8 26.4
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Asian and Pacific Islander 27 4.5 5.2
2009 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Asian and Pacific Islander 48 9.4 13.3
2014 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) F Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2011 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Black Non-Hispanic 83 7.9 6.9
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Not Stated/Unknown 14 . .
2009 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F White Non-Hispanic 205 14.3 6.5
2007 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F White Non-Hispanic 231 16.1 9.8
2014 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Hispanic 64 5.1 5.4
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Not Stated/Unknown 151 . .
2008 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Asian and Pacific Islander 32 6 8
2012 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Black Non-Hispanic 76 7.3 6.3
2014 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Asian and Pacific Islander 68 11.9 13.3
2011 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2008 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Black Non-Hispanic 356 41.9 41.8
2007 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Hispanic 78 6.7 8.9
2011 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 6 . .
2011 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2013 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Not Stated/Unknown 24 . .
2011 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 32 . .
2014 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Hispanic 116 9.2 10.1
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Black Non-Hispanic 221 21.1 18.6
2010 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) F Asian and Pacific Islander 414 73.6 79.9
2012 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Asian and Pacific Islander 20 3.7 4.1
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Black Non-Hispanic 200 23.4 29.1
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Not Stated/Unknown 6 . .
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Not Stated/Unknown 70 . .
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Hispanic 200 17.3 29.2
2009 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2009 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Not Stated/Unknown 47 . .
2011 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M White Non-Hispanic 177 13.3 12
2013 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Hispanic 1261 101 113.6
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) M Asian and Pacific Islander 33 6 8.4
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Not Stated/Unknown 108 . .
2007 Assault (Homicide: Y87.1, X85-Y09) M Hispanic 114 10.5 9.9
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) F Hispanic 227 19.2 25.5
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 8 . .
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F White Non-Hispanic 163 11.4 7.8
2008 Influenza (Flu) and Pneumonia (J09-J18) M Hispanic 187 16.9 35.5
2010 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 7 . .
2013 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Black Non-Hispanic 106 10.1 8
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M White Non-Hispanic 271 20.2 18.4
2012 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M White Non-Hispanic 352 26.3 21.8
2013 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis (K70, K73) M Not Stated/Unknown 16 . .
2012 All Other Causes F Black Non-Hispanic 1483 141.9 127.3
2011 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Black Non-Hispanic 277 32.5 31.8
2012 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Black Non-Hispanic 2269 217.1 183.9
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Hispanic 68 5.8 6.6
2007 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2010 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Asian and Pacific Islander 46 8.8 8.7
2012 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Asian and Pacific Islander 22 3.8 4.3
2013 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 5 . .
2013 All Other Causes F Asian and Pacific Islander 320 53.3 59
2014 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Hispanic 92 7.7 8.7
2011 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F White Non-Hispanic 184 13 8.2
2007 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease (HIV: B20-B24) M Hispanic 218 20 23.1
2012 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Not Stated/Unknown 5 . .
2009 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Hispanic 172 15.3 25.4
2011 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2011 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M White Non-Hispanic 444 33.3 27.8
2014 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Not Stated/Unknown 8 . .
2013 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide: X60-X84, Y87.0) M Not Stated/Unknown 17 . .
2010 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) M Other Race/ Ethnicity 52 . .
2012 Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke: I60-I69) M Hispanic 129 11 17.2
2008 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) M Hispanic 186 16.8 20.6
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M White Non-Hispanic 399 29.7 24
2008 All Other Causes M Asian and Pacific Islander 238 47.8 63.3
2010 All Other Causes F Black Non-Hispanic 1326 126.5 117.4
2011 Parkinson's Disease (G20) F Not Stated/Unknown . . .
2012 Alzheimer's Disease (G30) F Black Non-Hispanic 115 11 8.9
2007 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Hispanic 1013 92.9 163.5
2009 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2014 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Hispanic 186 15.6 23.2
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Not Stated/Unknown 27 . .
2011 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F White Non-Hispanic 5016 354.1 179.8
2007 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Hispanic 116 9.9 12.8
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M Hispanic 145 12.1 19.3
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Hispanic 1445 122.3 160.7
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 6 . .
2010 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrisis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27) F Black Non-Hispanic 71 6.8 6.3
2013 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Hispanic 1146 97.1 148.5
2013 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) F Not Stated/Unknown 9 . .
2013 Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Accidental Poisoning and Other Psychoactive Substance Use (F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X42, X44) M Hispanic 188 15.9 16.6
2011 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) F Black Non-Hispanic 410 39.2 34.7
2010 All Other Causes M Hispanic 1167 102.1 150
2009 All Other Causes F Hispanic 775 64.7 75.3
2012 Accidents Except Drug Posioning (V01-X39, X43, X45-X59, Y85-Y86) F Hispanic 60 4.8 5.2
2008 Diabetes Mellitus (E10-E14) M Other Race/ Ethnicity . . .
2008 Diseases of Heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51) F Other Race/ Ethnicity 35 . .
2007 All Other Causes M Other Race/ Ethnicity 24 . .
2013 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) M White Non-Hispanic 437 32.5 26.4
2011 Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer: C00-C97) M Black Non-Hispanic 1590 186.4 224.4
2013 Essential Hypertension and Renal Diseases (I10, I12) F Asian and Pacific Islander 50 8.3 9.3
2009 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F White Non-Hispanic 458 31.9 19.1
2014 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96) M Not Stated/Unknown 25 . .
2010 All Other Causes M Black Non-Hispanic 1230 144.5 166.2
2014 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (J40-J47) F Asian and Pacific Islander 36 5.8 6.3
case class Accumulator(elements: List[(Int, Symbol)] = List.empty[(Int, Symbol)],
element: Option[Symbol] = None,
seqCount: Int = 0)
object ScalaChallenge01 extends App {
def encode(decoded: List[Symbol]) = {
if (decoded.nonEmpty) {
val initial = Accumulator(List((1, decoded.last)), Some(decoded.last), 1)
val encodings = decoded.init.foldRight(initial)((e, acc) => {
acc.element match {
case Some(element) if element == e => {
val seqCount = acc.seqCount + 1
val encodedElements = (seqCount, element) :: acc.elements.tail
val nextElement = Some(element)
Accumulator(encodedElements, nextElement, seqCount)
case Some(element) => Accumulator((1, e) :: acc.elements, Some(e), 1)
case None => acc
else {
List.empty[(Int, Symbol)]
def decode[Symbol](encoded: List[(Int, Symbol)]): List[Symbol] = {
def decodeRecurse[Symbol](encoded: List[(Int, Symbol)], acc: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = {
encoded match {
case List() => acc
case head :: tail => decodeRecurse(tail, List.fill(head._1)(head._2) ::: acc)
decodeRecurse(encoded, List.empty[Symbol]).reverse
val actualEncoding = encode(List('a, 'a, 'a, 'a, 'b, 'c, 'c, 'a, 'a, 'd, 'e, 'e, 'e, 'e))
val expectedEncoding = List((4, 'a), (1, 'b), (2, 'c), (2, 'a), (1, 'd), (4, 'e))
println("Question 1 Results:")
println(s"Expected Encoding Result=${expectedEncoding}")
println(s"Actual Encoding Result=${actualEncoding}\n")
assert(actualEncoding == expectedEncoding)
val actualDecoding = decode(List((4, 'a), (1, 'b), (2, 'c), (2, 'a), (1, 'd), (4, 'e)))
val expectedDecoding = List('a, 'a, 'a, 'a, 'b, 'c, 'c, 'a, 'a, 'd, 'e, 'e, 'e, 'e)
println("Question 2 Results:")
println(s"Expected Decoding Result=${expectedDecoding}")
println(s"Actual Decoding Result=${actualDecoding}")
assert(actualDecoding == expectedDecoding)
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