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Created July 12, 2013 11:45
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AW_fnc_findSpace function, created to allow Side Mission and Priority Target developers the freedom to select specific areas of a map without needing to write their own functions.
File: fn_findSpace.sqf
Author: Rarek [AW]
| A simple way to find empty space using a series of parameters.
| Designed for Side Mission / Priority Target creators who wish
| to easily find space without having to faff around with findSafePos,
| randomPos and isFlatEmpty.
| As a way to force the I&A 3 design, developers using this function
| cannot search for a position within a specific area and must instead
| search across the entirety of the game map.
| 0 - Area (String)
| // treat this as "must be in/on X"
| - "water" // ignores "must be flat" bool
| - "shore"
| - "land"
| - "civilisation"
| - "anywhere"
| 1 - Must be flat? (Bool|Optional)
| Default FALSE
| // essential for artillery pieces etc
| 2 - Empty space needed radius (Object OR Integer OR classname|Optional)
| Default 1
| // If object, gets size and finds relevant empty space
| // Otherwise, it'll just find an empty space with the
| // radius given.
| // Useful for spawning large buildings when size is unknown
| Single position in format [x,y,z] (Array)
| _pos = ["inland", TRUE, "O_Mortar_className_F"] call AW_fnc_findSpace;
| _pos = ["water"] call AW_fnc_findSpace;
| _pos = ["anywhere", FALSE, 50] call AW_fnc_findSpace;
private ["_this", "_area", "_gradient", "_radius"];
if ((count _this) < 1) exitWith { diag_log "Find space function not given AREA parameter. Exiting script."; };
_area = _this select 0;
_gradient = if ((count _this) > 1 && (_this select 1)) then { 0.3 } else { 2000 };
_radius = if ((count _this) > 2) then
if ((typeName (_this select 2)) == "OBJECT") then
getPos (_this select 2)
} else {
(_this select 2)
} else {
_pos = [];
_validPos = false;
while {!_validPos} do
_validPos = true;
switch (_area) do
case "water": { _pos = [[], 0, -1, _radius, 2, 2000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; };
case "shore": { _pos = [[], 0, -1, _radius, 1, _gradient, 1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; };
case "land": { _pos = [[], 0, -1, _radius, 0, _gradient, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; };
case "civilisation": { /* to be created :D */ };
case "anywhere": { _pos = [[], 0, -1, _radius, 1, _gradient, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; };
default {};
if ((_x distance _pos) < 1000) exitWith { _validPos = false; };
} forEach playableUnits;
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