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Forked from Isaddo/import-github-labels.js
Last active July 10, 2017 03:02
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  • Save jpike88/9bd4139b5c7bd15492f3db43a980e908 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jpike88/9bd4139b5c7bd15492f3db43a980e908 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import github labels via console command
Go on your labels page (
Edit the following label array
Use this snippet to export github labels (
and replace it
Paste this script in your console
Press Enter!!
"name": "Needs Discussion",
"color": "006b75"
"name": "Rejected: Duplicate",
"color": "cccccc"
"name": "Rejected: Unable To Reproduce",
"color": "cccccc"
"name": "Type: Bug",
"color": "b60205"
"name": "Type: Chore",
"color": "fbca04"
"name": "Type: Enhancement",
"color": "0e8a16"
].forEach(function(label) {
function updateLabel (label) {
var flag = false;
.forEach(function(element) {
if (element.querySelector('.label-link').textContent.trim() === {
flag = true
element.querySelector('.label-edit-name').value =
element.querySelector('.color-editor-input').value = '#' + label.color
element.querySelector('.new-label-actions .btn-primary').click()
return flag
function addNewLabel (label) {
document.querySelector('.new-label input#label-').value =
document.querySelector('.new-label input#edit-label-color-new').value = '#' + label.color
document.querySelector('.new-label-actions .btn-primary').click()
function addLabel (label) {
if (!updateLabel(label)) addNewLabel(label)
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