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Last active August 5, 2017 14:28
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Unification where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Gen
import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Debug.Trace
type Id = Int
type Index = Int
data Term = FreeVar Id
| LocalVar Index
| MetaVar Id
| Uni
| Ap Term Term
| Lam Term
| Pi Term Term
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
type Constraint = (Term, Term)
data Def = Axiom | Def Term
raise :: Int -> Term -> Term
raise = go 0
where go lower i t = case t of
FreeVar i -> FreeVar i
LocalVar j -> if i > lower then LocalVar (i + j) else LocalVar j
MetaVar i -> MetaVar i
Uni -> Uni
Ap l r -> go lower i l `Ap` go lower i r
Lam body -> Lam (go (lower + 1) i body)
Pi tp body -> Pi (go lower i tp) (go (lower + 1) i body)
subst :: Term -> Int -> Term -> Term
subst new i t = case t of
FreeVar i -> FreeVar i
LocalVar j -> case compare j i of
LT -> LocalVar j
EQ -> new
GT -> LocalVar (j - 1)
MetaVar i -> MetaVar i
Uni -> Uni
Ap l r -> subst new i l `Ap` subst new i r
Lam body -> Lam (subst (raise 1 new) (i + 1) body)
Pi tp body -> Pi (subst new i tp) (subst (raise 1 new) (i + 1) body)
substMV :: Term -> Id -> Term -> Term
substMV new i t = case t of
FreeVar i -> FreeVar i
LocalVar i -> LocalVar i
MetaVar j -> if i == j then new else MetaVar j
Uni -> Uni
Ap l r -> substMV new i l `Ap` substMV new i r
Lam body -> Lam (substMV (raise 1 new) i body)
Pi tp body -> Pi (substMV new i tp) (substMV (raise 1 new) i body)
metavars :: Term -> S.Set Id
metavars t = case t of
FreeVar i -> S.empty
LocalVar i -> S.empty
MetaVar j -> S.singleton j
Uni -> S.empty
Ap l r -> metavars l <> metavars r
Lam body -> metavars body
Pi tp body -> metavars tp <> metavars body
isClosed :: Term -> Bool
isClosed t = case t of
FreeVar i -> False
LocalVar i -> True
MetaVar j -> True
Uni -> True
Ap l r -> isClosed l && isClosed r
Lam body -> isClosed body
Pi tp body -> isClosed tp && isClosed body
reduce :: Term -> Term
reduce t = case t of
FreeVar i -> FreeVar i
LocalVar j -> LocalVar j
MetaVar i -> MetaVar i
Uni -> Uni
Ap l r -> case reduce l of
Lam body -> reduce (subst r 0 body)
l' -> Ap l' (reduce r)
Lam body -> Lam (reduce body)
Pi tp body -> Pi (reduce tp) (reduce body)
type FreshM = GenT Id Maybe
isStuck :: Term -> Bool
isStuck MetaVar {} = True
isStuck (Ap f _) = isStuck f
isStuck _ = False
peelApTelescope :: Term -> (Term, [Term])
peelApTelescope t = go t []
where go (Ap f r) rest = go f (r : rest)
go t rest = (t, rest)
applyApTelescope :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
applyApTelescope = foldl' Ap
applyLamTelescope :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
applyLamTelescope retTp [] = retTp
applyLamTelescope retTp (argTp : rest) =
Lam . applyLamTelescope retTp $ map (raise 1) rest
simplify :: Constraint -> FreshM (S.Set Constraint)
simplify (t1, t2)
| t1 == t2 = return S.empty
| reduce t1 /= t1 = simplify (reduce t1, t2)
| reduce t2 /= t2 = simplify (t1, reduce t2)
| (FreeVar i, cxt) <- peelApTelescope t1,
(FreeVar j, cxt') <- peelApTelescope t2 = do
guard (i == j && length cxt == length cxt')
fold <$> mapM simplify (zip cxt cxt')
| Lam body1 <- t1,
Lam body2 <- t2 = do
v <- FreeVar <$> gen
return $ S.singleton (subst v 0 body1, subst v 0 body2)
| Pi tp1 body1 <- t1,
Pi tp2 body2 <- t2 = do
v <- FreeVar <$> gen
return $ S.fromList
[(subst v 0 body1, subst v 0 body2),
(tp1, tp2)]
| otherwise =
if isStuck t1 || isStuck t2 then return $ S.singleton (t1, t2) else mzero
type Subst = M.Map Id Term
manySubst :: Subst -> Term -> Term
manySubst s t = M.foldrWithKey (\mv sol t -> substMV sol mv t) t s
(<+>) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
s1 <+> s2 | not (M.null (M.intersection s1 s2)) = error "Impossible"
s1 <+> s2 = M.union (manySubst s1 <$> s2) s1
tryFlexRigid :: Constraint -> [FreshM [Subst]]
tryFlexRigid (t1, t2)
| (MetaVar i, cxt1) <- peelApTelescope t1,
(stuckTerm, cxt2) <- peelApTelescope t2,
not (i `S.member` metavars t2) = proj (length cxt1) i stuckTerm 0
| (MetaVar i, cxt1) <- peelApTelescope t2,
(stuckTerm, cxt2) <- peelApTelescope t1,
not (i `S.member` metavars t1) = proj (length cxt1) i stuckTerm 0
| otherwise = []
where proj bvars mv f nargs =
generateSubst bvars mv f nargs : proj bvars mv f (nargs + 1)
generateSubst bvars mv f nargs = do
let mkLam tm = foldr ($) tm (replicate bvars Lam)
let saturateMV tm = foldl' Ap tm (map LocalVar [0..bvars - 1])
let mkSubst = M.singleton mv
args <- map saturateMV . map MetaVar <$> replicateM nargs gen
return [mkSubst . mkLam $ applyApTelescope t args
| t <- map LocalVar [0..bvars - 1] ++
if isClosed f then [f] else []]
repeatedlySimplify :: S.Set Constraint -> FreshM (S.Set Constraint)
repeatedlySimplify cs = do
cs' <- fold <$> traverse simplify (S.toList cs)
if cs' == cs then return cs else repeatedlySimplify cs'
unify :: Subst -> S.Set Constraint -> FreshM (Subst, S.Set Constraint)
unify s cs = do
let cs' = applySubst s cs
cs'' <- repeatedlySimplify cs'
let (flexflexes, flexrigids) = S.partition flexflex cs''
if S.null flexrigids
then return (s, flexflexes)
else do
let psubsts = tryFlexRigid (S.findMax flexrigids)
trySubsts psubsts (flexrigids <> flexflexes)
where applySubst s = (\(t1, t2) -> (manySubst s t1, manySubst s t2))
flexflex (t1, t2) = isStuck t1 && isStuck t2
trySubsts [] cs = mzero
trySubsts (mss : psubsts) cs = do
ss <- mss
traceShowM ss
let these = foldr mplus mzero [unify (newS <+> s) cs | newS <- ss]
let those = trySubsts psubsts cs
these `mplus` those
-- | Solve a constraint and return the remaining flex-flex constraints
-- and the substitution for it.
driver :: Constraint -> Maybe (Subst, S.Set Constraint)
driver = runGenTFrom 100 . unify M.empty . S.singleton
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