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Last active October 24, 2021 22:54
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jq-based script to parse an Ansible json logfile obtained with `ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=json`
#!/usr/bin/env python
parse an Ansible json formatted log
required parameters: - HOSTNAME : hostname/IP as it appears in log i.e.
`` to address task results from `"hosts": {"":
{"_ansible_no_log": false`... - LOGFILE : log file
--taskname TEXT - this accepts a regex as filter
--failed BOOLEAN
--help Show this message and exit.
import pdb
import json
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from traceback import print_exc as xp
# pylint: enable=unused-import
# Dependencies
import click
import pyjq
# these are debugging-related and are not needed for operation
# I've left them here
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from bemyerp.lib.utils import set_cpdb, set_rpdb, ppp, set_breakpoints3
# pylint: enable=unused-import
#pragma: no cover pylint: disable=unused-variable
except (ImportError,) as e:
def set_cpdb(*args, **kwargs):
"basically return a do-nothing function"
return cpdb
ppp = set_rpdb = set_breakpoints3 = set_cpdb
#regex-filter on
@click.option("--taskname", type=str, default="", help="regex filter on task names")
#filter for failed tasks (only 1 typically)
@click.option("--failed", type=bool, default=False)
# @""
@click.argument("hostname", type=str, default=False)
@click.argument('logfile', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False))
def run_via_click(**kwargs):
"""parse an Ansible json formatted log
required parameters:
- HOSTNAME : hostname/IP as it appears in log i.e. ``
to address task results from `"hosts": {"": {"_ansible_no_log": false`...
- LOGFILE : log file
mgr = Main(**kwargs)
# pragma: no cover pylint: disable=unused-variable
except (Exception,) as e: # pragma: no cover
if cpdb():
# pylint doesn't get the click & kwargs tricks
# pylint: disable=no-member
class Main:
""" parser """
def __repr__(self): # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
""" repr """
return "%s" % (self.__class__.__name__)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""note that the incoming `kwargs` are determined
by `run_via_click`s arguments
def process(self):
""" take the parameters from click and run """
di = None
with open(self.logfile) as fi:
# expect a JSONDecodeError from the header stuff
di = json.load(fi)
except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError,) as e:
if di is None:
# get rid of the headers stuff like
#`2020-03-12 13:41:24,041 p=88609 u=myuser n=ansible | {`
with open(self.logfile) as fi:
text =
start = "{\n"
pos = text.find(start)
di = json.loads(text[pos:])
# having a tough time replacing the hardcoded IP with a jq variable
# and getting Python crashes when passing
# in more than 1 variable in the `vars` parameter to `pyjq.all`
# so building host filtering in Python
has_host = f'has("{self.hostname}")'
host_addressing = f'"{self.hostname}"'
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
#hardcode version that works
# jqryhard = '.plays[].tasks[]| select(.hosts | has(""))| .task + (.hosts."" | {msg, action, changed, stderr_lines, stdout_lines, failed, cmd}) | select(.name | startswith($taskname))'
jqry = f""".plays[].tasks[]| select(.hosts | {has_host})| .task + (.hosts.{host_addressing} | {{msg, action, changed, stderr_lines, stdout_lines, failed, cmd}}) | select(.name | test($taskname))"""
if self.failed:
jqry += " | select(.failed == true) "
# having more than 1 variable in the vars dictionary causes Python crashes and seg faults
data = pyjq.all(jqry, di, vars=dict(taskname=self.taskname))#, hostname=self.hostname))
#makes the name show up on top rather than in the middle
for entry in data:
entry["_name"] = entry["name"]
#pragma: no cover pylint: disable=unused-variable
except (KeyError,) as e:
print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
# pragma: no cover pylint: disable=unused-variable
except (Exception,) as e:
if cpdb():
def cpdb(*args, **kwargs):
rpdb = breakpoints = cpdb
if __name__ == "__main__":
cpdb = set_cpdb()
rpdb = set_rpdb()
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