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Created November 2, 2017 15:33
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import logging
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import hashlib
import json
import urllib
logger = logging.getLogger('lambda.handler')
REGIONS = ('GLOBAL', 'ap-southeast-2')
def handler(event, context):"Received event: " + json.dumps(event, indent=2))
message = json.loads(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message'])
# Load the ip ranges from the url
ip_ranges = json.loads(get_ip_groups_json(message['url'], message['md5']))
# extract the service ranges from ip_ranges, map them by region and then service (region -> service -> ranges)
service_ranges = get_ranges_for_services(ip_ranges, SERVICES, REGIONS)
# update the security groups
result = {'updated_security_groups': []}
client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name='ap-southeast-2')
for region in REGIONS:
for service in service_ranges[region]:
groups = get_security_groups_for_update (client, {'managed': 'true', 'region': region.lower(), 'service': service.lower()})
for group in groups:
logger.debug ("Updating group: {0}".format (group))
update_security_group (client, group, service_ranges[region][service], 443)
result['updated_security_groups'].append(group['GroupId']) ("Updated security group {0} ({1})".format(group['GroupName'], group['GroupId']))
except ClientError as client_error:
logger.error("Error updating {0}: {1}".format (group['GroupId'], client_error))
return result
def get_ip_groups_json(url, expected_hash):"Retrieving updated IP ranges from {0}".format (url))
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
ip_json =
m = hashlib.md5()
hash = m.hexdigest()
if hash != expected_hash:
raise Exception('MD5 Mismatch: got ' + hash + ' expected ' + expected_hash)
return ip_json
def get_ranges_for_services(ranges, services, regions):
service_ranges = {}
for region in regions:
service_ranges[region] = {}
for service in services:
service_ranges[region][service] = []
for prefix in ranges['prefixes']:
if prefix['service'] == service and prefix['region'] == region:
logger.debug('Found ' + service + ' range: ' + prefix['ip_prefix'])
if prefix['ip_prefix'] not in service_ranges[region][service]:
logger.debug("Storing {0}".format(prefix['ip_prefix']))
for region in [r for r in service_ranges if r != 'GLOBAL']:
service_ranges[region]['AMAZON'] = list(
set(service_ranges[region]['AMAZON']) - set(service_ranges[region]['EC2']))
for region in service_ranges:
for service in service_ranges[region]:"Region {0}, service {1} has {2} CIDR ranges".format (region, service, len(service_ranges[region][service])))
return service_ranges
def update_security_group(client, group, new_ranges, port):
added = 0
removed = 0
permission = {'ToPort': port, 'FromPort': port, 'IpProtocol': 'tcp'}
old_ranges = []
for permission in group['IpPermissionsEgress']:
if 'IpRanges' in permission:
old_ranges += [r['CidrIp'] for r in permission['IpRanges']]
to_revoke = list(set(old_ranges) - set(new_ranges))
to_add = list(set(new_ranges) - set(old_ranges))
logger.debug ("Will add {0} rules and revoke {1} rules to {0} ({1})".format ( len(to_add), len(to_revoke), group['GroupName'], group['GroupId']))
removed += revoke_permissions(client, group, permission, to_revoke)
added += add_permissions(client, group, permission, to_add) ("{0} ({1}): Added {2}, Revoked {3}".format (group['GroupName'], group['GroupId'], added, removed))
return (added > 0 or removed > 0)
def revoke_permissions(client, group, permission, to_revoke):
ip_ranges = [{'CidrIp': r} for r in to_revoke]
if len(to_revoke) > 0:
revoke_params = {
'ToPort': permission['ToPort'],
'FromPort': permission['FromPort'],
'IpRanges': ip_ranges,
'IpProtocol': permission['IpProtocol']
GroupId=group['GroupId'], IpPermissions=[revoke_params])
return len(to_revoke)
def add_permissions(client, group, permission, to_add):
logger.debug("Adding permission to Cidr range: {0}".format(to_add))
ip_ranges = [{'CidrIp': r} for r in to_add]
if len(to_add) > 0:
add_params = {
'ToPort': permission['ToPort'],
'FromPort': permission['FromPort'],
'IpRanges': ip_ranges,
'IpProtocol': permission['IpProtocol']
GroupId=group['GroupId'], IpPermissions=[add_params])
return len(to_add)
def get_security_groups_for_update(client, security_group_tag):
filters = list()
for key, value in security_group_tag.items():
{'Name': "tag-key", 'Values': [key]},
{'Name': "tag-value", 'Values': [value]}
response = client.describe_security_groups(Filters=filters)
return response['SecurityGroups']
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