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Jessy Pango jp-sft

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rifayetuxbd /
Last active December 26, 2024 20:56
Create and configure angular standalone app with firebase emulators

Create and configure angular standalone app with firebase emulators

Create Angular Standalone App

Create angular standalone app by using command npx @angular/cli@latest new <APP_NAME> --standalone --routing --style=scss

Generate and Update enviroment files

  • Generate environment file for production and devlopment by using command ng g environments
    • It will generate two file environment.ts and environment.development.ts under src/environments/
    • It will update amgular.json file for replacing environment.ts with environment.development.ts for dev version
  • Update environments to below
ppa-odoo / templates_inherit_demo
Last active December 19, 2023 13:06
Odoo: How to inherit <templates> of web module?
This is main template:
<template id="template" xml:space="preserve">
<t t-name="DemoExample">
<div class="demo-one">