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Created August 20, 2020 04:04
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Simple shell script to query AWS CloudTrail for particular actions in an AWS account
# The following shell script uses Amazon Athena to query AWS CloudTrail logs for any occurrences of the
# action sagemaker:ListNotebookInstances. The query returns the user identity who invoked the API, along
# with the region where the API was called. A simple count of the number of invokes is outputted as a
# result.
SQL="SELECT useridentity.arn, eventname, eventsource, awsregion, sourceipaddress, errorcode, eventtime FROM cloudtrail_logs_account_logging WHERE eventsource = '' AND eventname in ('ListNotebookInstances') AND eventtime > '2020-04-15' LIMIT 3;"
EXEC_ID=$(aws athena start-query-execution --query-string "$SQL" --result-configuration OutputLocation=s3://my-s3-logging-bucket/queries --query 'QueryExecutionId' --output text)
echo Started execution ID $EXEC_ID
STATUS=$(aws athena get-query-execution --query-execution-id $EXEC_ID --query 'QueryExecution.Status.State' --output text)
while [ $STATUS == 'RUNNING' ]
echo Query has status $STATUS
sleep 5
STATUS=$(aws athena get-query-execution --query-execution-id $EXEC_ID --query 'QueryExecution.Status.State' --output text)
REC_COUNT=$(aws athena get-query-results --query-execution-id $EXEC_ID --query 'ResultSet.Rows[*].Data[*].VarCharValue' --output text | wc -l)
echo Action was invoked at least $REC_COUNT times this month
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