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    A Letter to My Earlier, 'Too Early' Self:
    Finding Investor-Market Fit

In 2019, I had my best idea. Now, in 2025, after countless pitch meetings, I've come to a fundamental realization about venture capital and innovation that I wish I'd known then —

there is an ocean of difference between disruption and transformation:

jrapoport /
Last active December 26, 2024 05:33
How to use different ssh deploy keys for multiple private github repositories with Golang Modules (go mod)

How to use different ssh deploy keys for multiple private github repositories with Go Modules

Let's assume you are using Go Modules and have a go.mod file that contains multiple private repos each with a different ssh key. How can you get go mod download to do the right thing -- i.e. use ssh key A with private repo A and ssh key B with private repo B?

Ok, here we go!

Let's assume you have some user with multiple private repos: