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Created November 7, 2021 10:46
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JPxG's PressPass 2.1
// ==UserScript==
// @name PressPass
// @version 2.1
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM.setValue
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
// JPxG, 2021 September 9
( function() {
var settingsDefault = {
"style": 1,
"multi": 0,
"spacing": 0,
"date": 1,
"accdate": 1,
"via": 1,
"week": 1,
"length": 1
// Default settings.
async function loadSettings(varDefault) {
variable = await GM.getValue("pressPassConfig", JSON.stringify(varDefault));
settings = JSON.parse(variable);
try {
} catch(e) {settings = settingsDefault;}
// The first thing we're going to do is try and retrieve the settings from local storage. If that doesn't work, we will use defaults.
// Make it a try block per documentation at
var settingsOpen = 0;
// Settings are not currently open, so set this to zero.
function settingsToggle() {
if (settingsOpen == 0){
if (settingsOpen == 1){
settingsOpen = 1 - settingsOpen;
var setHTML = document.createElement ('div');
setHTML.innerHTML = ' \
<div id="settingsBox"> \
<span style="font: monospace;">Citation&nbsp;style:</span>\
<input type="radio" name="stylebox" id="stylebox1" value="st1">\
<input type="radio" name="stylebox" id="stylebox2" value="st2">\
<input type="radio" name="stylebox" id="stylebox3" value="st3">\
<input type="radio" name="stylebox" id="stylebox4" value="st4">\
<input type="radio" name="stylebox" id="stylebox5" value="st5">\
<br />\
<br />\
<br />\
<br /><input type="radio" name="datefbox" id="datefbox1" value="df1">\
1969-12-31&nbsp;(best: this is the international standard)\
<br /><input type="radio" name="datefbox" id="datefbox2" value="df2">\
<br /><input type="radio" name="datefbox" id="datefbox3" value="df3">\
<br /><input type="radio" name="datefbox" id="datefbox4" value="df4">\
Dec&nbsp;31,&nbsp;1969 (avoid if possible)\
<br /><input type="radio" name="datefbox" id="datefbox5" value="df5">\
December&nbsp;31,&nbsp;1969 (avoid if possible)\
<br />\
<br />\
<br />\
<input type="checkbox" name="setbox1" value="sb1"> <span style="font-family: monospace">access-date</span>\
<input type="checkbox" name="setbox2" value="sb2"> <span style="font-family: monospace">via</span>\
<input type="checkbox" name="setbox3" value="sb3"> weekday (as hidden note)\
<br />\
<br />\
<br />\
<input type="radio" name="spacebox" id="spacebox1" value="sp1">\
<input type="radio" name="spacebox" id="spacebox2" value="sp2">\
<br />\
<input type="radio" name="spacebox" id="spacebox3" value="sp3">\
<input type="radio" name="spacebox" id="spacebox4" value="sp4">\
<br />\
<br />\
Ref name style:<br />\
<input type="radio" name="lengthbox" id="lengthbox1" value="lg1">\
<span style="font-family: monospace">&lt;ref name="Wetu691231"&gt;</span><br />\
<input type="radio" name="lengthbox" id="lengthbox2" value="lg2">\
<span style="font-family: monospace">&lt;ref name="Wetump19691231p7"&gt;</span><br />\
<input type="radio" name="lengthbox" id="lengthbox3" value="lg3">\
<span style="font-family: monospace">&lt;ref name="WetumpkaAr 1969-12-31 p7"&gt;</span><br />\
<input type="radio" name="lengthbox" id="lengthbox4" value="lg4">\
<span style="font-family: monospace">&lt;ref name="WetumpkaArgusPi 1969-12-31 p7"&gt;</span><br />\
<input type="radio" name="lengthbox" id="lengthbox5" value="lg5">\
<span style="font-family: monospace">&lt;ref name="The Wetumpka Argus-Picayune Weekly 1969-12-31 p7"&gt;</span><br />\
<br />\
<b>To close and save configuration, click the "settings" button again.</b>\
</center></p> \
</div> \
async function saveSettings(settingsToSave) {
await GM.setValue("pressPassConfig", JSON.stringify(settingsToSave));
function settingsWindow() {
try {
// Try to add it to navbar.
} catch(e) {
document.getElementsByClassName("clear pe")[0].appendChild(setHTML);
// This is what it'll do on the clippings page.
if (settings['style'] == 1) { document.getElementById("stylebox1").checked = true; }
if (settings['style'] == 2) { document.getElementById("stylebox2").checked = true; }
if (settings['style'] == 3) { document.getElementById("stylebox3").checked = true; }
if (settings['style'] == 4) { document.getElementById("stylebox4").checked = true; }
if (settings['style'] == 5) { document.getElementById("stylebox5").checked = true; }
if (settings['date'] == 1) { document.getElementById("datefbox1").checked = true; }
if (settings['date'] == 2) { document.getElementById("datefbox2").checked = true; }
if (settings['date'] == 3) { document.getElementById("datefbox3").checked = true; }
if (settings['date'] == 4) { document.getElementById("datefbox4").checked = true; }
if (settings['date'] == 5) { document.getElementById("datefbox5").checked = true; }
if (settings['accdate'] == 1) { document.getElementsByName("setbox1")[0].checked = true; }
if (settings['via'] == 1) { document.getElementsByName("setbox2")[0].checked = true; }
if (settings['week'] == 1) { document.getElementsByName("setbox3")[0].checked = true; }
if ((settings['multi'] == 0) && (settings['spacing'] == 0)) { document.getElementById("spacebox1").checked = true; }
if ((settings['multi'] == 0) && (settings['spacing'] == 1)) { document.getElementById("spacebox2").checked = true; }
if ((settings['multi'] == 1) && (settings['spacing'] == 0)) { document.getElementById("spacebox3").checked = true; }
if ((settings['multi'] == 1) && (settings['spacing'] == 1)) { document.getElementById("spacebox4").checked = true; }
if (settings['length'] == 1) { document.getElementById("lengthbox1").checked = true; }
if (settings['length'] == 2) { document.getElementById("lengthbox2").checked = true; }
if (settings['length'] == 3) { document.getElementById("lengthbox3").checked = true; }
if (settings['length'] == 4) { document.getElementById("lengthbox4").checked = true; }
if (settings['length'] == 5) { document.getElementById("lengthbox5").checked = true; }
function settingsClose() {
settings['accdate'] = 0;
settings['via'] = 0;
settings['week'] = 0;
if (document.getElementById("stylebox1").checked == true) { settings['style'] = 1; }
if (document.getElementById("stylebox2").checked == true) { settings['style'] = 2; }
if (document.getElementById("stylebox3").checked == true) { settings['style'] = 3; }
if (document.getElementById("stylebox4").checked == true) { settings['style'] = 4; }
if (document.getElementById("stylebox5").checked == true) { settings['style'] = 5; }
if (document.getElementById("datefbox1").checked == true) { settings['date'] = 1; }
if (document.getElementById("datefbox2").checked == true) { settings['date'] = 2; }
if (document.getElementById("datefbox3").checked == true) { settings['date'] = 3; }
if (document.getElementById("datefbox4").checked == true) { settings['date'] = 4; }
if (document.getElementById("datefbox5").checked == true) { settings['date'] = 5; }
if (document.getElementsByName("setbox1")[0].checked == true) {settings['accdate'] = 1; }
if (document.getElementsByName("setbox2")[0].checked == true) {settings['via'] = 1; }
if (document.getElementsByName("setbox3")[0].checked == true) {settings['week'] = 1; }
if (document.getElementById("spacebox1").checked == true) {settings['multi'] = 0; settings['spacing'] = 0; }
if (document.getElementById("spacebox2").checked == true) {settings['multi'] = 0; settings['spacing'] = 1; }
if (document.getElementById("spacebox3").checked == true) {settings['multi'] = 1; settings['spacing'] = 0; }
if (document.getElementById("spacebox4").checked == true) {settings['multi'] = 1; settings['spacing'] = 1; }
if (document.getElementById("lengthbox1").checked == true) { settings['length'] = 1; }
if (document.getElementById("lengthbox2").checked == true) { settings['length'] = 2; }
if (document.getElementById("lengthbox3").checked == true) { settings['length'] = 3; }
if (document.getElementById("lengthbox4").checked == true) { settings['length'] = 4; }
if (document.getElementById("lengthbox5").checked == true) { settings['length'] = 5; }
try {
// Try to add it to navbar.
} catch(e) {
document.getElementsByClassName("clear pe")[0].removeChild(setHTML);
// This is what it'll do on the clippings page.
function composeCitation(link, date, page, title, npname, city, week) {
// Make a reasonably useful ref tag.
// No idea why the hell this ended up being a thing, but strip it out.
npname = npname.replaceAll("&nbsp,", "");
npname = npname.replaceAll("&nbsp;", "");
//if (npname.slice(-1) != " ") {
//npname = npname.substring(0, npname.length - 1);
//} // Sometimes this happens, I suppose.
refTag = npname;
refTag = refTag.replaceAll(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "");
// Remove everything that isn't ASCII from the string.
for(asdf of ["~", "`", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "_", "+", "-", "=", "{", "[", "}", "]", "|", "\\", ":", ";", '"', "'", "<", ",", ">", ".", "?", "/"]){
refTag = refTag.replaceAll(asdf, " ");
} // Strip out weird stuff that won't go into a ref template name.
// Strip out multiple spaces.
refTag = refTag.replaceAll(" ", " ");
refTag = refTag.replaceAll(" ", " ");
refTag = refTag.replaceAll(" ", " ");
refTag = refTag.replaceAll(" ", " ");
refTag = refTag.replaceAll(" ", " ");
if (settings['length'] != 5) {
refTag = refTag.replace("The", "");
refTag = refTag.replaceAll(" ","");
} // Trim spaces from the newspaper name, unless "enormously long ref tags" option is set.
// Now we ensure that the dreaded "leading digit in a MediaWiki reference name" issue does not come up.
for(asdf of ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"]){
if(refTag.substr(0,1) == asdf){
refTag = "n" + refTag.substr(1);
} // If a number is the first character of the string, replace it with something. How about "n", for "newspaper".
} // Do this for all ten digits.
// Now we pad it out a little, in case the string is short.
// Trim that padded query down to character limit.
if (settings['length'] == 1) {
refTag = refTag.substr(0,4);
if (settings['length'] == 2) {
refTag = refTag.substr(0,6);
if (settings['length'] == 3) {
refTag = refTag.substr(0,10);
if (settings['length'] == 4) {
refTag = refTag.substr(0,15);
// Add date format to the ref tag name based on settings.
if (settings['length'] == 1) {
refTag = refTag + date.replaceAll("-","").substring(2);
} // Date for tag format 1: "691231"
if (settings['length'] == 2) {
refTag = refTag + date.replaceAll("-","") + "p" + page;
} // Date for tag format 2: "19691231p7"
if (settings['length'] > 2) {
refTag = refTag + " " + date + " p" + page;
} // Date for tag formats 3, 4, 5: "1969-12-31 p7"
// Today's date.
var todayDate = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10);
var monthodate = parseInt(date.substring(5,7));
var monthtoday = parseInt(todayDate.substring(5,7));
// Short months
var moshs = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
var moshd = moshs[monthodate - 1];
var mosht = moshs[monthtoday - 1];
// Long month
var molos = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
var molod = molos[monthodate - 1];
var molot = molos[monthtoday - 1];
// Days without padding (i.e. "1" instead of "01")
var sdayd = String(parseInt(date.substring(8,10)));
var sdayt = String(parseInt(todayDate.substring(8,10)));
// Years as strings (quite simple)
var yeard = date.substring(0,4);
var yeart = todayDate.substring(0,4);
// Initialize variables. If settings['date'] is 1, they will just stay like this.
var parsedDate = date;
var parsedToday = todayDate;
// Now we parse the proper date format using the settings.
if (settings['date'] == 2) {
parsedDate = sdayd + " " + molod + " " + yeard;
parsedToday = sdayt + " " + molot + " " + yeart;
if (settings['date'] == 3) {
parsedDate = sdayd + " " + moshd + " " + yeard;
parsedToday = sdayt + " " + mosht + " " + yeart;
if (settings['date'] == 4) {
parsedDate = moshd + " " + sdayd + ", " + yeard;
parsedToday = mosht + " " + sdayt + ", " + yeart;
if (settings['date'] == 5) {
parsedDate = molod + " " + sdayd + ", " + yeard;
parsedToday = molot + " " + sdayt + ", " + yeart;
// Compose an actual citation to return.
reffy = "";
var ml = settings['multi'];
// if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
if (settings['spacing'] == 0) {
reffy += '&lt;ref name="' + refTag + '"&gt;' + "{{Cite news";
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "|url=" + link;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "|date=" + parsedDate;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "|page=" + page;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "|title=" + title;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "|newspaper=" + npname;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "|location=" + city;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
if (settings['via'] == 1) {
reffy += "|";
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
if (settings['accdate'] == 1) {
reffy += "|access-date=" + parsedToday;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "}}&lt;/ref&gt;";
if (settings['week'] == 1) {
reffy += "&lt;!-- " + week + " --&gt;"
reffy = reffy.replaceAll("&nbsp;", " ");
reffy = reffy.replaceAll(" ", " ");
reffy = reffy.replaceAll(" |", "|");
} // If spacing isn't enabled.
if (settings['spacing'] == 1) {
reffy += '&lt;ref name="' + refTag + '"&gt;' + "{{Cite news";
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "&nbsp;&nbsp;| url&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;= " + link;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "&nbsp;&nbsp;| date &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;= " + parsedDate;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "&nbsp;&nbsp;| page &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;= " + page;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "&nbsp;&nbsp;| title&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;= " + title;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "&nbsp;&nbsp;| newspaper &nbsp; = " + npname;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "&nbsp;&nbsp;| location &nbsp; &nbsp;= " + city;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
if (settings['via'] == 1) {
reffy += "&nbsp;&nbsp;| via&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;=";
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
if (settings['accdate'] == 1) {
reffy += "&nbsp;&nbsp;| access-date = " + parsedToday;
if (ml == 1) { reffy += "<br />"; }
reffy += "}}&lt;/ref&gt;";
if (settings['week'] == 1) {
reffy += "&lt;!-- " + week + " --&gt;"
} // If spacing is enabled.
// Other citation styles (not quite so demanding!)
if (settings['style'] == 1) {
return reffy;
} // EN.WP
if (settings['style'] == 2) {
if (title.slice(-1) != ".") {
title = title + ".";
} // Append period if it's not already ending with one.
if (npname.slice(-1) != ".") {
npname = npname + ",";
} // Append period if it's not already ending with one.
reffy = '“' + title + '” <em>' + npname + "</em> " + sdayd + " " + moshd + ". " + yeard + ", " + link + ". Accessed " + sdayt + " " + mosht + ". " + yeart + ".";
return reffy;
} // MLA9
if (settings['style'] == 3) {
if (title.slice(-1) != ".") {
title = title + ".";
} // Append period if it's not already ending with one.
if (npname.slice(-1) != ".") {
npname = npname + ".";
} // Append period if it's not already ending with one.
reffy = " (" + yeard + ", " + molod + " " + sdayd + "). " + title + " <em>" + npname + "</em> Retrieved " + molot + " " + sdayt + ", " + yeart + ", from " + link + "."
return reffy;
} // APA7
if (settings['style'] == 4) {
if (title.slice(-1) != ".") {
title = title + ".";
} // Append period if it's not already ending with one.
if (npname.slice(-1) != ".") {
npname = npname + ".";
} // Append period if it's not already ending with one.
reffy = '“' + title + '” <em>' + npname + "</em> " + molod + " " + sdayd + ", " + yeard + ". " + link + ".";
return reffy;
} // Chicago
if (settings['style'] == 5) {
reffy = "@article{" + title.replaceAll(" ", "-") + "-" + yeard + ", ";
reffy += "title = {" + title + "} ";
reffy += "url = {" + link + "}, ";
reffy += "journal = {" + npname + "}, ";
reffy += "publisher = {}, ";
reffy += "year = {" + yeard + "}, ";
reffy += "month = {" + moshd + "}, ";
reffy += "day = {" + sdayd + "} ";
reffy += "}"
return reffy;
} // BiBTeX
if (window.location.href.indexOf("") >= 0){
// If we're on a search page at
//alert("Running a script, wow.");
var newHTML = document.createElement ('div');
newHTML.innerHTML = ' \
<div id="gmSomeID"> \
&nbsp; &nbsp;Auto:&nbsp;<button type="button" id="clickButton" class="clbutton"><small>click</small></button><button type="button" id="scrollButton" class="scrollButton"><small>scroll</small></button> \
Select:&nbsp;<button type="button" id="saButton" class="sabutton"><small>all</small></button><button type="button" id="snButton" class="snbutton"><small>none</small></button> \
Cites:&nbsp;<button type="button" id="scrapeButton" class="scbutton"><small>make</small></button><button type="button" id="clearButton" class="clbutton"><small>clear</small></button> \
New&nbsp;tab:&nbsp;<button type="button" id="openallButton" class="oabutton"><small>selected</small></button><button type="button" id="openeveryButton" class="oebutton"><small>all</small></button> \
Links:&nbsp;<button type="button" id="newspageButton" class="npbutton"><small><small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image</small></small></button>\
&nbsp;<button type="button" id="settingsButton" class="stbutton"><small>Settings</small></button>\
</center></p> \
</div> \
// Foolproof, but puts the buttons annoyingly at the very bottom of the page.
// Puts it up in the navbar, which is mostly deead space. I kind of like this, but it doesn't stick with you as you scroll.
//&nbsp; &nbsp;Auto:&nbsp;<button type="button" id="clickButton" class="clbutton" style="font-family: monospace"><small>click</small></button><button type="button" id="scrollButton" class="scrollButton" style="font-family: monospace"><small>scroll</small></button>
document.getElementById("clickButton").addEventListener("click", autoClick);
document.getElementById("scrollButton").addEventListener("click", autoScroll);
document.getElementById("saButton").addEventListener("click", checkAll);
document.getElementById("snButton").addEventListener("click", uncheckAll);
document.getElementById("scrapeButton").addEventListener("click", scrapeLinks);
document.getElementById("clearButton").addEventListener("click", clearLinks);
document.getElementById("openallButton").addEventListener("click", openLinks);
document.getElementById("openeveryButton").addEventListener("click", openAllLinks);
document.getElementById("newspageButton").addEventListener("click", toggleLinks);
document.getElementById("settingsButton").addEventListener("click", settingsToggle);
// Add listeners, so that all of the buttons actually do something.
document.getElementById("clickButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("scrollButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("saButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("snButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("scrapeButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("clearButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("openallButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("openeveryButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("newspageButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("settingsButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
// Set formatting for the buttons.
var scrollHTML = document.createElement ('div');
scrollHTML.innerHTML = ' \
<div id="gmSomeID"> \
&nbsp; &nbsp;Auto:&nbsp;<button type="button" id="clickButtonb" class="clbutton" style="font-family: monospace"><small>click</small></button><button type="button" id="scrollButtonb" class="scrollButton" style="font-family: monospace"><small>scroll</small></button>\
</center></p> \
</div> \
document.getElementById("clickButtonb").addEventListener("click", autoClick);
document.getElementById("scrollButtonb").addEventListener("click", autoScroll);
// Set toggle variable for autoclicker
var autoClickOn = 0;
var autoScrollOn = 0;
var newspageToggle = 0;
// Button HTML, and listener, for checkbox adding. Made unnecessary by the setInterval.
// <button type="button" id="checksButton" class="ckbutton">add checkboxes</button>\
// document.getElementById("checksButton").addEventListener("click", addBoxes);
var boxesID = setInterval(addBoxes, 500);
function toggleLinks() {
if (newspageToggle == 0) {
document.getElementById("newspageButton").innerHTML = "<small><small>newspage</small></small>";
var l = document.links;
for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++) {
l[i].href = String(l[i].href).replace("/image/", "/newspage/");
} // For each link in the page.
} // If we're setting it to "newspage".
if (newspageToggle == 1) {
document.getElementById("newspageButton").innerHTML = "<small><small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image</small></small>";
var l = document.links;
for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++) {
l[i].href = String(l[i].href).replace("/newspage/", "/image/");
} // For each link in the page.
} // If we're setting it to "image".
newspageToggle = 1 - newspageToggle;
// Invert the toggle.
function autoClick() {
if (autoClickOn == 0){
intervalID = setInterval(clickOnTheButton, 500);
document.getElementById("clickButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px; color:red";
document.getElementById("clickButtonb").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px; color:red";
if (autoClickOn == 1){
document.getElementById("clickButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("clickButtonb").style = "ffont-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
// If this is 0, yields 1. If this is 1, yields 0.
autoClickOn = 1 - autoClickOn;
} // Function to click on the thing.
function clickOnTheButton() {
} // Love to define an entire function to call from the setInterval which I'm defining as a variable inside another function
// That's sarcasm, actually. I don't "love to" do this. But I have to.
// called from the click listener, to execute one line of code.
function autoScroll() {
if (autoScrollOn == 0){
intervalScroll = setInterval(scrollOnTheScreen, 50);
document.getElementById("scrollButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px; color:red";
document.getElementById("scrollButtonb").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px; color:red";
if (autoScrollOn == 1){
document.getElementById("scrollButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
document.getElementById("scrollButtonb").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
// If this is 0, yields 1. If this is 1, yields 0.
autoScrollOn = 1 - autoScrollOn;
} // Function to click on the thing.
function scrollOnTheScreen() {
} // Same as above.
function addBoxes() {
var as = document.getElementsByClassName('search-record');
var increment = 0;
for(var asdf in as){
increment += 1;
if (as[asdf].getElementsByClassName('czechbox').length != 0) {
var useless = 0;
else {
var boxHTML = document.createElement('div');
boxHTML.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" id="czechbox" class="czechbox" name="czechbox' + increment + '" value="' + increment + '">';
// Dummy string (just adds the text "hi"):
//boxHTML.innerHTML = '<div id="czechbox" class="czechbox' + increment + '"><p>Hi</p></div>'
// Appending the box HTML to the page number:
// Append to the little newspaper icon.
try{as[asdf].getElementsByClassName('icon-paper')[0].appendChild(boxHTML);} catch(error) {console.error(error);}
try{as[asdf].getElementsByClassName('icon-obit')[0].appendChild(boxHTML);} catch(error) {console.error(error);}
} // If there isn't a checkbox already there.
} // Iterate over all search-records.
} // Function to add checkboxes (called automatically every so often).
function checkAll() {
// Get every box in the document.
var bice = document.getElementsByClassName('czechbox');
for (var asdf in bice){
bice[asdf].checked = true;
} // Iterate over each box.
} // Function to check all checkboxes.
function uncheckAll() {
// Get every box in the document.
var bice = document.getElementsByClassName('czechbox');
for (var asdf in bice){
bice[asdf].checked = false;
} // Iterate over each box.
} // Function to clear all checkboxes.
function openLink(links, counter, openAll) {
if(counter >= links.length) {return;}
var aLink = links[counter].querySelectorAll('a')[0].href
var checked = String(links[counter].getElementsByClassName('czechbox')[0].checked);
counter = counter + 1;
if ((checked == "true") || (openAll == "true")) {
setTimeout(function(){openLink(links, counter, openAll);}, 1000);
} else{
setTimeout(function(){openLink(links, counter, openAll);}, 1);
} //
} // Recursive function: opens the link and then calls itself for the next one.
function openLinks() {
var bice = document.getElementsByClassName('czechbox');
var checkedCount = 0;
for (var asdf in bice) {
if (bice[asdf].checked == true) {
checkedCount += 1;
} // If it's checked.
} // Over each checkbox.
var goAhead = confirm("This is about " + String(checkedCount) + " new tabs. Are you sure about that, buddy?");
// Set first timeout. This will be incremented in the loop later.
var waitTime = 100;
if (goAhead == false){
let useless = 0;
} else {
var as = document.getElementsByClassName('search-record');
openLink(as, 0, "false");
// Invoke the function to open troves of links, and say "false" to "open all of them".
} // if the confirmation was given
} // Function to open all links
function openAllLinks() {
var bice = document.getElementsByClassName('czechbox');
var checkedCount = 0;
for (var asdf in bice) {
checkedCount += 1;
} // Over each checkbox (we don't care if they're checked).
var goAhead = confirm("This is about " + String(checkedCount) + " new tabs. Are you sure about that, pal?");
if (goAhead == false){
let useless = 0;
} else {
var as = document.getElementsByClassName('search-record');
openLink(as, 0, "true");
// Invoke the function to open troves of links, and say "true" to "open all of them".
} // if the confirmation was given
} // Function to open all links'
function clearLinks() {
// This is a really weird way to write this
// But iterating over the whole array didn't work for some reason.
// Whereas this does.
if (document.getElementsByClassName("scrapedResults").length != 0){
do {
} while (document.getElementsByClassName("scrapedResults").length != 0);
} // If there's a scrapedResults at all
} // Function to clear all cites from the bottom.
function scrapeLinks() {
stringToPrint = ""
var incrementor = 0;
// This will get the whole "search-record", which includes the image to the left as well.
// Seems to work perfectly fine either way, without having to rewrite any code.
var as = document.getElementsByClassName('search-record');
// This will just get "record-content", which includes only the stuff to the right of the image.
// (It worked fine until I had to incorporate the checkboxes, which are in the left column.)
//var as = document.getElementsByClassName('record-content');
for(var asdf in as){
try {
incrementor += 1;
//var stringy = String(as[asdf].innerHTML);
var checked = String(as[asdf].getElementsByClassName('czechbox')[0].checked);
if (checked == "true"){
var aLink = String(as[asdf].querySelectorAll('a')[0].href);
// This is the href for that entire whole block of stuff. We want it!
var paper = String(as[asdf].getElementsByClassName('h5')[0].getElementsByTagName('b')[0].innerHTML);
// The name of the newspaper is h5.
var aPage = String(as[asdf].getElementsByClassName('text-uppercase')[0].innerHTML);
// The page number ("Page 69") is going to be the first element with the class name "text-uppercase".
// Leaving the below line as a monument to stupidity.
// aPage = aPage.substring(aPage.indexOf("Page") + 4).trim();
aPage = aPage.replaceAll("Page","").trim();
// Trim the "Paqe" from "Page 69" and remove trailing/leading spaces
aPage = aPage.replaceAll(" · Obituary","");
var aCity = String(as[asdf].getElementsByClassName('text-dark')[0].innerHTML);
// This will look like: <span class="icon-news icon-location2 text-muted"></span> Concord, California
aCity = aCity.substring(aCity.indexOf("</span>") + 7).trim();
// Cut it off after the span tag ends.
// Long, goofy bunch of code that tries to see if it says how many matches there were for the string.
// If there are more than one, it adds them to a string as an edit note on that ref.
// Otherwise, it makes that string nothing.
var match = "XXX";
try {
match = String(as[asdf].getElementsByClassName('mt-auto')[0].innerHTML);
if (match != "") {
// It will be something like "<small>1 of 2 matches on this page.</small>"
match = match.substring(match.indexOf("of ") + 3)
match = match.substring(0, match.indexOf(" matches"))
//alert("'" + match + "'");
} else { match = "XXX"} // If it returns anything at all, else, store "XXX"
} catch(error) {console.error(error)} // Catch error for if it hasn't loaded the "1 of 1 matches on this page" thing yet.
if ((match == "XXX") || (match == "1") || (match == "")) {
match = "";
} else {match = "&lt;!-- M:" + match + " --&gt;";} // Make it a comment.
// The above code makes an editnote to say how many matches there are (if it's more than 1).
lastSpan = as[asdf].getElementsByTagName('span').length;
var aDate = String(as[asdf].getElementsByTagName('span')[lastSpan - 1].innerHTML);
// The date ("Sunday, October 07, 2007") is the third "span" in this block of HTML - unless there's that premium icon.
// To avoid stupidity, we're going to just take the last span in the whole block, rather than "2" or "3".
// Below, is a huge ugly chunk of code to format the date properly (YYYY-MM-DD).
var aDay = "XXX";
if (aDate.indexOf("Monday") != -1) { aDay = "Mon"; };
if (aDate.indexOf("Tuesday") != -1) { aDay = "Tue"; };
if (aDate.indexOf("Wednesday") != -1) { aDay = "Wed"; };
if (aDate.indexOf("Thursday") != -1) { aDay = "Thu"; };
if (aDate.indexOf("Friday") != -1) { aDay = "Fri"; };
if (aDate.indexOf("Saturday") != -1) { aDay = "Sat"; };
if (aDate.indexOf("Sunday") != -1) { aDay = "Sun"; };
// Store which day it was as a three-letter day name.
aDate = aDate.replace("Monday, ", "");
aDate = aDate.replace("Tuesday, ", "");
aDate = aDate.replace("Wednesday, ", "");
aDate = aDate.replace("Thursday, ", "");
aDate = aDate.replace("Friday, ", "");
aDate = aDate.replace("Saturday, ", "");
aDate = aDate.replace("Sunday, ", "");
// "Sunday, October 07, 2007" will not parse as a valid date, we have to make it just be the day.
// After this, it will be "October 07, 2007".
aDate = aDate.replace("January ", "01-");
aDate = aDate.replace("February ", "02-");
aDate = aDate.replace("March ", "03-");
aDate = aDate.replace("April ", "04-");
aDate = aDate.replace("May ", "05-");
aDate = aDate.replace("June ", "06-");
aDate = aDate.replace("July ", "07-");
aDate = aDate.replace("August ", "08-");
aDate = aDate.replace("September ", "09-");
aDate = aDate.replace("October ", "10-");
aDate = aDate.replace("November ", "11-");
aDate = aDate.replace("December ", "12-");
// Replace the months with digits.
// After this, it will be "10-07, 2007".
aDate = aDate.substring(aDate.length - 4) + "-" + aDate.substring(0, (aDate.length - 4))
// Overly baroque way of moving the year to the front of the date.
// After this, it will be "2007-10-07, ".
aDate = aDate.replaceAll(",","").trim();
// After this, it will be "2007-10-07".
aDate = aDate.replaceAll(" ", "");
// Replace space.
aDate = aDate.replaceAll(" ", "");
// This is actually a U+2009 THIN SPACE.
// Afer this, it will remove that weird date bug that happens for obituaries sometimes.
let queryString = window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.indexOf("#query=") + 7)
// The current URL, but only the part after the query string.
// Now we are going to come up with a name for the ref titles.
queryString = decodeURIComponent(queryString);
// De-percent-encode the query.
queryString = queryString.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "");
// Remove everything that isn't ASCII from the string.
for(asdf of ["~", "`", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "_", "+", "-", "=", "{", "[", "}", "]", "|", "\\", ":", ";", '"', "'", "<", ",", ">", ".", "?", "/"]){
queryString = queryString.replaceAll(asdf, "");
} // Strip out weird stuff that won't go into a ref template name.
// Now we ensure that the dreaded "leading digit in a MediaWiki reference name" issue does not come up.
for(asdf of ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"]){
if(queryString.substr(0,1) == asdf){
queryString = "n" + queryString.substr(1);
} // If a number is the first character of the string, replace it with something. How about "n", for "newspaper".
} // Do this for all ten digits.
// Now we pad it out a little, in case the query is short.
queryString = queryString + "0000000000";
// Trim that padded query to ten characters.
queryString = queryString.substr(0, 10);
// Commenting this out in favor of the globally defined composeCitation function (2021 Nov 6)
//var citation = '&lt;ref name="' + queryString + ("00000" + incrementor).slice(-5) + '"&gt;'
//// Ref name: "scrounge" plus zero-padded five-digit ref identifier
//citation += '{{cite newspaper|url=' + aLink
////citation += '{{cite newspaper|url='
//citation += '|date=' + aDate
//citation += '|page=' + aPage
//citation += '|title=Page ' + aPage
//citation += '|newspaper=' + paper;
//citation += '|location=' + aCity
//citation += '}}&lt;/ref&gt;'
//citation += '&lt;!-- ' + aDay + ' --&gt;'
//citation += match;
var aTitle = "Page " + aPage;
// Use compositing function defined elsewhere.
var citation = composeCitation(aLink, aDate, aPage, aTitle, paper, aCity, aDay);
// function composeCitation(link, date, page, title, npname, city, week)
// ' | publisher = "
// Above is the prim-and-proper vertical cite style.
// Maybe I will add an option to output this later.
// For now? Who cares.
stringToPrint += "<br />\n" + citation;
} // If the checkbox is checked.
What we're getting from a "record-content" looks like this:
<a href="/image/745226149/?terms=%22bradford%20island%22&amp;match=1" class="d-flex align-self-start flex-column">
<h2 class="h5 mb-1"><b>Daily Transcript</b></h2>
<p class="text-muted text-uppercase text-small mb-1">Page 6</p>
<p class="ml-n1 text-dark mb-1" title="Location"><span class="icon-news icon-location2 text-muted"></span> Concord, California</p>
<p class="ml-n1 mb-1 text-dark"><span class="news-date icon-news icon-cal text-muted mr-1"></span><span>Wednesday, January 06, 1960</span></p>
<p class="text-muted mb-0 mt-auto"><small>1 of 1 matches on this page.</small></p></a>
// "undefined"
} catch (error) {console.error(error)} // I hate javascript.
} // For each entry in the whole array.
// The next block of code is some goofy stuff to generate edit-note comments for the source. Fairly baroque and pointless.
let queryString = window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.indexOf("#query=") + 7)
// The current URL, but only the part after the query string.
stringToPrint = "&lt;!-- Query: " + queryString +" --&gt;<br/>\n" + stringToPrint
let today = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10)
stringToPrint += "<br/>\n&lt;!-- Citations generated by JPxG's PressPass v2.1, " + today + " --&gt;"
var stringHTML = document.createElement ('div');
stringHTML.innerHTML = '<span id="scrapedResults" class="scrapedResults" style="font: monospace;">' + stringToPrint + '</div>';
// This works, but freezes all Javascripts on the page (including loading of previews, etc).
//document.body.innerHTML += stringToPrint;
} // What to do when you clikc the freakin' button.
} // End of what to do if it's a newspapers search page.
if (window.location.href.indexOf("") >= 0){
// If it's an image page (i.e. the page with clippings on it
var clipSetHTML = document.createElement ('div');
clipSetHTML.innerHTML = ' \
<div id="gmSomeID"> \
&nbsp;<button type="button" id="settingsButton" class="stbutton"><small>PressPass settings</small></button>\
</div> \
// Set the HTML for the settings button.
document.getElementsByClassName("clear pe")[0].appendChild(clipSetHTML);
// Add to the header.
document.getElementById("settingsButton").style = "font-family: monospace; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px";
// Format the button.
document.getElementById("settingsButton").addEventListener("click", settingsToggle);
// Add an event listener to show/hide settings when you click da freakin button.
// Try every 500 ms to add the event listener. In an affront to all common decency, this actually works.
var intervalAddCite = setInterval(addListener, 500);
function addListener() {
document.getElementById("copyBtn").addEventListener("click", autoCite);
} // Adds a listener to the copy button; this won't be present when we first load the page, so we have to keep trying to do it over and over
function autoCite() {
if (!document.getElementById("citationDiv")) {
// This is largely identical to the previous defined function, but it's slightly different.
// Mostly, it's drawing the information from completely different places.
//alert("Sup nerd");
// We're going to get the navbar_nodes, which contain all of the information we need for our citation.
navNode = document.getElementById('navbar_nodes');
//var clipname = String(navNode.querySelectorAll('a')[0]);
// This will give something like "<b>The Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, California)</b>".
var clipname = String(navNode.querySelectorAll('a')[0].innerHTML);
// This will give something like "<b>08 Oct 1868, Thu</b>".
var clipdate = String(navNode.querySelectorAll('a')[1].innerHTML);
// This will give something like "<em><b>Page 3</b></em>".
var clippage = String(navNode.getElementsByClassName('end')[0].innerHTML);
// Time to strip out the bold and em tags.
clipname = clipname.replaceAll("<b>","");
clipname = clipname.replaceAll("</b>","");
clipdate = clipdate.replaceAll("<b>","");
clipdate = clipdate.replaceAll("</b>","");
clippage = clippage.replaceAll("<b>","");
clippage = clippage.replaceAll("</b>","");
clippage = clippage.replaceAll("<em>","");
clippage = clippage.replaceAll("</em>","");
////////// We need to parse the date.... using a slightly different format than the one above, lol.
//"08 Oct 1868, Thu"
// 0123456789111111
// 012345
var parsedDy = clipdate.substr(0,2);
var parsedYr = clipdate.substr(7,4);
var parsedWk = clipdate.substr(13,3);
var parsedMn = "FOO";
var months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
for(asdf in months) {
if (clipdate.indexOf(months[asdf]) >= 0){
// Take the incrementor and store it as the month.
// Remember to add one, or you are a bozo!
parsedMn = "00" + String(parseInt(asdf)+1);
parsedMn = parsedMn.slice(-2);
} // If it actually finds the darn thing.
} // For every month.
clipdate = parsedYr + "-" + parsedMn + "-" + parsedDy
////////// Parse the newspaper name and city.
// Parse the city name, which is after the parenthesis.
var clipcity = clipname.substr(clipname.indexOf("(")+1);
// Remove the last parenthesis.
clipcity = clipcity.replaceAll(")","").trim();
// Crop clipname so it ends before the parenthesis.
clipname = clipname.substr(0,clipname.indexOf("(")).trim();
// Get the URL for the link.
var cliplink = document.getElementById('share_link_link_url').value;
// Get the title for the clip.
var cliptitl = document.getElementsByClassName('clip-title')[0].innerHTML;
////////// Parse the page number.
clippage = clippage.replace("Page","").trim();
// Old compositor for image-page citations. Replacing this with the function (2021 Nov 6).
// var citeString = "";
// citeString += '&lt;ref name="' + refTag + '"&gt;'
// citeString += "{{Cite newspaper";
// citeString += "|url=" + cliplink;
// citeString += "|date=" + clipdate;
// citeString += "|page=" + clippage;
// citeString += "|title=" + cliptitl;
// citeString += "|newspaper=" + clipname;
// citeString += "|location=" + clipcity;
// citeString += "}}&lt;/ref&gt;";
// citeString += "&lt;!-- " + parsedWk + " --&gt;"
// Use compositing function defined elsewhere.
citeString = composeCitation(cliplink, clipdate, clippage, cliptitl, clipname, clipcity, parsedWk);
// function composeCitation(link, date, page, title, npname, city, week)
// var citeString = clipname + " " + clipdate + " " + clippage;
////////// Now we are going to add the citation to the layout of the page.
var citeDiv = document.createElement('div');
citeDiv.innerHTML = '<div id="citationDiv"><p>' + citeString + '</p></div>';
// This works, but it's added in kind of an awkward place.
//try{document.getElementsByClassName('form-group')[0].appendChild(citeDiv);} catch(error) {console.error(error);}
try{document.getElementsByClassName('ss-icons')[0].appendChild(citeDiv);} catch(error) {console.error(error);}
// remove extraneous stuff and format for putting it in the copying box.
citeString = citeString.replaceAll("&nbsp;", " ");
citeString = citeString.replaceAll("&lt;","<");
citeString = citeString.replaceAll("&gt;",">");
citeString = citeString.replaceAll("<br />","\n");
citeString = citeString.replaceAll(" ", " ");
citeString = citeString.replaceAll(" ", " ");
citeString = citeString.replaceAll(" ", " ");
citeString = citeString.replaceAll(" ", " ");
citeString = citeString.replaceAll(" ", " ");
////////// Now we're gonna put it in the little box.
document.getElementById('share_link_link_url').value = citeString;
} // End of block for "if there's no autoCite block generated."
} // autoCite function.
} // End of what to do if it's an image page.
})(); // End of the line.
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