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Last active December 13, 2017 01:25
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open Cmdliner
module type Config_t =
type opt_level = O1 | O2 | O3
val int_of_opt : opt_level -> int
type config =
{ line_width : int
; colors : bool
; typecheck_only : bool
; opt_level : opt_level }
val initialize : config -> bool
exception Uninitialized
val line_width : unit -> int
val colors : unit -> bool
val typecheck_only : unit -> bool
val opt_level : unit -> opt_level
module Config : Config_t =
type opt_level = O1 | O2 | O3
let int_of_opt = function
| O1 -> 1
| O2 -> 2
| O3 -> 3
type config =
{ line_width : int
; colors : bool
; typecheck_only : bool
; opt_level : opt_level }
exception Uninitialized
let initialized = ref false
let line_width_ref = ref None
let colors_ref = ref None
let typecheck_only_ref = ref None
let opt_level_ref = ref None
let initialize {line_width; colors; typecheck_only; opt_level} =
match !initialized with
| false ->
initialized := true;
line_width_ref := Some line_width;
colors_ref := Some colors;
typecheck_only_ref := Some typecheck_only;
opt_level_ref := Some opt_level;
| true -> false
let get r =
match !r with
| None -> raise Uninitialized
| Some x -> x
let line_width () = get line_width_ref
let colors () = get colors_ref
let typecheck_only () = get typecheck_only_ref
let opt_level () = get opt_level_ref
let line_width =
let doc = "Desired line width for pretty-printed terms, defaulting to 80" in
Arg.(value & opt int 80 & info ["width"] ~docv:"INT" ~doc)
let colors =
let doc = "If true then pretty-printing will make use of colors" in
Arg.(value & flag & info ["c"; "color"] ~docv:"BOOL" ~doc)
let typecheck_only =
let doc = "If true then skip the evaluation of the program" in
Arg.(value & flag & info ["q"; "quick"] ~docv:"BOOL" ~doc)
let opt_conv =
let open Arg in
let open Result in
let open Config in
((fun s ->
match conv_parser int s with
| Ok i ->
(match i with
| 1 -> Ok O1
| 2 -> Ok O2
| 3 -> Ok O3
| _ -> Error (`Msg ("Invalid optimization level " ^ string_of_int i)))
| Error m -> Error m),
fun f -> function
| O1 -> conv_printer int f 1
| O2 -> conv_printer int f 2
| O3 -> conv_printer int f 3)
let opt_level =
let doc = "The level of optimization to be applied to the program" in
Arg.(value & opt opt_conv O1 & info ["O"; "opt"] ~docv:"{1, 2, 3}" ~doc)
let xc_info : =
let doc = "A compiler for X" in
let man = [`S Manpage.s_bugs] in "xc" ~version:"0.1" ~doc ~exits:Term.default_exits ~man
let main () =
Printf.printf "Line width: %d\n" (Config.line_width ());
Printf.printf "Colors: %b\n" (Config.colors ());
Printf.printf "Quick: %b\n" (Config.typecheck_only ());
Printf.printf "Optimization: %d\n" Config.(opt_level () |> int_of_opt)
let () =
let go line_width colors typecheck_only opt_level =
assert (Config.initialize {line_width; colors; typecheck_only; opt_level});
main () in
let t = Term.(const go $ line_width $ colors $ typecheck_only $ opt_level) in
Term.exit @@ Term.(eval (t, xc_info))
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