July 17, 2018 17:02
Save jredville/c091c07990fbb26fb61da19f028c8a98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
[user] | |
name = Jim Deville | |
email = [email protected] | |
[merge] | |
keepBackup = false | |
[github] | |
user = jredville | |
[color] | |
ui = true | |
[color "branch"] | |
current = yellow reverse | |
local = yellow | |
remote = green | |
[color "diff"] | |
meta = yellow bold | |
frag = magenta bold | |
old = red | |
new = green | |
[alias] | |
# add | |
a = add # add | |
chunkyadd = add --patch # stage commits chunk by chunk | |
# via | |
snapshot = !git stash save "snapshot: $(date)" && git stash apply "stash@{0}" | |
snapshots = !git stash list --grep snapshot | |
#via | |
recent-branches = !git for-each-ref --count=15 --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(refname:short)' | |
# branch | |
b = branch -v # branch (verbose) | |
# commit | |
c = commit -m # commit with message | |
ca = commit -am # commit all with message | |
ci = commit # commit | |
amend = commit --amend # ammend your last commit | |
ammend = commit --amend # ammend your last commit | |
# checkout | |
co = checkout # checkout | |
nb = checkout -b # create and switch to a new branch (mnemonic: "git new branch branchname...") | |
# cherry-pick | |
cp = cherry-pick -x # grab a change from a branch | |
# diff | |
d = diff # diff unstaged changes | |
dc = diff --cached # diff staged changes | |
last = diff HEAD^ # diff last committed change | |
# log | |
l = log --graph --date=short | |
changes = log --pretty=format:\"%h %cr %cn %Cgreen%s%Creset\" --name-status | |
short = log --pretty=format:\"%h %cr %cn %Cgreen%s%Creset\" | |
simple = log --pretty=format:\" * %s\" | |
shortnocolor = log --pretty=format:\"%h %cr %cn %s\" | |
tree = log --graph --oneline --decorate | |
ls = log --pretty='format:%C(yellow)%h %C(cyan)%ad%Cred%d %Creset%s%C(bold blue) [%cn]' --decorate --date=relative | |
ll = log --pretty='format:%C(yellow)%h %C(cyan)%ci%Cred%d %Creset%s%C(bold blue) [%cn]' --decorate --numstat | |
lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Creset -%C(red)%d%Creset %s %C(cyan)(%cr) %C(bold blue)[%cn]%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative | |
# pull | |
pl = pull # pull | |
# push | |
ps = push # push | |
# rebase | |
rc = rebase --continue # continue rebase | |
rs = rebase --skip # skip rebase | |
# remote | |
r = remote -v # show remotes (verbose) | |
# reset | |
unstage = reset HEAD # remove files from index (tracking) | |
uncommit = reset --soft HEAD^ # go back before last commit, with files in uncommitted state | |
filelog = log -u # show changes to a file | |
mt = mergetool # fire up the merge tool | |
# stash | |
ss = stash # stash changes | |
sl = stash list # list stashes | |
sa = stash apply # apply stash (restore changes) | |
sd = stash drop # drop stashes (destory changes) | |
# status | |
s = status # status | |
st = status # status | |
stat = status # status | |
# tag | |
t = tag -n # show tags with <n> lines of each tag message | |
# svn helpers | |
svnr = svn rebase | |
svnd = svn dcommit | |
svnl = svn log --oneline --show-commit | |
[format] | |
pretty = format:%C(blue)%ad%Creset %C(yellow)%h%C(green)%d%Creset %C(blue)%s %C(magenta) [%an]%Creset | |
[mergetool] | |
prompt = false | |
[merge] | |
summary = true | |
verbosity = 1 | |
[apply] | |
whitespace = nowarn | |
[branch] | |
autosetupmerge = true | |
[push] | |
# 'git push' will push the current branch to its tracking branch | |
# the usual default is to push all branches | |
default = upstream | |
[core] | |
autocrlf = false | |
editor = vim | |
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore | |
[advice] | |
statusHints = false | |
[diff] | |
# Git diff will use (i)ndex, (w)ork tree, (c)ommit and (o)bject | |
# instead of a/b/c/d as prefixes for patches | |
mnemonicprefix = true | |
algorithm = patience | |
[rerere] | |
# Remember my merges | |
# | |
enabled = true | |
[filter "lfs"] | |
clean = git-lfs clean %f | |
smudge = git-lfs smudge %f | |
required = true | |
[credential] | |
helper = store |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
# OSX taken from: | |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
.DS_Store | |
# Thumbnails | |
._* | |
# Files that might appear on external disk | |
.Spotlight-V100 | |
.Trashes | |
# Windows taken from: | |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Windows image file caches | |
Thumbs.db | |
# Folder config file | |
Desktop.ini | |
# Tags taken from: | |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Ignore tags created by etags, ctags, gtags (GNU global) and cscope | |
TAGS | |
!TAGS/ | |
tags | |
!tags/ | |
.tags | |
.tags1 | |
gtags.files | |
cscope.files | |
cscope.out | | | |
cscope.po.out | |
# Vim taken from: | |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
[._]*.s[a-w][a-z] | |
[._]s[a-w][a-z] | |
*.un~ | |
Session.vim | |
.netrwhist | |
*~ | |
# SASS | |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
.sass-cache |
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