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Created April 27, 2011 12:46
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parse arbitrary text
#parse a newline deliminated document that has an uppercase
#primary 'header' and several lines of secondary 'items'
Function Parse-Document{
$text = gc $path
foreach($line in $text){
if(IsUpperCase $line){
#"Primary: $line";
$spec = new-object PSObject -property @{ Primary = $line; Secondary = @() }
[string]$current = $foreach.Current
#"Secondary: $current";
$spec.Secondary+= $current;
}while( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($foreach.current) -eq $false )
Function IsUppercase{
#[bool]$upper; #to hold return value
[string]$pattern = "[a-z]"; #variable to hold the search pattern
[Regex]$AllCaps = new-object Regex($pattern);
$upper = $false;
$upper = $true;
$info = Parse-Document .\phy_specialties.txt
foreach($i in $info){
"primary = new Primary(){ Name = `"$($i.Primary)`" };"
"secondaries = new List<Secondary>();"
foreach($sec in $i.Secondary){
secondaries.Add(new Secondary()
Name = `"$($sec)`"
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