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Created October 12, 2017 15:45
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A handy package called pftools for LaTex.
\RequirePackage{\basedir locallabel}
\RequirePackage{Tabbing} % Avoid the standard tabbing environment. Its \< conflicts with the semantic package.
%% Biimplication inference rules
% \biimp above below
% The double lines obtained by the simpler
% "\mprset{fraction={===}}" overlap the conclusion (e.g., the
% mask E_M in an atomic triple).
%% inferH is infer with hyperlinked names.
% \savelabel lab text: Arrange for \ref{lab} to print text and to link to the current spot.
% Think @currentlabel : text ref.
\edef\@currentlabel{#2}% Save text
\phantomsection% Correct hyper reference link
\label{#1}% Print text and store name↦text.
% \textlabel label text: Print and label text.
% \rulenamestyle visible
\newcommand*{\rulenamestyle}[1]{{\TirNameStyle{#1}}} % From mathpartir.sty.
% \ruleref [discharged] lab
% \rulename label
% \inferhref name lab premise conclusion
% \infernH name premise conclusion, if name a valid label.
% The sanity checks in \lbind and \llabel
% don't work properly in amsmath environments
% which perhaps lay out their contents more
% than once. Use \lbind in such cases.
% Sigh.
\newcommand\UNIND{\unind \\}
% Attribution:
%When \left\{ … \right\} looks ugly, remember Dave says you want \bracket.
\NewDocumentCommand{\RES}{s m O{}}{%
\NewDocumentCommand{\ARES}{m O{}}{%
Vars: ${\color{ctxcolor}\displaystyle{#1}}$}
Context: ${\color{ctxcolor}\displaystyle{#1}}$}
Goal: ${\displaystyle{#1}}$}
Suff: ${\displaystyle{#1}}$}
Have: ${\displaystyle{#1}}$}
% A version of \qedhere that accounts for tabbing.
% The starred version lacks leading and trailing vertical space.
{\partopsep=\z@skip \topsep=\z@skip% avoid initial space
\parskip\z@skip% avoid trailing space
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