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C++11/14 Thread Pool
// Pool.h
#ifndef Tools_Thread_Pool_h
#define Tools_Thread_Pool_h
// ================================================================================ Standard Includes
// Standard Includes
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <queue>
#include <functional>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <future>
namespace Thread
// ============================================================================ Pool
// Pool
// A basic thread pool
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Pool
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Types
using Mutex_t = std::recursive_mutex;
using Unique_Lock_t = std::unique_lock< Mutex_t >;
using Condition_t = std::condition_variable_any;
using Threads_t = std::vector< std::thread >;
using Task_Function_t = std::function < void() >;
using Task_Queue_t = std::queue < Task_Function_t >;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- State
Threads_t _threads;
Task_Queue_t _task_queue;
Mutex_t _queue_mutex;
Condition_t _pool_notifier;
bool _should_stop_processing;
bool _is_emergency_stop;
bool _is_paused;
// ==================================================================== Constructors / Destructors
// Constructors / Destructors
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Construct ( max threads )
: Pool( std::thread::hardware_concurrency() )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Construct ( thread count )
Pool( const std::size_t thread_count )
: _should_stop_processing( false ),
_is_emergency_stop ( false ),
_is_paused ( false )
// Sanity
if( thread_count == 0 )
throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: Thread::Pool() -- must have at least one thread");
// Init pool
_threads.reserve( thread_count );
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i )
_threads.emplace_back( [this](){ Worker(); } );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Deleted
Pool ( const Pool & source ) = delete;
Pool & operator=( const Pool & source ) = delete;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Destruct
// Set stop flag
Unique_Lock_t queue_lock( _queue_mutex );
_should_stop_processing = true;
// Wake up all threads and wait for them to exit
for( auto & task_thread: _threads )
if( task_thread.joinable() )
// ==================================================================== Public API
// Public API
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Accessors
decltype( _threads.size() ) Thread_Count() const { return _threads.size(); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Add_Simple_Task()
template < typename Lambda_t >
void Add_Simple_Task( Lambda_t && function )
// Add to task queue
Unique_Lock_t queue_lock( _queue_mutex );
// Sanity
if( _should_stop_processing || _is_emergency_stop )
throw std::runtime_error( "ERROR: Thread::Pool::Add_Simple_Task() - attempted to add task to stopped pool" );
// Add our task to the queue
_task_queue.emplace( std::forward< Lambda_t >(function) );
// Notify the pool that there is work to do
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Add_Task()
template < typename Function_t,
typename... Args >
auto Add_Task( Function_t && function,
Args &&... args )
-> std::future< typename std::result_of< Function_t(Args...) >::type >
// Types
using return_t = typename std::result_of< Function_t(Args...) >::type;
// Create packaged task
auto task = std::make_shared< std::packaged_task< return_t() > >
std::forward< Function_t >( function ),
std::forward< Args >( args )...
std::future< return_t > result = task->get_future();
// Add task to queue
Unique_Lock_t queue_lock( _queue_mutex );
// Sanity
if( _should_stop_processing || _is_emergency_stop )
throw std::runtime_error( "ERROR: Thread::Pool::Add_Task() - attempted to add task to stopped pool" );
// Add our task to the queue
_task_queue.emplace( [task](){ (*task)(); } );
// Notify the pool that there is work to do
return result;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Emergency_Stop()
void Emergency_Stop()
Unique_Lock_t queue_lock( _queue_mutex );
_is_emergency_stop = true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pause()
void Pause( bool pause_state )
Unique_Lock_t queue_lock( _queue_mutex );
_is_paused = pause_state;
// ==================================================================== Private API
// Private API
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- Worker()
void Worker()
while( true )
Task_Function_t task;
// Scoped waiting / task-retrieval block
// Wait on tasks or 'stop processing' flags
Unique_Lock_t queue_lock( _queue_mutex );
{ return (!_task_queue.empty() && !_is_paused)
|| _should_stop_processing
|| _is_emergency_stop; }
// Bail when stopped and no more tasks remain,
// or if an emergency stop has been requested.
if( (_should_stop_processing && _task_queue.empty())
|| _is_emergency_stop )
// Retrieve next task
task = std::move( _task_queue.front() );
// Execute task
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