- CSS preprocessor
- In house tool
- Maintained by ourselves and new features had to be compiled built and run
- Adding linting of JS
- Added minifiction of assets
- Introduced Grunt: hardcoded paths, hardcoded modules
- Migrated existing tasks
- Adding CSS linting with RECESS
- Added watching for CSS, PHP and JS
- Developed Grunt plugin to run our cukes
- Added cucumber tests
- Added JS test runner for Mocha with PhantomJS
- Added PHP Documentation generation with Sami
- Added JS complexity analysis with Plato
- Added RequireJS optimiser
- Lots more paths requires to map modules to file system
- Generation of fixtures with grunt-contrib-replace
- Image minification
- JS Templates moved out of HTML and into JS - compiled as part of RequireJS using grunt-contrib-jst
- Migrated to use matchdep - no more hardcoded grunt plugins!
- Removing all paths and using variables instead
- Extracted all paths to configuration objects to allow easier mondification in the future
- Migrated our CI build to use Grunt to build static assets
- Introduction of Bower to manager our external front-end assets
- Adding SourceMaps
- Adding LiveReload
- Migration of Mocha to standalone server - reduced configuration