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Created September 24, 2009 07:08
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package fr.inria.gforge.amazones.protocols.model
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.Spec
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
class DirectedGraphSpec extends Spec with ShouldMatchers {
describe("A simple directed graph") {
val dg = new DirectedGraph(
Set("s0", "s1", "s2"),
EdgeNode("s0", "a", "s1"),
EdgeNode("s1", "c", "s1"),
EdgeNode("s1", "b", "s2")
it("should be well constructed") {
dg.vertices should have size (3)
dg.edges should have size (3)
dg.edgeValues should (have size (3) and contain("a") and contain("b") and contain("c"))
dg.outgoing("s0") should (have size (1) and contain(EdgeNode("s0", "a", "s1")))
dg.neighbors("s0") should (have size (1) and contain("s1"))
dg.predecessors("s0") should be('empty)
dg.outgoing("s1") should (have size (2) and contain(EdgeNode("s1", "c", "s1")))
dg.neighbors("s2") should be('empty)
dg.incoming("s1") should (have size (2) and contain(EdgeNode("s0", "a", "s1")))
dg.predecessors("s1") should (have size (2) and contain("s0") and contain("s1"))
it("should be comparable to another graph") {
val otherSame = new DirectedGraph(
Set("s0", "s1", "s2"),
EdgeNode("s0", "a", "s1"),
EdgeNode("s1", "c", "s1"),
EdgeNode("s1", "b", "s2")
val otherDifferent = new DirectedGraph(
Set("s0", "s1"),
EdgeNode("s0", "a", "s1"),
EdgeNode("s1", "b", "s1"),
dg should equal (otherSame)
dg should not equal (otherDifferent)
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