This widget displays the current time as a 12-hour clock.
Open a shell and run this command from the root of your dashing project:
dashing install 6e2f80b4812c5b9474f3
Place the code below in one of your dashboard files.
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
<div data-view="TwelveHourClock"></div>
@nigelhorne I think the message you received was a general one output by the dashing command. If you look more closely, it says to edit the Gemfile and run bundle install "if needed." Admittedly, the wording is confusing, but changing those files isn't necessary for this widget. If you check the widgets folder, you should see a "twelve_hour_clock" directory with 3 files in it. If those are present, the command ran successfully.