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Last active January 23, 2020 16:08
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Google App Script ( to automatically archive or delete emails. I use it to manage email from lists that I don't want to unsubscribe from but I want to prevent from building up forever in my inbox. Add a trigger to have it run every day. It emails me a summary of its actions, and it deletes old copies of that email!
var totalCount = 0;
// Entry point must be named doGet for HTTP GET and doPost for HTTP POST
function doGet() {
return mailCleanup()
// Define mail filters, perform actions (archive or delete) on each one, send email report when done
function mailCleanup() {
var blastSenders = ['from:[email protected]',
'from:[email protected]',
'((from:hamilton lottery AND unfortunately) OR subject:"lottery entry received")];
var msg = 'Daily blasts older than 3 days:\n • ' + actOnMail('(' + blastSenders.join(' OR ') + ') AND in:inbox AND older_than:3d', 'delete')
msg += '\nSocial older than 30 days:\n • ' + actOnMail('category:social AND in:inbox AND older_than:30d', 'archive')
msg += '\nPromotions older than 30 days:\n • ' + actOnMail('category:promotions AND in:inbox AND older_than:30d', 'delete')
msg += '\nUpdates older than 14 days:\n • ' + actOnMail('category:updates AND in:inbox AND older_than:14d', 'archive')
GmailApp.sendEmail('[YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HERE]', 'Mail Cleanup Report - ' + totalCount + ' messages cleaned', msg)
actOnMail('subject:"mail cleanup report" in:inbox older_than:5d', 'delete') // don't report on this one
return ContentService.createTextOutput(msg)
// Perform the actual gmail search and archive/delete resultset as requested
function actOnMail(filter, action) {
var maxThreads = 100
var msgCount = 0
while(true) {
var staleThreads =, 0, maxThreads)
msgCount += staleThreads.length
if(staleThreads.length > 0) {
Logger.log('Found ' + staleThreads.length.toString() + ' stale messages. Cleaning them now . . .')
var autoCleanedLabel = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("autocleaned")
case 'archive':
case 'delete':
Logger.log('Unknown action \'' + action + '\'! Ignoring it!')
} else {
totalCount += msgCount
var msg = msgCount.toString() + ' stale messages have been labeled \'autocleaned\' and ' + action + 'd.'
return msg
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