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Created April 30, 2016 04:36
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A simple register allocator which performs liveness analysis at the basic block level and properly handles spilling. Doesn't do coalescing though for brevity.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ConstraintKinds, RecordWildCards #-}
module RegAlloc where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
data Label = User Int | Fresh Int deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-- Horrible. Exclusively for testing
instance Num Label where
fromInteger = User . fromInteger
-- Make warnings shut up.
(+) = (+); (*) = (*); abs = abs; signum = signum; (-) = (-)
type Temp = Int
data RelOp = Eq | Neq | Leq | Geq | Lt | Gt deriving (Eq, Show)
data Op = Add | Sub | Mul | Div deriving (Eq, Show)
-- The explicit "in stack" operands are for use in stores, they help
-- when we have to do spilling. Ideally we'll compile them away into
-- addressings of %esp in real code but for now it's simpler to have
-- that idiom represented explicitly.
data Operand = Temp Temp | Lit Int | InStack Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- We start with a definition of a simple, quasi-assembly like language.
-- I just have jumps, conditional jumps, load, store, and basic math
data Code = Label Label
| Asgn Temp Operand Op Operand
| Copy Temp Operand
| Jmp Label
| CJmp Operand RelOp Operand Label Label
| Load Temp Operand
| Store Operand Operand
deriving (Eq, Show)
operand2temp :: Operand -> Maybe Temp
operand2temp (Temp t) = Just t
operand2temp (Lit _) = Nothing
operand2temp (InStack _) = Nothing
toSet :: (Foldable f, Ord a) => f a -> Set a
toSet = foldMap S.singleton
class InstrLike a where
gen :: a -> Set Temp
kill :: a -> Set Temp
instance InstrLike Code where
kill (Asgn t _ _ _) = S.singleton t
kill (Copy t _) = S.singleton t
kill (Load t _) = S.singleton t
kill _ = S.empty
gen (Asgn _ l _ r) = foldMap toSet [operand2temp l, operand2temp r]
gen (Copy _ o) = toSet (operand2temp o)
gen (Jmp _) = S.empty
gen (CJmp l _ r _ _) = foldMap toSet [operand2temp l, operand2temp r]
gen (Load _ o) = toSet (operand2temp o)
gen (Store to o) = foldMap toSet [operand2temp to, operand2temp o]
gen (Label _) = S.empty
instance InstrLike a => InstrLike [a] where
gen xs = foldr (\n p -> (p S.\\ kill n) `S.union` gen n) S.empty xs
kill xs = foldMap kill xs
swap :: Temp -> Temp -> Temp -> Temp
swap new old t = if old == t then new else t
swapOper :: Temp -> Temp -> Operand -> Operand
swapOper new old (Temp t) = Temp (swap new old t)
swapOper _ _ oper = oper
replace :: Temp -> Temp -> Code -> Code
replace _ _ (Label l) = Label l
replace new old (Asgn t l o r) =
Asgn (swap new old t) (swapOper new old l) o (swapOper new old r)
replace new old (Copy t o) = Copy (swap new old t) (swapOper new old o)
replace _ _ (Jmp l) = Jmp l
replace new old (CJmp l o r t1 t2) =
CJmp (swapOper new old l) o (swapOper new old r) t1 t2
replace new old (Load t o) = Load (swap new old t) (swapOper new old o)
replace new old (Store to o) = Store (swapOper new old to) (swapOper new old o)
-- Split code into basic blocks.
basicBlocks :: [Code] -> [[Code]]
basicBlocks = go
where go [] = []
go (c : cs) =
case span (not . liftA2 (||) startBB endBB) cs of
(bb, []) -> [c : bb]
(bb, end : rest) | startBB end -> (c : bb) : go (end : rest)
| otherwise -> (c : bb ++ [end]) : go rest
startBB (Label _) = True
startBB _ = False
endBB (Jmp _) = True
endBB (CJmp _ _ _ _ _) = True
endBB _ = False
-- Add a label to the start of every basic block
labelBlocks :: [[Code]] -> [[Code]]
labelBlocks = go 0
where go _ [] = []
go i (bb@(Label _ : _) : rest) = bb : go i rest
go i (bb : rest) = (Label (Fresh i) : bb) : go (i + 1) rest
-- Tags for nodes in the control flow graph. The distinguished start
-- and stop tags are just for consistency.
data CfgNode = Start | End | CfgLabel Label
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-- The representation of control flow graphs, the graph bit is just
-- a big set of edges and code labels are mapped to the appropriate
-- basic blocks in a separate map.
data Cfg = Cfg { cfgBlocks :: Map Label [Code]
, cfg :: Set (CfgNode, CfgNode)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Convert basic blocks to our naive repr of a control flow graph
mkCfg :: [[Code]] -> Cfg
mkCfg [] = Cfg M.empty S.empty
mkCfg bbs@(firstBB : _) =
Cfg (M.fromList (zip (map lbl bbs) bbs))
(S.fromList ((Start, CfgLabel $ lbl firstBB) : cfgEdges bbs))
where lbl :: [Code] -> Label
lbl (Label i : _) = i
lbl _ = error "lbl: Not called on an annotated basic block"
flowsTo l1 (Jmp l2) _ = [(CfgLabel l1, CfgLabel l2)]
flowsTo l1 (CJmp _ _ _ l2 l3) _ =
[(CfgLabel l1, CfgLabel l2), (CfgLabel l1, CfgLabel l3)]
flowsTo l1 _ next = [(CfgLabel l1, next)]
cfgEdges [] = []
cfgEdges [bb] = flowsTo (lbl bb) (last bb) End
cfgEdges (bb : next :rest) =
flowsTo (lbl bb) (last bb) (CfgLabel $ lbl next)
++ cfgEdges (next : rest)
data Live = Live { liveIn :: Set Temp
, liveOut :: Set Temp
} deriving (Eq, Show)
getCode :: Map Label [Code] -> CfgNode -> [Code]
getCode _ Start = []
getCode _ End = []
getCode m (CfgLabel l) = m M.! l
liveness :: Cfg -> Map CfgNode Live
liveness (Cfg blocks graph) =
coalesce (S.fromList labels) (M.fromList initial)
where labels = Start : End : map CfgLabel (M.keys blocks)
initial = map (\k -> (k, Live S.empty S.empty)) labels
work l liveMap =
let code = getCode blocks l
children = snd . S.filter ((== l). fst) $ graph
parents = fst . S.filter ((== l). snd) $ graph
newOut = foldMap (liveIn . (liveMap M.!)) children
newIn = gen code `S.union` (newOut S.\\ kill code)
new = Live newIn newOut
todo = if new == liveMap M.! l then S.empty else parents
in (todo, M.insert l new liveMap)
coalesce workList liveMap =
case S.minView workList of
Nothing -> liveMap
Just (l, workList') ->
let (redoList, newMap) = work l liveMap
in coalesce (S.union redoList workList') newMap
data InterferenceGraph = IGraph (Set (Temp, Temp)) deriving Show
-- Actually build an interference graph using the results of liveness
-- analysis
interfers :: Cfg -> Map CfgNode Live -> InterferenceGraph
interfers (Cfg blocks _) liveMap =
IGraph (prepareFinalGraph $ M.foldMapWithKey go liveMap)
where go Start _ = S.empty
go End _ = S.empty
go (CfgLabel l) (Live _ lout) =
let code = blocks M.! l
in execWriter $ foldM_ goInstr lout (reverse code)
goInstr lout i =
let lin = (lout S.\\ kill i) `S.union` gen i
edges = S.fromList [(u, v) |
u <- S.toList (kill i)
, v <- S.toList lout]
in tell edges >> return lin
prepareFinalGraph edges =
S.filter (uncurry (/=)) $
edges `S.union` ( (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) edges)
data AllocState = AllocState { freshCount :: Int
, stackDepth :: Int }
deriving Show
type AllocM m = MonadState AllocState m
freshTemp :: AllocM m => m Temp
freshTemp = do
modify (\a -> a{freshCount = freshCount a + 1})
freshCount <$> get
freshAddr :: AllocM m => m Operand
freshAddr = do
modify (\a -> a{stackDepth = stackDepth a + 1})
InStack . stackDepth <$> get
runAllocM :: Temp -> State AllocState a -> a
runAllocM t m = evalState m (AllocState t 0)
-- Rewrite a CFG so things are loaded into a local temp and stored
-- upon each use.
rewriteSpill :: AllocM m => Cfg -> Temp -> m Cfg
rewriteSpill (Cfg blocks graph) t = do
addr <- freshAddr
blocks' <- traverse (fmap concat . mapM (spill addr)) blocks
return $ Cfg blocks' graph
where spill a i
| t `S.member` S.union (gen i) (kill i) = do
t' <- freshTemp
let is =
[ if S.member t (gen i) then [Load t' a] else []
, [replace t' t i]
, if S.member t (kill i) then [Store a (Temp t')] else []]
in return (concat is)
| otherwise = return [i]
degree :: Temp -> InterferenceGraph -> Int
degree t (IGraph g) = S.size $ S.filter ((== t) . fst) g
data CoalesceState = CoalesceState { toSpill :: [Temp]
, toSimplify :: [Temp]
, handled :: [Temp]
, interferGraph :: Set (Temp, Temp)
, degrees :: Map Temp Int }
deriving Show
allTemps :: Cfg -> Set Temp
allTemps = foldMap (foldMap $ (<>) <$> gen <*> kill) . cfgBlocks
buildLists :: Cfg -> InterferenceGraph -> Int -> CoalesceState
buildLists cfg ig@(IGraph g) kColors =
CoalesceState (M.keys highDegree) (M.keys lowDegree) [] g dGraph
where (highDegree, lowDegree) = M.partition (>= kColors) dGraph
temps = S.toList (allTemps cfg)
dGraph = M.fromList [(t, degree t ig) | t <- temps]
assignColors :: InterferenceGraph -> Int -> [Temp] -> (Map Temp Int, Set Temp)
assignColors (IGraph graph) kColors = go (M.empty, S.empty)
where allColors = S.fromList [1 .. kColors]
go s [] = s
go (colors, spilled) (t : temps) =
let neighbors = snd $ S.filter ((== t) . fst) graph
usedColors = foldMap (toSet . flip M.lookup colors) neighbors
goodColors = allColors S.\\ usedColors
in if S.null goodColors
then go (colors, S.insert t spilled) temps
else go (M.insert t (S.findMin goodColors) colors, spilled) temps
doSimplify :: Int -> CoalesceState -> CoalesceState
doSimplify _ c@CoalesceState{toSimplify = []} = c
doSimplify kColors (CoalesceState toSpill (t : toSimplify) handled g degrees) =
CoalesceState toSpill' toSimplify' (t : handled) igraph' degrees'
where neighbors = snd $ S.filter ((== t) . fst) g
degrees' = foldl (flip $ M.adjust pred) degrees neighbors
saved = S.filter ((== kColors) . (degrees M.!)) neighbors
toSpill' = filter (not . (`S.member` saved)) toSpill
toSimplify' = S.toList saved ++ toSimplify
igraph' = S.filter (\(a, b) -> a == t || b == t) g
registerAlloc :: AllocM m => Int -> Cfg -> m (Cfg, Map Temp Int)
registerAlloc kColors cfg =
let tempStack = handled $ coalesce (buildLists cfg igraph kColors)
(coloring, spills) = assignColors igraph kColors tempStack
in if S.null spills
then return (cfg, coloring)
else foldM rewriteSpill cfg spills >>= registerAlloc kColors
where igraph = interfers cfg (liveness cfg)
coalesce c@(CoalesceState {..}) =
case (toSimplify, toSpill) of
(_ : _, _) -> coalesce (doSimplify kColors c)
([], t : rest) -> coalesce (c {toSimplify = [t], toSpill = rest})
([], []) -> c
alloc :: Int -> Cfg -> (Cfg, Map Temp Int)
alloc kColors cfg =
runAllocM (maximum $ allTemps cfg) $ registerAlloc kColors cfg
smallTest :: Cfg
smallTest = mkCfg . labelBlocks . basicBlocks
$ [ Copy 1 (Temp 3)
, Label 1
, Asgn 2 (Temp 1) Add (Lit 1)
, Asgn 3 (Temp 2) Add (Temp 3)
, Asgn 1 (Temp 2) Mul (Lit 2)
, CJmp (Temp 1) Lt (Lit 20) 1 2
, Label 2
, Store (Lit 0) (Temp 2)
displayBlocks :: Cfg -> IO ()
displayBlocks = mapM_ (\b -> do mapM_ print b; putStrLn "") . cfgBlocks
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