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Last active June 4, 2018 00:58
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StatsD + Graphite on Mavericks

StatsD + Graphite backend on Mavericks.

I highly recommend using virtualenv for this.

Create your env

mkdir statsd
virtualenv env


Most of these steps are taken from this gist and were adapted to work with virtualenv.

Install Cairo and friends

brew install cairo
brew install py2cairo

Install Django

pip install Django==1.5
pip install django-tagging

Install Graphite

pip install carbon
pip install whisper
pip install graphite-web
pip install Twisted==11.1.0

sudo chown -R `whoami`:staff /opt/graphite

Configure Graphite

cp /opt/graphite/conf/carbon.conf{.example,}
cp /opt/graphite/conf/storage-schemas.conf{.example,}

Create default database

cd /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite

# Modify this file to change database backend (default is sqlite).

# Initialize database
python syncdb

Start Carbon

python /opt/graphite/bin/ start

Start Graphite

python /opt/graphite/bin/ /opt/graphite

Go to:


If you see something like ImportError: Could not find Cairo, please follow these instructions to fix it.

Install and start StatsD

brew install node
git clone
cd statsd
cp exampleConfig.js config.js # edit config.js accordingly.
node stats.js config.js
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