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Last active August 18, 2020 20:41
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class Lazy<T> {
fileprivate var loader: (()->T)
fileprivate var _value: T?
var projectedValue: Lazy<T> { return self }
var wrappedValue: T {
_value = _value ?? loader()
return _value!
init(wrappedValue: T) {
_value = wrappedValue
self.loader = { wrappedValue }
init(_ loader: @autoclosure @escaping ()->T) {
self.loader = loader
init(load loader: @escaping ()->T) {
self.loader = loader
func reset() {
_value = nil
class LazyMutable<T>: Lazy<T> {
override var projectedValue: LazyMutable<T> { return self }
override var wrappedValue: T {
get { super.wrappedValue }
set { set(newValue) }
func set(_ loader: @autoclosure @escaping ()->T) {
func set(_ loader: @escaping ()->T) {
_value = nil
self.loader = loader
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jpmcglone commented Dec 31, 2019


// 1a. Lazy property wrapper
@Lazy var x = "ABC"

print(x) // ABC, evaluated
print(x) // ABC, non-evaluated
print(x) // ABC, non-evaluated

// 1b. LazyMutable property wrapper
@LazyMutable var xx = "ABC"

print(xx) // ABC, evaluated
print(xx) // ABC, non-evaluated
print(xx) // ABC, non-evaluated

xx = "XYZ"

print(xx) // XYZ, evaluated
print(xx) // XYZ, non-evaluated
print(xx) // XYZ, non-evaluated

// 2. Lazy with closure
var y = Lazy {
  // Some evaluation code
  return "ABC"

print(y) // ABC, evaluated
print(y) // ABC, non-evaluated


print(y) // ABC, evaluated

// 3. Lazy Mutable, non-closure
var z = LazyMutable("ABC")

print(z) // ABC, evaluated
print(z) // ABC, non-evaluated


print(z) // ABC, evaluated
print(z) // ABC, non-evaluated
print(z) // ABC, non-evaluated

z = "XYZ" 

print(z) // XYZ, evaluated
print(z) // XYZ, non-evaluated


print(z) // XYZ, evaluated
print(z) // XYZ, non-evaluated

z.set {
  // Some evaluation code
  return "LMNOP"

print(z) // LMNOP, evaluated
print(z) // LMNOP, non-evaluated


print(z) // QRS, evaluated
print(z) // QRS, non-evaluated

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jpmcglone commented Dec 31, 2019

Here's a struct approach:

// MARK: - Property Wrappers / Structs
struct Lazy<T> {
  private var loader: (()->T)
  private var _value: T?
  var wrappedValue: T {
    mutating get { get() }

  init(_ loader: @autoclosure @escaping ()->T) {
    self.loader = loader

  init(wrappedValue: T) {

  mutating func get() -> T {
    _value = _value ?? loader()
    return _value!

  mutating func reset() {
    _value = nil

struct LazyMutable<T> {
  private var loader: (()->T)
  private var _value: T?
  var wrappedValue: T {
    mutating get { get() }
    set { set(newValue) }

  init(_ loader: @autoclosure @escaping ()->T) {
    self.loader = loader

  init(wrappedValue: T) {

  mutating func get() -> T {
    _value = _value ?? loader()
    return _value!

  mutating func set(_ loader: @autoclosure @escaping ()->T) {
    _value = nil
    self.loader = loader

  mutating func reset() {
    _value = nil

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